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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • Me in the foreground.
  • Me in the foreground.
    You're a fallen tree now?
  • Was going to say the same thing. That or you're some string.
  • Was going to say the same thing. That or you're some string.
    THAT WAS MY BACKUP JOKE. WHY!? I was going to use that when Andrew replied with "No". You thief! Just look at it, it has my names all scribbled over it with permanent marker.
  • Serious paintball. Ahh~! I miss paintballing.
  • Haters gonna hate.
  • I don't think I've posted here... so here is a picture Apreche took of me at MAGfest
    And here are two self-portrait projects of mine.

    This is the core of my second electronic self portrait. I wear the device under my clothing, with the buttons in each palm, and plug myself into the wall, in view of the audience. Every interaction in which they shake my hand and speak to me generates a sequence of square-wave tones or pre-recorded phonemes, mirroring their sound pattern.
    The experience of wearing the device is difficult, as I neither allow myself to speak or gesture in any manner, nor explain the function to the audience. Being tethered to the wall hints that my reliance on technology for imperfect communication restrains my autonomy.

    This egg-shaped object glows in a manner intended to simulate the psychological effects of nearness and physical contact on conscious beings. Additionally, once left alone, the object slowly "forgets".
  • I barely understand what you're trying to do with that, but it's clearly some mad genius shit. Very cool.
  • Great picture, Creamsteak.

  • Creamsteak going HAM
  • edited August 2012
    He's cosplaying as Evil Scootaloo, who stole Fluttershy's Cutie Mark.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Took this a couple days ago in Beverly Hills.
  • I'd go for slightly bigger sunglasses - as a chap with a larger head myself, it generally looks much better. Doesn't matter if it's just longer rectangles, or you do as I do and go for the full-on Aviators, I recon you'd do a bit better with bigger glasses.
  • So, I went to a costume party, there was one rule for costumes though: they had to be as offensive as possible.

    Did I do it right? :D
  • "James Earl Jones did blackface!"
    "James Earl Jones is a BLACK MAN!"
  • So this is me before shaving and after swimming for about 1 hour.


    This is me after shaving and about to go to sleep while watching Downtown Abbey

  • Been a while since I been in here a few comments

    @vaguelyweird Love the blue streak in the hair, keep rocking that


    @Sonic I suggest getting some professional head shots with that look before you lose it

    @La Petit Mort WACKY SMACKY DO *Jazz hands*
  • Me hanging out with top kitten Special Agent Jack Bauer (we just call him Bauer)


    and this is a picture of him with his crazy eyes (also tie)

  • image

    Like cough syrup, those things taste.
  • I'd go for slightly bigger sunglasses - as a chap with a larger head myself, it generally looks much better. Doesn't matter if it's just longer rectangles, or you do as I do and go for the full-on Aviators, I recon you'd do a bit better with bigger glasses.
    I'm in the big head club, myself. It sucks because I really like John Lennon style round glasses, but just can't pull them off.
  • I'd go for slightly bigger sunglasses - as a chap with a larger head myself, it generally looks much better. Doesn't matter if it's just longer rectangles, or you do as I do and go for the full-on Aviators, I recon you'd do a bit better with bigger glasses.
    I'm in the big head club, myself. It sucks because I really like John Lennon style round glasses, but just can't pull them off.
    Try with a wider bridge, so that the arms are roughly level with your head, and slightly larger lenses. The lens size isn't the problem, really, the big problem is the frame - it looks odd when they're not level with the side of your head.

  • @vaguelyweird Love the blue streak in the hair, keep rocking that
    actually let it lapse while finishing up death school. been contemplating a ruby-red, but it's probably more maintenance than I care for. probably going to cut most of my hair off soon, so will wait until afterwards to avoid stylist tsk-ing.
  • image

    Timo and Luke eating the most awesome chocolate ice cream in Helsinki.
  • I like the sign with the smiling cone. The only thing that could make it better is if he was holding a cone and licking it cannibal style.
  • edited August 2012
    Timo and Luke eating the most awesome chocolate ice cream in Helsinki.
    Are both types the most awesome, or is there one to rule them all?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited August 2012
    Both are most awesome, mine is pure Sao Tome cocoa beans but Luke is a heretic and has added orange in his.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • OMG that sign is AWESOME!
  • Etsy is dangerous. It lets me indulge in my geekiest desires.

    I love these little guys from Wind Waker. Makar <3
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