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Things of your day



  • That was better than Homestuck.
  • The song was catchy beyond that I am not sure what I watched.
  • That Homestuck thing is actually really mesmerizing and cool. I liked it.
  • edited August 2012

    Also, I really like the instrumental for that song, even if I'm not a huge fan of Carly Rae herself.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited August 2012
    I agree about the instrumental. Does anyone know a really good remix?

    EDIT: or an Arrested Development FMV that uses it?
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Does anyone know a really good remix?

  • My oldest to my youngest:

    "Izzy, today is my birthday. I turned 14. On your birthday in two weeks you're going to turn..."

    "Into a butterfly!"
  • Hahaha, best sister ever. How old is your youngest?

    My friend once convinced his littlest sister that the family was cursed with lycanthropy, and on the first full moon after her thirteenth birthday she'd turn into a snarling wolf with a taste for human blood.
  • My youngest is going to be 3 in two weeks. She's something. My oldest is practically her third parent, she's amazing with her.
  • The Bluth Corporation is building everywhere!

  • So I've neglected my duties of watching Zero Punctuation recently a bit, but Yahtzee reviewed Half-Life this week.
  • You are required to listen to this all the way to the end.

  • Saw this.

    Thought of Rym.


    No homo.
  • That "Hot sister" video is totally worth it for the payoff right at the end. Seriously, I was like WTF is this weirdo drama? And then BOOM!
  • Should have seen it coming, totally didn't see it coming.
  • This is one of the few times where a spoiler will ruin it.
  • I knew it was something *like* that but I didn't guess what it was till the ending.
  • Haha I figured it out about halfway through, but not until after reading yous guys's comments about how there was a twist at the end.
  • Haha I figured it out about halfway through, but not until after reading yous guys's comments about how there was a twist at the end.
  • I was expecting someone to walk the dinosaur or the sister to ask for tree fiddy or something like that. lol'd a bit too much.
  • edited August 2012
    That's pretty fucking great. I had no idea.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • The whole time I was mortified, then I laughed pretty fucking hard.
  • I laughed so damn hard and so damn loud, my dad came up stairs, opened the door of my room and said, "What. Did. You. Do?"

    For context, my full on laugh is pretty damn evil sounding.
  • Dam near wet my self at that one. Spent the whole time thinking how screwed it was till the end. Depressingly it still took me a couple of seconds to get it.
  • Should have seen it coming, totally didn't see it coming.
  • Cool video, but I've read something similar before, so picked up on it right away.
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