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Things of your day



  • This exist.
    I wonder how long it'll last before it gets cease-and-desisted? Well, while it exists, Best Thing Ever.
  • edited February 2012

    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Godspeed You! Gordon Freeman
  • I'll just leave this here.

  • edited February 2012
    I'll just leave this here.

    youtube video
    This weirds me out. i think it's because they used the tone and visuals of something like corporate (read apple) keynote, not the sort of thing TED does.

    Post edited by Shiam on
  • edited February 2012
    Some cursory googling tells me this has something to do with the movie "Alien". Tell me, what is the big deal?
    Now, if it he had said his name was Peter Wiggum, THEN I'd be excited (but also upset because what the hell do cyborgs have to do with Ender's game).
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Its the beginning of the viral marketing campaign for the new Ridley Scott film "Prometheus". I find this exciting because it hits upon two things I love. The Alien universe and TED. I'd have never thought of combining the two. The tone, I think, is very TED'esque until the very end where he goes into his rant about who he is.
  • Weyland-Yutani yo.
  • I'll just leave this here.

    youtube video
    This weirds me out. i think it's because they used the tone and visuals of something like corporate (read apple) keynote, not the sort of thing TED does.

    I think the fact that TED allowed the use of their brand in a Hollywood movie teaser says they're not above corporatism.

  • It's not that bad, as far as corporate selling-out goes.
  • Part of it is that (at least a while ago) TED has a policy of "if you're talking for us, you can't advertise". Which means their talks that are promotional or talk specifically about a thing, talk about the technology or the implication of the thing rather than the thing itself. This video has the feel (to me) of a keynote or big product announcement type speech, and my understanding of the TED brand doesn't jive with that.
    All in all I don't think it's some travesty, but putting the TED logo and making it a TED thing detracts from the overall message for me.
  • It's a clever bit that reflects well on both TED and Prometheus.
  • The thing that stood out for me: flash photos in the arena! They didn't light Weyland's face in the close up. Also, if this is the future, the go-to image for cameras in the audience isn't loads of flashes, but glowing smartphone screens as people catch videos.
  • The hangover after my 25th birthday?
  • That is going to be one hell of a hangover.
  • edited March 2012
    Hit somebody!!!!

    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited March 2012
    And yes, it is done by the same artist that did the massive Zelda 25th anniversary piece.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Starship Amazing new EP. Free for one day only, go download it.
  • Confirmation that my Raspberry Pi was shipped with the first batch :D
  • @Alan, that is fascinating. I never knew how that worked. And vol. 3 needs to hurry up and get released.
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