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Things of your day



  • That sounds like one of those random idea generator things...
  • This is a description of an anime called Akikan on Read it and try not to smile: Hobbies are often a great way of meeting new people, but how could Kakeru Diachi, who collects rare juice cans, have ever suspected that he'd meet a fascinating new girl when he attempted to DRINK her? Naming her Melon, because she's got great melon... soda, Kakeru quickly learns that she's an Akikan - a beautiful girl who's also a special can created to fight other Akikans in a strange experiment to determine what kind of container is better: steel or aluminum!
    All I can picture is some strange version of pokemon/hikaru no go with girls dressed in large can costumes.
  • This is what greets you entering through Sydney international airport.
    Fuck that so much.

  • Yet another reason to never go there.
  • edited April 2012
    This is what greets you entering through Sydney international airport.
    Fuck that so much.
    I think my favorite part is the sign in the middle that says "The Funnel Web is the deadliest. If you see one, Leg it!"
    Yet another reason to never go there.
    Hey, don't pin it on us just because y'all are softer than hot butter.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I just don't want to live in a place where everything wants to kill me.
  • I just don't want to live in a place where everything wants to kill me.
    Wuss. Builds character. Fortitude. A Laid back attitude. Immunity to poisons.

  • This is incredible.
  • This is a description of an anime called Akikan on Read it and try not to smile: Hobbies are often a great way of meeting new people, but how could Kakeru Diachi, who collects rare juice cans, have ever suspected that he'd meet a fascinating new girl when he attempted to DRINK her? Naming her Melon, because she's got great melon... soda, Kakeru quickly learns that she's an Akikan - a beautiful girl who's also a special can created to fight other Akikans in a strange experiment to determine what kind of container is better: steel or aluminum!
    Akikan! is the worst anime ever. The stupid premise goes on. The company that produced these cans, had a malfunction so the cans all became cute girls with sailor moon powers (- How does that work?) and rather than find out what happened and get the nobel prize or make tons of money creating Humans, they issued those cans out anyway...
    And it is listed under comedy, but that premise is not a joke. The comedy-category is due to the awe full jokes of falling into a girls boobs or accidentally seeing her naked.
    This anime is a colossal double-fail. When it tries to be serious it makes you laugh. And when it tries to be funny, it makes you think about the state of mankind, and what does the simple fact, that that anime exist tell you about it.
    Maybe those fails cancel each other out but still, I maintain that nothing drops the ball like Akikan! does.
  • I need to know where to buy this anime so I can send the DVDs to Dave and Joel.
  • I just don't want to live in a place where everything wants to kill me.
    Wuss. Builds character. Fortitude. A Laid back attitude. Immunity to poisons.
    Is it weird that this makes me want to go there more?
  • edited April 2012
    Akikan! is the worst anime ever. The stupid premise goes on. The company that produced these cans, had a malfunction so the cans all became cute girls with sailor moon powers (- How does that work?) and rather than find out what happened and get the nobel prize or make tons of money creating Humans, they issued those cans out anyway...
    A) I knew someone on FRC would have seen it. B) I thought there was no way the show could live up to the description and you have saved me the pain of discovering that for myself. C) Thanks!

    Post edited by Constantine on

  • I laughed my ass off many times at this, because I have said more than five of these in my lifetime (probably even in this very forum). To all my fellow forumites who are movie buffs, filmmakers, or of the same cloth; this is for you.
  • edited April 2012

    Post edited by Banta on
  • Guy built a computer for finding and drawing fractals out of wood gears. He says part of his inspiration was the idea of bringing a dead tre "back to life" by returning one of its original functions-- the production of self-similar fractals.

  • edited April 2012
    Ah. Akikan. There's many reasons why it's lauded for it's exceptional QUALITY, but most definitely still second to Polyphonica.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I hate comments on videos.
  • You have no fun in life. Here, have the shitty version without annotations you dirty sandraker.
  • I've seen the evil eyeglasses white-out/shine, but that's the first time I've seen it on a windshield.
  • edited April 2012
    Oh, yay, this smug dickhead again.

    Death of superman wasn't great, but it's still better than listening to this fucking pretentious, hipster wanker for thirty seconds.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited April 2012
    The primary difference between North and South Korea
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Oh, yay, this smug dickhead again.

    Death of superman wasn't great, but it's still better than listening to this fucking pretentious, hipster wanker for thirty seconds.
    I actually really like that video; Max Landis draws some good conclusions. Also, he explained his motives on Reddit. Most of the video is him being a douche just to be a douche. In reality he loves the shit out of Superman, and that was both the impetus to create that short film as well as a huge influence on Chronicle.

  • I actually really like that video; Max Landis draws some good conclusions. Also, he explained his motives on Reddit. Most of the video is him being a douche just to be a douche. In reality he loves the shit out of Superman, and that was both the impetus to create that short film as well as a huge influence on Chronicle.
    Being a Douchebag for the sake of being a Douchebag doesn't really make him less of a douchebag. I'd argue it makes him more of a douchebag for doing it - at least most people who are professional snarkers, like Yahtzee, genuinely think that way, rather than just posing for a youtube viral marketing stunt.

    But the whole Oh, I love this thing, but I'm gonna shit on it because shitting on superhero comics is trendy and cool, and being a fuckwit is edgy? Get the fuck outta here, Landis.

    As for his Motives...Yeah, Making a film that's influenced by the death of superman and all such nonsense, doesn't actually make that video any better. The only credit he gets is that he's not much of a hipster, unless you want to count "Going to massive effort to "ironically" hate on something" in the hipster column, in which case.

    And yes, Chronicle, a film written by Max Landis, is Good. I guess there really is a first time for everything.
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