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Things of your day



  • Miraculously, there still seem to be AC tables left for Ct-con 2013 despite registration being open a month. I may actually still get in.
  • edited October 2012
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Rym, this one's for you.
    Someone has GOP Primary: Advance Wars Edition.
    I love this. Thank you.


    Mind. Blown.
  • Oh sweet christ, I am changing my thing of the day to today's geeknights newletter "forum" section. There was a great deal of laughter.
  • Dude, I didn't know about the puppet warp either! It's like similar tools in After effects or the "bones" in flash. I'm used to posing characters like that in ZBrush and it's a really similar principle, applied to a 2D image.
  • It's been there for like 4 versions of Photoshop, and they made a huge deal about it. How do you not know about this? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I honestly think it's odd for two people who draw, and are dedicated enough to get Photoshop and probably pay the yearly subscription missed a feature so prominent in the UI, and in the marketing for Photoshop.
  • edited October 2012
    I've only been using a version of photoshop not from the pre-CS days for about a year.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited October 2012
    I don't know, Aria. I mean, I do this for a job even, and plenty of people have different work flows. It may have been there for 4 versions and they made a big deal about it back in the day, but I don't really remember a lot of the advertising for CS2, that was a long time ago.
    It's also not super prominent in the UI. It's under "edit" and if I was just painting away, I probably didn't pay much mind. It's one thing to search for things you need, but if I am in the groove I don't just go around clicking on random things. I'll sometimes play around, especially after watching a tutorial, and I learn shortcuts all the time.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I feel like if you're layering things correctly for animation you have almost no use for that tool.
  • Bane plays Slender

    and it's sequel: Bane plays Amnesia: the Dark Descent
  • Hey Guys, check out the podcast my son and I did on the cool sci-fi flick Logan's Run on the Treks in Sci Fi podcast. Enjoy!

    This week we have a special treat. A new group of guests take over the center seat for a look at the classic Sci-Fi film, “Logan’s Run.” The Ricardo family covers the film and does a very cool job with the podcast. I’ll let father Don Ricardo say a few words about their guest podcast.
    Hey Runner!
    In this week’s podcast, we cover the great, dystopian Sci-Fi flick from 1976, Logan’s Run.
    Released just a year before Star Wars, and up against films such as Rocky (released the same year), it’s often been overlooked for the awesome Science Fiction story and cinematic achievement it is.
    Don 2, Aryn 1 and Ariana 1 provide the music (Moyer777, eat your heart out), commentary, poetry reading, trivia and all-around entertainment.
    So put yourself on the Circuit; forget about Last Day! Take a Maze Car to Arcade, step into the Love Shop with us and enjoy TREKS in SCI-FI podcast #397!
    And remember,
  • edited October 2012
    New Sim City? New Sim City.

    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Klipsh earbuds all use the same replacement eartips. Every single model.
  • New Sim City? New Sim City.
    I was drooling until the "streamlined" utilities interface, which I think is too dumbed down. I want to obsessively place each little element myself.
  • You need to be online even for single player :/

    Looks like I'm disabling drm when I get it.
  • edited October 2012
    Been listening to this group, The Correspondents, lately, and decided to see if they had made any music videos. What I found is that their lead singer will stare into your very soul, like the veritable abyss. In hipster glasses.

    Also, in addition to the above just being a damn catchy track, go to 3:29 for awesome dance break. Not sure if [insert "white people can't dance" joke here] or legit good. Either way, it's still awesome. And slightly unnerving.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • You need to be online even for single player :/

    Looks like I'm disabling drm when I get it.
    Seriously Maxis? Even Ubisoft dumped always online DRM

  • edited October 2012
    It's EA. Maxis is just a logo on the box at this point.

    I remember when I bought a boxed copy of Sim City 2000. In, you know, a BOX. It came with a manual. The manual was one and a half inches thick and covered the entire game in a way you'd have to go to a wiki for now, with insight into every aspect of the game engine and how to tweak everything, but all presented canonically and "in character" rather than feeling like a dissection.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • edited October 2012
    The problem I have with Sim City is that I'm never looking towards the future, so it always ends up with the layout of an old Euro or East Coast city where the design isn't what would make sense, but rather where a very long string of very illogical people walked.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • They Might Be Giants and the Onion AV club chorus cover Tubthumping.

  • I can't say that I approve of Julia Gillard, but this speech was rather entertaining:
  • I can't say that I approve of Julia Gillard, but this speech was rather entertaining:
    Somewhat tarnished, though, when one considers their continuing support of Peter Slipper. Makes it look like they're only going to call out misogyny when it's the other team.
  • They Might Be Giants and the Onion AV club chorus cover Tubthumping.
    AV Club has some real good shit. Here's Reggie Watts' cover of Van Halen's Panama.

  • I can't say that I approve of Julia Gillard, but this speech was rather entertaining:
    Somewhat tarnished, though, when one considers their continuing support of Peter Slipper. Makes it look like they're only going to call out misogyny when it's the other team.
    Wow, just watching your politics in action may be worth surviving the spideroos, dingobats, and adorable, venomous, egg-laying mammals.
  • I can't say that I approve of Julia Gillard, but this speech was rather entertaining:
    Somewhat tarnished, though, when one considers their continuing support of Peter Slipper. Makes it look like they're only going to call out misogyny when it's the other team.
    Wow, just watching your politics in action may be worth surviving the spideroos, dingobats, and adorable, venomous, egg-laying mammals.
    True that. While it's a great smack-down, it's not even amongst the best I've seen in my lifetime. Keating was a monster on the floor.

    Also, something I'd like to see happen in the US political system - Question Time. Question time is brilliant.

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