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It's handegg season



  • I love trick plays. They are a part of the game and should be used when appropriate. Just when they are least expected. ::mad scientist fingers::
  • Trick plays are entertaining to watch, so that really adds to the spectator's enjoyment. They also tend to be high risk, high reward maneuvers. You use them when you are losing and desperate. If you notice, teams that win Super Bowls are the ones that play normal conservative football, and succeed at it. A trick play may win a game on occasion, but they don't win championships.
  • A trick play may win a game on occasion, but they don't win championships.
    Says you...
  • A trick play may win a game on occasion, but they don't win championships.
    Not sure if it counts as a trick play or not, but the surprise onside kick New Orleans did in the Super Bowl a couple years back probably did contribute to them winning the championship.
  • A trick play may win a game on occasion, but they don't win championships.
    Not sure if it counts as a trick play or not, but the surprise onside kick New Orleans did in the Super Bowl a couple years back probably did contribute to them winning the championship.
    Don't forget the Steelers in 2006. During the Superbowl, they had Antwaan Randle El toss a TD bomb while playing WR.

  • A trick play may win a game on occasion, but they don't win championships.
    Not sure if it counts as a trick play or not, but the surprise onside kick New Orleans did in the Super Bowl a couple years back probably did contribute to them winning the championship.
    Don't forget the Steelers in 2006. During the Superbowl, they had Antwaan Randle El toss a TD bomb while playing WR.
    Yes. Seattle will NEVER forget that Superbowl. Many are still on the bitter bus.
  • Watching the Seahawks vs. 49ers at the parents on their big TV tonight. So far, good game. So far we've made the 49ers waste 2 of their timeouts and get a delay of game from the loudness of the 12th man.
  • The Niners are just toying with the Seahawks. I mean, they haven't even put Montana in yet. Jeeze.
  • edited December 2012
    Damn it I was looking for the Seattle haterade I posted when they made it in at 7-9 and can not find it in the TotD thread...but yea go seahawks.

    Edit: Found it!


    Cheers to you Pete.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • G-Men suck. Don't deserve playoffs. Cory Webster was taking lots of heat, but it's the whole teams fault. The players doing a good job are few. The best is probably Weatherford (the punter), but he's getting a lot of practice.

    Also, this is the second greatest thing about handegg. Crazy rules, and smart people taking advantage of them!

    First greatest thing is, of course, fat guy gets the ball.
  • Playoffs bound! Woohoo!
  • edited December 2012

    Also, this is the second greatest thing about handegg. Crazy rules, and smart people taking advantage of them!
    And it's a Packer. Respect.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • edited December 2012
    They kept playing that Bud Light commercial last night with the 49ers fan. It was amusing.

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Hey, Ro. Please thank your SeaChickens for handing us the #2 seed in the NFC.

    It's not even close to reciprocity for the game the zebras gave you but it is a start.
  • Haters gonna hate.
  • Haters gonna not host a playoff game in the post season.
  • Haters gonna not host a playoff game in the post season.
    Technically they could still win the division, they injured 3 or 4 players to help Arizona to win a game.
  • It's probably unlikely because it is the Cardinals. :P It would be nice, though. Oh so nice if the 49ers lost.
  • If I have to hear one more line about how the Browns are a young team...

    At least go 6-10 this year :/
  • In all fairness, I picked the SeaChickens to win their division. I'm in a fantasy football league with a SeaChickens fan and a niners fan and we have a thing where we talk real football and smack talk and such.

    Needless to say that they laughed at me when I told them but they are not laughing anymore.

    As a football fan, I knew Russell Wilson was the good but I wasn't sure he could beat out Matt Flynn. Once I got word that Wilson got the gig, I instantly bought in to the SeaChickens.
  • edited December 2012

    Edit: You have to love that 90+yd run by Sherman for the TD when we blocked that field goal attempt by Akers. It's so hilarious because you can't see the block because the cameras assume that the kick would be good.

    Link to that video.

    Or the catch by Sherman in the endzone for the touchback.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I still giggle when I see the beast mode run. Lynch grabbing his balls at the end gets me every time...
  • I don't like the Cowboys, but I REALLY LIKE watching the Cowboys:image

    Also, bowl day! I have no idea how this Badgers game is going to go. We might win by 35. We might lose by 35. So much drama this last month!
  • Yeah I'm rooting Seahawks this post season.
  • edited January 2013
    Yeah I'm rooting Seahawks this post season.
    MY MAN!


    There Redskins game is going to be a nice head to head where everyone will be talking about ROTY of RG3 vs Russ Wilson.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Andrew Luck and now RG3 are no longer in the playoffs. Russell Wilson for ROTY or GTFO! It was a good game.

    Atlanta will be tough, but I think we got this.
  • Andrew Luck... no longer in the playoffs.
    You're welcome.
  • Andrew Luck and now RG3 are no longer in the playoffs. Russell Wilson for ROTY or GTFO! It was a good game.

    Atlanta will be tough, but I think we got this.
    Odds of you beating Atlanta are almost zero. I'm pretty sure rookie of the year awards are based solely on regular season accomplishments.
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