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One Punch Man - the anime TV series - is about to air. We here on GeekNights have watched one episode (poorly subtitled and badly bootlegged) to confirm that it is everything you could ever have hoped it to be. Descender (Jeff Lemire) is out, as it the latest Saga trade. Rym and Emily are deeply into the surprisingly human Bojack Horseman. Tons of old Streamline dubs of 90s OAVs like 8 Man After are just hanging out on youtube.
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Also, you guys were wrong about how saving anime works. Sure, Kill la Kill saved anime when it was on, but anime always needs to be saved. Which is why we should be excited for One-Punch Man to save anime for the fall season.
Bojack would not have lived if it was actually broadcasted on a network because you have to watch the whole thing at once to really like it. And I lost all the sympathies I had for Bojack with the end of Season 2.
To put into perspective, We Bare Bears and Rick and Morty have had single episodes that have way more emotional punch and character development than BOTH seasons of Bojack Horseman
I'll be looking forward to One Punch Man.
... and I'll whisper "desu."