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It's handegg season



  • Odds of you beating Atlanta are almost zero. I'm pretty sure rookie of the year awards are based solely on regular season accomplishments.
    Bleacher Report disagrees. While the Seahawks, do not have an impressive road record, they are on fire. Browner is back, however Clemmons may have a torn ACL. Our defense is excellent at stopping the offense in their Red Zone.

    I'll bet you a Steam wishlist game on this, Scott.

    While the Falcons have a good record this season, they really didn't play against most of the top teams in the NFL.
  • I don't bet on things that are not extremely certain.
  • On the plus side, the Falcon's didn't have to rely upon replacement refs to win important games during the regular season.
  • edited January 2013
    On the plus side, the call was right:

    Along with if it wasn't for that game we wouldn't have had the real refs come back sooner.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Sure, whatever you have to tell yourself.
  • edited January 2013
    A) Call was right
    B) Also, the game caused the real refs to come back because the call was so obviously wrong

    It's like Seahawk fans are the second coming of Socrates.

    But in all seriousness, you really can't get any clearer than this:
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • That's what they say about sasquatch photos.
  • edited January 2013
    Odds of you beating Atlanta are almost zero.
    I don't bet on things that are not extremely certain.

    The only reasonable conclusion based on those 2 statements is that Scott does not bet. He waits for a chance to swindle the stupid or uninformed out of things. I do not find this out of keeping with things I already know. I just thought I'd point it out. =D

    I'm curious. At what point do you feel justified taking a bet? And how does leaving that confidence range influence how you play games? I can't imagine many games offering the types of odds you enjoy on a consistent basis.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • I don't bet because I do not want to risk losing real moneys.
  • I give the Seahawks a fighting chance, if only because the odds of winning any NFL game a very rarely (if ever) close to zero.
  • It's sad that RG3 hurt himself even more. I honestly blame that horrible fucking FedEx field for that last play which made the injury even worse. I cringe every time I see the replay.

    Also I blame that shitty field for the possible torn ACL of Chris Clemmons. We got Irvin to back him up.

    Also of course, everyone is talking about RG3 and not Russell Wilson and how well he performed last night. Seeing him come from behind Lynch to block for him for that TD was so beautiful. How can anyone not like that guy?
  • It's sad that RG3 hurt himself even more. I honestly blame that horrible fucking FedEx field for that last play which made the injury even worse. I cringe every time I see the replay.

    Also I blame that shitty field for the possible torn ACL of Chris Clemmons. We got Irvin to back him up.
    I remember when they made the same claims about the field at Gillette Stadium a few years back. After things got ridiculously bad, the Patriots called in an artificial turf company and replaced the natural field with artificial turf during the regular season in under two weeks. I wonder if they'll have to end up doing the same at FedEx Field. It's really, really hard to keep a natural grass field in playing shape over an entire football season if you live anywhere north of the Carolinas or something.
    Also of course, everyone is talking about RG3 and not Russell Wilson and how well he performed last night. Seeing him come from behind Lynch to block for him for that TD was so beautiful. How can anyone not like that guy?
    Actually, Sports Illustrated's Peter King now as Wilson listed as his preferred winner of Rookie of the Year.
  • The reason the natural turf fields get screwed up is because of all the games played on them. When the NFL teams aren't there they let high school and college teams play there. They have concerts on the fields. They used to not have so many events on the fields, but stadium owners want to make more money. The grass suffers.
  • The reason the natural turf fields get screwed up is because of all the games played on them. When the NFL teams aren't there they let high school and college teams play there. They have concerts on the fields. They used to not have so many events on the fields, but stadium owners want to make more money. The grass suffers.
    Very true. I forgot to take this into account as well, although this also contributed to Gillette Stadium's problems. However, the weather also plays a factor as cold northern winters aren't as conductive to the grass recovering after all the games, concerts, etc., as a nice southern climate. Southern stadiums have all the same stuff going on that northern stadiums do, but they aren't chewed up anywhere near as much due to the better growing climate.
  • After tonight, there will either be heavy drinking in my state, or a lot of pissed off fans...
  • To change the subject from professional football for a moment: ROLL TIDE
  • edited January 2013
    Okay, this game is just sad.

    This is a massacre.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Okay, this game is just sad.

    This is a massacre.
    Playoffs can't come soon enough. And increase it to 8 teams!
  • image
    I hate it when people preface a joke with "in all seriousness."
  • Nate Silver makes his predictions. I think he's jinxing it!
    I am just waiting for the day that this guy uses his powers for evil. Will make for a great movie.

  • Saying that the Patriots will be in the Super Bowl this year is evil enough (Even though I think he is correct).
  • Saying that the Patriots will be in the Super Bowl this year is evil enough (Even though I think he is correct).
    I'm picking them to WIN. How about them apples?

  • The only apple on that cart I don't like is the Packers. They are the only AFC team I think can stop the Patriots.

    Before the Seachicken fans say anything, you've never been there before while the Packers have. Ask any player, coach, personnel man, anyone if the SUper Bowl is just another game and they'll all tell you, "No.".
  • the Packers. They are the only AFC team
    You mean NFC?
  • edited January 2013
    I did. Derp on me. Unlike Ryan Tannehill (QB of the AFC team I'm a fan of, the Miami Dolphins), I know the divisions and who plays in all of them.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
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