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Things of your day



  • *cute redhead musician*
    SOMEDAY, I shall buy and learn how to use those pedals, then I shall make beautiful music like her.
  • So I already posted this over in Booh yah. But it is such an awesome thing I feel that it is my "thing of your day"


    I guess I should explain. Maybe yous guys should sit down. This here is gonna be a long story. It is going to ramble and in parts may not make sense and to tell the truth some of it, well most if it is not really relevant, but well fuck you Ima telling mah story.

    Well, it was Tuesday, and because of my home phone/cable/Internet supplier I am able to go to a Clearview Cinemas on Tuesdays for free (2 free tickets. 2 for Tuesdays! LOL!). On a whim I went to the theater at 7:30 pm to see if there was any tickets available for anything at all and surprisingly there were still tons of tickets left for all showings of all movies (most of the time all showings are sold out by 3-4 pm)! The Cthulhu smiled up at me from his sunken city and I procured tickets for Rise of the Planet of the Apes at 9:50 pm.

    My friend and I arrived at the theater around 9:30 and snagged some primo seats (center of a row, 5 rows from the back). Unfortunately (well in the long run fortunately!!! :) ) there was this annoying 4 year old girl sitting behind us and to the left who would not shut the fuck up! I would have just let this slide and tried my best to ignore this bratty, stupid and loud impudent little child but I really wanted to see this movie! After about 30 minuets into the movie I went to complain to the manager (I waited till a few people gotten up so the family would not know it was me complaining). I do not usually get up to complain because I do not want to miss anything going on in the movie, I would normally speak to the person myself but the father in this case was a very muscular man and was rather angry looking (and someone else had already said something to him and was promptly told to shut the fuck up and mind his own business).

    When I talked to the manager I was joined by some of the people who had gotten up as well. First we told him how the people in the theater tried to resolve it ourselves but were promptly and rather discourteously shot down and kinda of threatened. We then brought up the fact that this movie was rated PG-13 and it was definitely too scary for the brat, based on what she was saying/crying. Next it was pointed out that this movie started at 9:50pm!!! At 9:50 a 4 year old should be in bed!!! They should not be out in public at this time and at no point is it ok for a 4 year old should be in a movie theater at all!!! Well, unless it is some movie for kids or at least during the day. The manager agreed and said he would do something about it. We asked him to wait a few minutes to take care of it till we got back in and sat down.

    After we had all sat back down the theater kacho (weeaboo action right there! booh yah!) went in and talked to the parents. The mother took the child to the back by the door. However they were still rather close to my friend and I and the fucking horrible imp continued to make a racket, so I was forced to complain again. This time I did not give a fuck if the family saw me leave and I would have just talked to the mother and told her to step outside, but I had an idea....This time I asked for free tickets. The manger said they do not give free tickets when you got your tickets for free in the first place. I talked to him and explained I would not be asking normally but I again gave him the reasons I stated above. He thought about it for a few seconds and decided I was right and gave me two free tickets!!! I went back in and at some point the mother either wised the fuck up or someone else to her to GTFO and she was walking out as I walked back in. (PRAISE CHULHU!! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn) I was able to enjoy the end of the movie in peace.

    After I dropped my friend off I called this cute girl whom I had been "just friends" with for years and told her about the movie I had just seen and all that had happened. Then I asked her out on a movie date for sometime this week to use my free tickets. I knew that she would say yes, but I figured that she would want it to be "just as friends" since she wouldn't want to ruin our friendship. Well, I was right and she said yes. So I asked her, "Are we going out as 'just friends' to a movie, or will you let me take out out on a 'DATE' date because I have wanted to take our friendship to the next level for awhile now (this was a bold move. I could have shot our friendship in the foot here)." To my surprise she said she would love to go out on a real date!!

    So this annoying talkative 4 year old actually helped me out!!! I would not have gotten the free tickets (which gave me the idea to ask her out) and a semi interesting story to tell her. Sweet right? I wish I had thanked that stupid little monster and her even more brainless parents.


    YEAH BITCHES! :) :) Man I am so excited Im flippin tables up in this piece! (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻ If ya'll be a table you best watch yo self! Cause Imma flippity flop yo ass!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
  • I walked into a cdrawing commission thead on 4chan and everyone was clambering for my art.... they were chanting my trip code... Reciting the stories I told and post my previous drawings....

  • I walked into a cdrawing commission thead on 4chan and everyone was clambering for my art.... they were chanting my trip code... Reciting the stories I told and post my previous drawings....

    You sir now deserve a cookie. Or a hug. Or a cookie made from hugs!
  • I think a hug made from cookies would be a lot better than a cookie made from hugs.
  • I will try this on the weekend :D
  • Just be careful...
  • Saw on Post-It War's Facebook from Street Art Utopia. Awesome Post-it art:

    Click on image to enlarge:
  • Giant Goddamn Asterix and Obelix
    That is amazing.

  • The fact that there isn't more of these is a damn shame.
  • Oh hipsters you'd jump on any bandwagon.
  • That version of Mary Jane looks more like a fox than a human.
  • That version of Mary Jane looks more like a fox than a human.
    Jeez man next time put spoilers!!! In the next big story arc Mary Jane becomes a kitsune. Well Mary Jane is doing research for a new role. The new role is a period piece and to get an idea of what people dressed like and thought like. She goes up into her parents attic to get old family mementos, there she finds an old book that contains a family tree with pictures of each family member. She finds out that her family actually came from Japan like 4 generations ago!!! She also finds her great great Grandmother's diary and an amulet. She puts on the amulet and it turns her into a kitsune!!! Then she reads the diary and discovers that her great great grandmother was a kitsune too and was a hero in Japan. When she moved to America she married a white man and gave up being a hero. She decides to follow in her ancestor's footsteps and goes out and becomes a hero. Then while she is out adventuring she gets in trouble in a big fight and he comes and rescues her. They end up revealing their identities to each other. Later that night they go out for coffee in their civilian roles and at the end of the date they kiss! I know this because my Uncle's girlfriend's daughter's boyfriend works at Marvel
  • Does anyone know who that artist is? Despite his incredibly bizzarre method of sitting, the art is pretty damn good.
  • If that's legit marvel canon, then that's fucking retarded. And didn't he tell her years ago anyway? Or did that get retconed because of another "crisis" or whatever?
  • Tim's being silly. And it's DC that tends to have crises. Marvel runs with its silliness for the most part.
  • The 8bit one is more funny.
  • edited September 2011
    The 8bit one is more funny.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • I just ate a roast potato where an outer layer had split partially, creating a double crusted roast potato.
  • Pics or it didn't happen.
  • Pics or it didn't happen.
    I just ate a roast potato where an outer layer had split partially, creating a double crusted roast potato.
    I will support cutting open Omu to research this important issue though.
  • image
    Why do I find this so funny?
  • edited September 2011
    Why do I find this so funny?
    I hope so much he makes more of this. A lot more.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Why do I find this so funny?
    Because it's hilarious.
  • edited September 2011
    Picture from Riverfire the other night.
    There are plenty of firework photos, but you don't need to see more of those, we know what fireworks look like.
    Post edited by Churba on
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