Today, April 30th, is Scott's birthday. He's 25 which makes him a very old man. I, his brother, have joined the forums today in honor of this ooooccasion.
Damn, that's a lot better glassware than I ever had in a home kit. That's nearly better than the glassware at U of L.
When I was at UK many years ago, I used to buy glassware from the chemistry lab for "funny" coffee mugs and such. A one liter beaker makes a GREAT coffee mug! When I took a couple of chemistry classes at U of L just a couple of years ago, they wouldn't let you buy anything without all kinds of proof that you desperately needed it for an assigned lab. They said they were trying to prevent meth lab types from acquiring equipment, but I think they were just being dicks.
It needed to be said.
You don't want any? Well, more for me. Happy Birthday old man!
/raises mug of grape juice.
When I was at UK many years ago, I used to buy glassware from the chemistry lab for "funny" coffee mugs and such. A one liter beaker makes a GREAT coffee mug! When I took a couple of chemistry classes at U of L just a couple of years ago, they wouldn't let you buy anything without all kinds of proof that you desperately needed it for an assigned lab. They said they were trying to prevent meth lab types from acquiring equipment, but I think they were just being dicks.
Hehehe... teh AWO vs. Geeknights pic.
*Has no gift*
Oh no!
*Digs through photobucket*
I present to you the greatest pic in the history of mankind.
It takes me a little while, but I'll get it done. ^^ I'm glad you like my pictures.