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  • ...

    How to get those things at 12am! It's a last minute college project mood right now.
  • Hmmmm....

    Shotgun Red Bull?
  • What you need, my friend, is a Dieci.
  • That is like the inverse of an Americano. Instead of a 1:10 espresso ratio, it is a 10:1! Or just under one gramme of caffeine to your system. (One espresso= 77 milligrammes*10)
  • Druggies.

    I like having a cheap coffee (usually regular or iced american) in the morning, but will make myself a cappuccino when I have time. In the evenings an espresso is best enjoyed amongst friends.

    Also, Aztec Mocha. Or Vietnamese Coffee. Or Turkish Coffee.
  • I think I hit the Wall last night. I had my standard Diet Coke at 1:30, and by 2:00 I was yawning so bad I thought my jaw was about to pop off. I had some fruit at 3:30 so that helped, but I dunno how I managed to make it through the night, or how I'm gonna handle tonight.
  • how I'm gonna handle tonight.
    Eurobeat, at high volume.
  • how I'm gonna handle tonight.
    Eurobeat, at high volume.
    Watch Initial D.
  • I love caffeine, but I try to use it as a drug and not just any time I'm thirsty. I don't drink coffee because to me it tastes like shit, but I do drink energy drinks on occasion. I really only use them when I need to stay alert or wake up more easily. I know people who drink caffeinated things like they are water and I don't want be addicts like them. One funny thing about me is that caffeine sometimes relaxes me. I mean I'm more alert but I just feel better and more at ease, unless I take too much. I remember one day It was the last day of the semester and I had a project to do by the end of the day so I had a couple energy drinks and I probably had taken almost 400mg of caffeine in about a 1 hour period. I was tweaking thats for sure.
  • edited March 2011
    I was tweaking thats for sure.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • pretty much
  • I love caffeine, but I try to use it as a drug and not just any time I'm thirsty. I don't drink coffee because to me it tastes like shit, but I do drink energy drinks on occasion. I really only use them when I need to stay alert or wake up more easily. I know people who drink caffeinated things like they are water and I don't want be addicts like them.
    I generally feel the opposite about coffee vs. energy drinks. Can't stand the taste of them. But I rarely drink more than 1-2 cups a day. I used to be a coffee fiend.
  • I love caffeine, but I try to use it as a drug and not just any time I'm thirsty. I don't drink coffee because to me it tastes like shit, but I do drink energy drinks on occasion. I really only use them when I need to stay alert or wake up more easily. I know people who drink caffeinated things like they are water and I don't want be addicts like them.
    I generally feel the opposite about coffee vs. energy drinks. Can't stand the taste of them. But I rarely drink more than 1-2 cups a day. I used to be a coffee fiend.
    I don't like a lot of energy drinks but there are some I really like. I don't like Redbull, Monster and NOS are ok but Full Throttle is my favorite so far since it doesn't taste as much like an energy drink and it has more caffeine than most. I generally don't buy energy drinks all that much since so many of them are overpriced and I really just want the caffeine. I'd rather pay $5 for a box of caffeine pills that will last me a long time than more than $3 for a drink equal to one pill and that tastes like ass.
  • The taste of Monster is horrifying to me. It's like drinking a Jolly Rancher.
  • Still can't beat V. Fuckin' delicious.
  • Gonna be overdosing on caffeine today because I've had about 4 hours of sleep in the past two days. Should be fun.
  • I don't drink coffee because to me it tastes like shit
    Fuck You. Coffee tastes awesome.

    Bro tip: Crumble up a NoDoz or, better yet, a Vivarin into a large mug of coffee. Two or three of those can really help during those tough times.
  • I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to Full Throttle, but it's not the cafferine I like it's the taste.
  • Anyone remember Krank-2-O? It was caffeinated bottled water. I used to drink that stuff at times back in college and even considered mixing it with concentrated grapefruit juice to get even more of a caffeine buzz (supposedly the chemical in grapefruit juice that gives it a bitter taste slows down your body's ability to metabolize caffeine, resulting in a longer "high"). Frankly, it didn't taste that good -- it was more bitter than your average bottle of water, or at least I thought it was. Still, it worked in a pinch.
  • Bro tip: Crumble up a NoDoz or, better yet, a Vivarin into a large mug of coffee. Two or three of those can really help during those tough times.
    Or grind it up and rub it on your gums like cocaine. I wouldn't snort it, I can't imagine that being very pleasant. Really take it any way you want and you'll get the right effect.
  • I'm all about the coffee when I study; it helps me focus. However, you wouldn't believe the amount of kids at my school who don't drink coffee while studying but aren't above popping a few Adderall for a 48hr cram session.
  • However, you wouldn't believe the amount of kids at my school who don't drink coffee while studying but aren't above popping a few Adderall for a 48hr cram session.
    I've done Adderall a couple times for that reason but never more than 10 or 15 mg. My former roommate has a script and he takes that shit way too much. He lied to get it so its not like he needs it. He would take it all the time and have trouble sleeping because of it and then have to take sleeping pills and then more Adderall in the morning to wake up. I don't think eh was addicted but he took that shit way too much in my opinion. I think I'll stick to caffeine for the most part. It works just fine, its cheap, and you don't have to break a law to get it.
  • Back in university I would drink coffee, however nowadays I really can't handle it well. If I drink it in the afternoon or later (including coke), I have trouble falling asleep.

    I do love putting a splash of coffee in with my hot chocolate.
  • Speaking of Adderall, I'm probably going to get a prescription next week. As I've said many other times: Fuck ADHD.
  • I really find myself wanting something that would keep me awake for a couple of days with out frying my brain. Saying that I feel I might have to go cold turkey on caffeine so I can get the low tolerance again. Its gotten to the point where I can have a coffee half an hour before bed and be out like a light.
  • I really find myself wanting something that would keep me awake for a couple of days with out frying my brain.
    keep me awake for a couple of days
    That's a Bad Idea. Take it from the student whose only sleep has been four two-hour naps in the past four days.
  • Man, ADHD is awesome. It's like a super power. I read four things on the internet at the same time. I find it very satisfying.
  • AmpAmp
    edited March 2011
    That's a Bad Idea
    Blah sleep just keeps on getting in the way of things these days.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • edited March 2011
    I really find myself wanting something that would keep me awake for a couple of days with out frying my brain.
    Well, Adderall won't fry your brain. But, after 48 hours you'll be spun due to the stimulant being unable to overcome your sleep deprivation and you'll crash really hard.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Well, Adderall won't fry your brain.
    I thought it fucked up non-ADD people slowly over time?
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