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Things of your day



  • edited October 2012
    Online Name Generator
    Post edited by Alan on
  • Dude was supposed to write a creative piece on Fahrenheit 451. Made this:
  • Farenheit 451 was such an odd (but good) book.
  • Nice Futurama reference in there,
  • edited October 2012
    Farenheit 451 was such an odd (but good) book.
    I've been reading this to Nuri, and I forgot how much Montag's wife (well, what she represents) enrages me.

    "When are you going to install the fourth wall-TV? It's only two thousand dollars."
    "That's a third of my annual salary."
    "It's only two thousand dollars! Anyhow..."

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
    Oh yeah...
  • I love it when you can feel the sarcasm dripping from a page.
    Quoteth the book "The Five Laws of Library Science":
    Here is a specimen of 18th century opinion.
    "To make the society happy and people easy under the meanest circumstances, it is requisite that great numbers of them should be ignorant as well as poor... The welfare and felicity therefore of every state and kingdom, require that the knowledge of the working poor should be confined within the verge of their occupations and never extended (as to things visible) beyond what relates to their calling. The more a shepard, a plowman or any other peasant knows of the world, and the things that are foreign to his labour or employment, the less fit he'll be to go through the fatigues and hardships of it with the cheerfulness and content. Reading, writing and arithmetic... are very pernicious to the poor, who are forced to get their daily bread by their daily labour."
    What a benevolent dispensation! What a show of inevitableness in this eighteenth century reasoning!
  • image
    I've been staring at this and chuckling for a good five minutes now.
  • The Thing, Fail, and WTF of my day:
    Soviet between-war technology=Ork Warhammer 40k technology.
  • Red Stars make Fly Tank move with great rapidity for Mother Russia.
  • What I'd rather see - Red Green Makes a tank fly.
  • edited October 2012

    If there's a hell, odds are I'm going to it for creating this image. XD
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • edited October 2012
    It turns out you can mod things all the way back to the SNESjr to output RBG + HSync signal, usually on earlier models before they worked out how to combine them on the same chip they were produced.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Viable sperm and egg cells created from adult stem cells in mice with no regards to sex of parent.

    According to a lot of second-wave writers I've read, this should just about herald the inevitable female uprising. I've been trying to get in their good books for a while now, so I'll put in a good word for y'all.
  • edited October 2012
    That's the U3 rate which has been used and abused by republicans and democrats alike for years. The actual report goes into detail explaining why statistical drop offs like the one parodied in your meme aren't actually responsible for this recent decrease, however. You know, if you had actually READ the report that you're ignorantly trashing.
    Post edited by muppet on
    Yeah the U4 rate stayed put when we factor in people who don't have a job and aren't looking for one.
  • You must have read a different report than I did.
  • You must have read a different report than I did.
    Yes, the U3, the "official" report the government uses showed a drop in unemployment to 7.8%. However, the U3 doesn't factor in people who ran out of unemployment benefits and say they aren't looking for a job anymore. Over 200K jobs created in the last two months is great and all, but it doesn't add up to 3/10 of a percent. Like you said, the U3 is manipulated on both sides, I'm just pointing out that Obama is manipulating it now.
  • No I mean that I specifically read that U4 and U6 also dropped.
  • Muppet, can't you stay out of a flame war for five minutes?
  • Muppet, can't you stay out of a flame war for five minutes?
    I'm actually keeping rather civil, and he actually has a point. The U4 has had a steady decline since July and the U6 dropped .3% but has stayed steady in August and September. However, I simply contend Obama is using the "official" report to his own ends.
  • Yeah, but given that Muppet's involved I'm expecting it to turn into thermo-nuclear war. It's just what he does.
  • That's not fair. I defended my opinion on the pharma industry because it's something very close to my life and I essentially got pig piled. Disagreement isn't the same as picking a fight.
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