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Things of your day



  • Its a direwolf! Want O_O
  • Its a direwolf! Want O_O
  • edited August 2012
    That dog definitely has some sort of wolf genes. Direwolves are extinct...

    As cool and gentle as I'm sure it is, I might feel a little uncomfortable living with something as big and dangerous as a bear that could probably kill me very easily if it wanted to ._.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Its a direwolf! Want O_O
  • Do not want to clean up direwolf shits.
  • edited August 2012
    As cool and gentle as I'm sure it is, I might feel a little uncomfortable living with something as big and dangerous as a bear that could probably kill me very easily if it wanted to ._.
    That is the exact reason why I don't like big animals (horses, cows, deer, etc.). My parents are always like, "Then how can you be around cars? They can kill you."
    "Yeah, but animals have something cars don't."
    "And what's that?"
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited August 2012
    A dog would more likely kill intruders than kill you. Animals definitely realize they depend on you as an owner to feed them.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Do not want to clean up direwolf shits.
    It's not so bad if you train em right. No worse than having to clean out a multi-cat litter box.

  • Well, shit. Looks like I need to go to Australia now.
    Totally worth getting eaten by the flying spider cobras!

  • edited August 2012
    Animals definitely realize they depend on you as an owner to feed them.
    Yeah, you feed them.

    With your mangled corpse.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • In my experience bigger dogs are incredibly chill with their owners. And kids. But that's just my experience.
  • That is the exact reason why I don't like big animals (horses, cows, deer, etc.). My parents are always like, "Then how can you be around cars? They can kill you."
    "Yeah, but animals have something cars don't."
    "And what's that?"
    Yes, but on the flip-side, I can fight an animal and probably win.
    Well, shit. Looks like I need to go to Australia now.
    Totally worth getting eaten by the flying spider cobras!
    Just do as I do, and you'll be fine. Failing that, just follow the Luge Method.
  • edited August 2012
    A dog would more likely kill intruders than kill you. Animals definitely realize they depend on you as an owner to feed them.
    This is only because of years of domestication.

    If that is some sort of wolf/dog, then it will always be possible that it'll attack it's owner or anything, no matter what the circumstances. Instincts Be Strong, Yo, you have to breed them out over generations.

    Somewhat Relevant even though they're foxes:
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • In my experience bigger dogs are incredibly chill with their owners. And kids. But that's just my experience.
    I'll add my statistically insignificant experience on there as well.

    I've known a St. Bernard, 2 great Danes and 6-8 English mastiffs and every one of them has been a complete puffball.
  • Somewhat Relevant even though they're foxes:
    Do want!
  • That is the exact reason why I don't like big animals (horses, cows, deer, etc.). My parents are always like, "Then how can you be around cars? They can kill you."
    "Yeah, but animals have something cars don't."
    "And what's that?"
    Yes, but on the flip-side, I can fight an animal and probably win.
    Streetfighter 2.
  • Man, Reboot doesn't get good (or really tolerable) until the end of the season 1.
  • edited August 2012
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Man, Reboot doesn't get good (or really tolerable) until the end of the season 1.
    Isn't that when production moved to Canada and Bob got ripped? If so, we have exactly opposite feelings about Reboot. But I do seem to recall really liking the season 1 finale. I love Hexadecimal.
  • Man, Reboot doesn't get good (or really tolerable) until the end of the season 1.
    Isn't that when production moved to Canada and Bob got ripped? If so, we have exactly opposite feelings about Reboot. But I do seem to recall really liking the season 1 finale. I love Hexadecimal.
    No, my problem with the first season is they keep making really lame jokes/puns and then looking right at the camera. Ugh, they're so bad.
  • edited August 2012
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited August 2012
    I don't know what breed this is, but I want one.
    It's apparently a German Shepard according to some dude I know on another forum.

    Post edited by Banta on
  • This should just be renamed to the Reddit thread.
  • edited August 2012
    I know this isn't NEW news, but it's still pretty disgusting.

    US military using software to allow them to post on various social media sites as various personas from around the world, complete with full bios, posting history, and IP spoofing to appear more genuine through geo-location.
    This should just be renamed to the Reddit thread.
    Guilty, but so what?
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Yeah, I'm not going to click on your shady pdf link.
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