Watching the competitive mode explanation video just makes it sound like people wanted to know how big their dick is compared to other players.
It will be interesting, but honestly, I can't really see myself playing much of it. It's just not what I'm coming to overwatch for, really. I don't object, it's just not really my first port of call.
Just had a 34 kill match on Nepal with Mei. I think I'm finally getting the hang of her ability set. She's a bit awkward to play (fitting her character perfectly) but when you manage to deploy your icewalls and your self-heal blocks just right and hit a couple icicle shots you are a near-unstoppable force.
Mei was at one point my least played character of all, but I think I'll play a lot more of her in the future.
I play SoliderDad brawl last night. I got called out for not pulling weight. Dude was not a ass about it either. So I put on my big boy pants and we won the overall match.
I realized that in Ilios with the control point that has the well in the middle, you can get out as Lucio. I just kept going around and around. It was wonderful.
I love when I'm playing Zarya and I hit max charge & am melting my foes. But almost inevitably, Mercy abandons me unannounced to look after someone else, and my shields being as transient as they are, I die & lose all my firepower. There was one time the Mercy did not abandon me, but nearly the entire opposing team abandoned the objective to chase us into a dark corner of King's row. (Admittedly, I panicked and got stuck on pixels. She probably should have abandoned me, but not sure it would have helped.) Sadly, the rest of my team did not capitalize on their absence.
That said, if there is a Zarya on your team, try to have at least one other normal-speed friendly (i.e. not genji, tracer) near them. A lonely Zarya is a sad Zarya.
Also, if someone throws blizzard & I am Zarya, I will try to shield someone. But that bubble will not hold through the whole blizzard, so I am buying you seconds, at best, to gtfo.
Saving people from Mei is a great feeling. I love shielding a squishy with a Mei/Winston on them and then rushing in so I can tank and melt their face.
I am finally able to effectively counter a hard Winston rush as D.Va. Gotta fly straight up, snap down, melee that fucker as you're landing. Works every time (unless you miss).
Against many weapons D.Va's huge amount of armor does little as she also has huge critbox, but she can take a ton of damage against Winston. At least from his tesla gun. If I play as a Winston and D.Va comes to cause trouble I probably get out.
The trouble was that I've seen a decent strategy of sending two Winstons (and sometimes a Mei) to rush the car and get you off of it. D.Va trying to stand on the point and tank it is a rapid death, but leaving to flank lets it keep rolling, possibly losing the game.
Boost up, immediate vertical 180, melee (which causes stagger), then stream of headshots on one of them. Assume the team will handle the other one.
Bastion appears to be the premier Winston counter - if you see him early in the jump, he's dead before hitting the ground. I wonder if you could boost into one of the Winstons mid-jump to prevent them from landing on the point?
Mei was at one point my least played character of all, but I think I'll play a lot more of her in the future.
So I put on my big boy pants and we won the overall match.
That said, if there is a Zarya on your team, try to have at least one other normal-speed friendly (i.e. not genji, tracer) near them. A lonely Zarya is a sad Zarya.
Also, if someone throws blizzard & I am Zarya, I will try to shield someone. But that bubble will not hold through the whole blizzard, so I am buying you seconds, at best, to gtfo.
Boost up, immediate vertical 180, melee (which causes stagger), then stream of headshots on one of them. Assume the team will handle the other one.
I wonder if you could boost into one of the Winstons mid-jump to prevent them from landing on the point?
I wish there was an English translation of that Korean vid.
3 hours later...
Enjoying playing most of the characters. Weird how much damage the tanks can do when you have a Mercy and Symmetra shielding and healing you.