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Things of your day



  • edited October 2011
    Wow, New Zealander's actually talk like that? Thas hilarious, bru.
    Well, some do. Some sound a little different, but it's a good enough broad impression.
    Wanna chup?
    Nah bro, I can't choo. Don' 'ave any teef bro. I only eat plinkton. I might look bug, but I can't choo.

    I remember the first time I watched Beached Az, I was stoned as, and burnt my tounge. Because I laughed so hard I inhaled the joint and nearly choked on the fuckin' thing.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Shark Pool. Not sure if real movie, but very funny trailer.

  • Shark Pool. Not sure if real movie, but very funny trailer.
    That's a fucking awesome joke trailer.
  • If it were real I'd watch the shit out of that movie.
  • Shark Pool. Not sure if real movie, but very funny trailer.
    That's a fucking awesome joke trailer.
    I was hedging my bets. When I saw The Human Centipede I presumed it was a joke trailer. I thought nobody would ever bother to make the full movie.
  • Shark Pool. Not sure if real movie, but very funny trailer.
    That's a fucking awesome joke trailer.
    I was hedging my bets. When I saw The Human Centipede I presumed it was a joke trailer. I thought nobody would ever bother to make the full movie.
    Even the Human Centipede 2 caught me off-guard. I was utterly baffled.
  • Shark Pool. Not sure if real movie, but very funny trailer.
    That's a fucking awesome joke trailer.
    I was hedging my bets. When I saw The Human Centipede I presumed it was a joke trailer. I thought nobody would ever bother to make the full movie.
    It's a parody of Shark Night 3D.
  • Shark Pool. Not sure if real movie, but very funny trailer.
    That's a fucking awesome joke trailer.
    I was hedging my bets. When I saw The Human Centipede I presumed it was a joke trailer. I thought nobody would ever bother to make the full movie.
    Even the Human Centipede 2 caught me off-guard. I was utterly baffled.
    They made a sequel?
  • They made a sequel?
    Yep. Key plot points: Six-man, and jerking off with a hand wrapped in barbed wire.
  • So my thing of the day is about my brother. I was reminded of while listening to an old Geeknights. They guys were talking about High School standardized tests. So for the written portion of of my brothers test he was shown a picture and told to write a story about it. The picture showed an old man and a little boy. He wrote about the old man being a child molester and he picked up the boy. However the little boy was a midget cop undercover. The cop beat up the molester. Because of this story the state required my brother to go to therapy if he wanted to graduate.
  • I still like the Antonio Banderas version better, but man's got skills.
  • video
    That's quite a lot of nostalgia you've got there.
  • That was fantastic. I can't wait to one day use the line, "How great for you. That must be so great."
  • I know that is a sketch, but I really was confused by how up-in-arms the American celebrities and (some of the) people were about Ricky at the golden globes. I mean, they hired Ricky Gervais to be Ricky Gervais, and then they complained when he did exactly what he does, and what they hired him for.
  • 50 Cats Straight Chillin'. I've seen a few of these already, but those are some chillax cats. My favorite is:

  • Nose Gear? We don't need no steenking nose gear!
  • 50 Cats Straight Chillin'.
    My only regret is that I have... Boneitis
  • I do believe that's England.
  • I suspected the same, but I couldn't find the source image, so I posted the captioned one.
  • edited October 2011

    Showa era manga made moe:
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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