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Things of your day



  • For person to person, it's honor system. For tanks, there are always 2 refs nearby. One ref is the "commander" of the tank, so he's actually playing and directing the tank as well as verifying whether or not the tank is hit. The other ref is just a normal ref who keeps players away from the tanks, so you don't get people trying to use them as cover (which would endanger the guy driving the tank, who sometimes only wears minimal eye protection so they can see where they're going).

    For tanks, there was a whole mess of rules governing them. A lot of it has to do with safety (what the guns can be constructed of, what they can fire, etc.), but others are tactical. For the bigger tanks that look like they have real armor, man portable rocket launchers can only destroy them from the sides or behind. For the smallest tanks, sustained small arms fire into the turret can take them out.

    Usually the honor system actually works out pretty well. Most of the guys playing on Sunday were good enough to call their hits (I know I always did). Sometimes if you get teenagers playing it doesn't work out so well... but in those cases, they'll eventually call their hit because the guns are mostly full auto and carry quite a few BB's in the magazine.

    Interestingly enough, airsoft hurts a LOT less than paintball. Lighter projectile, despite the FPS limit being as high as 400.
  • I used to run a very loosely organized Laser Tag club using a very large collection of retail-grade equipment I used to maintain. Our biggest problem was teens covering the sensors.
  • Yeah. Even the most stubborn teen will call his hit when a string of 50 bb's bounce off him though.

    Gotta admit, my favorite part of the entire weekend was being part of a charge up a hill against entrenched infantry (in bunkers), with my M249, and our CO charging up there with us. People would drop prone to return fire, and he'd yell at them to keep moving. I heard him say,

    "What the hell are you on the ground for?! Are you looking for hamsters? Hamsters are native to Peru! Get up and moving!"
  • Fucking double post, but I have two things of the day. Violentacrez is finally exposed. Loses his job. Gotta admit, this makes me happy. I'm glad he's suffering, who knows how many other people he's caused to suffer because of his various outings.

    I also love the irony that Reddit's subreddits are banding together to ban Gawker's articles because doxxing is somehow more terrible than stealing pictures of underage girls in bikinis and posting them as whack material.
    I don't see your point. Please elaborate. Also, considering I'm at work you should probably describe what that is, considering I'm not keen to go there.

    Is it a TMZ sort of thing where celeb creep shots are posted? Because that's fairly terrible too.
  • Yeah it's celeb creep shots.

    I was just trying to be concise instead of rehashing last night's argument all over again.

    The young girls and women posted on those subs were not posted by Violentacrez, he moderated the subs and removed actually illegal content. At least, that's his version of events, corroborated by many redditors, for whatever that's worth.

    Posting some anonymous girl online is not the same as doxxing. It may be just as bad, nearly as bad, or not as bad, but it's not the same thing.

    I do think he should suffer consequences but they should be through legal channels. Why everyone is eager to revert to the Middle Ages via the internet lately is a mystery to me. People would rather be angry than think.
  • Ah, I was pretty devastated physically yesterday so my online presence was limited and I must have missed all of that. I'm pretty happy he's suffering professional consequences, as that's fair considering he was doing much of his posting from work. If you're going to post crap like that online, you should be prepared to face the consequences of it being linked to your real name. You can easily google SquadronROE and dig up tons of stuff about me, probably even my real name and where I work, etc. That's why I try to remain civil online and not just troll the hell out of everyone.
  • edited October 2012
    The guy's house is being attacked physically, he and his family are receiving death threats, and this will likely continue for years because very angry people now have a proxy to attack for all the horrible shit that goes on in the underbelly of the internet.

    So, yeah, I think it's appropriate that he got fired. I think that the legal grey area "his" communities operated in is very difficult to legislate and care has to be taken. You're looking to potentially prosecute people based solely on intent. That's a HUGE problem to solve, but I do agree that there ought to be something illegal about what he did. I don't think a sustained campaign of harassment is morally correct, and that was the intent of the doxxing.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • It'll be interesting to see how this plays out on Reddit over the next few weeks. Hopefully moderation of the shitty troll subreddits will be tightened up or those will migrate to 4Chan. I found the comments on here from when the story broke, reading through those now so I don't rehash stuff that's already been said.

    I'm just thrilled to death that this guy will finally not be having an affect on Reddit anymore. I do wish it had happened in some other, less dramatic way.
  • It'll be interesting to see how this plays out on Reddit over the next few weeks. Hopefully moderation of the shitty troll subreddits will be tightened up or those will migrate to 4Chan. I found the comments on here from when the story broke, reading through those now so I don't rehash stuff that's already been said.

    I'm just thrilled to death that this guy will finally not be having an affect on Reddit anymore. I do wish it had happened in some other, less dramatic way.
    I don't know that crucifying this one guy is going to fix reddit, but if it draws attention to all the bullshit that goes on there, then that might be a silver lining. The problem is that the people who want to trade in all that shit are still there. Spacedicks hasn't gone anywhere, for example.
  • Now, simultaneously, anyone who threatens him or assaults him or his family should be punished as severely as anyone who does such things under existing law.
  • Now, simultaneously, anyone who threatens him or assaults him or his family should be punished as severely as anyone who does such things under existing law.
    Agreed. Vigilantism shouldn't be protected. Also, if he wants to sue his employer he is welcome to. Pretty sure he won't win that one though.
  • Incitement to violence is also illegal. It's not enough to say that over-the-top reactions to incitement are illegal and therefore the inciter is blameless.

    Not that you necessarily are saying that.
  • Incitement to violence is also illegal. It's not enough to say that over-the-top reactions to incitement are illegal and therefore the inciter is blameless.

    Not that you necessarily are saying that.
    Yeah, that's not even close to something I'd say. I wish I could say it, because it would feel good to just rage against him, but this little thing called "being a decent human being" causes me to not want to wish actual harm to others once the initial rage cools.

    Now that his name is connected to his online personality though, I'm sure the actual legal and professional consequences of his actions will be enough.

    We used to live next to this guy and I could go on for ever how fucking crazy he was, but he never really did anything that was solidly illegal. Sort of nice to know he finally did something worth taking him in for.
  • In a rare turn of events, the British government made a decent decision today by blocking the extradition of Gary McKinnon today. Win for the Tories, oh that felt so wrong to say that.
  • edited October 2012
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Whilst I cannot attend this on the morrow, I shall be making my way to Hollywood at some point in the near future for this!

  • ^Do want!
  • edited October 2012
    An RIT men's restroom (click for full NSFW album):
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • An RIT men's restroom (click for full NSFW album):
    The Porn Gnomes have been busy.

  • edited October 2012
    Post edited by Alan on
  • I reserve a certain typ of love for men whom build bikes out of cardboard

  • edited October 2012

    Post edited by nothing on
  • Whilst I cannot attend this on the morrow, I shall be making my way to Hollywood at some point in the near future for this!
    Oh shit. That is my kind of party. Unfortunately, I also can't make it.
  • Whilst I cannot attend this on the morrow, I shall be making my way to Hollywood at some point in the near future for this!
    Oh shit. That is my kind of party. Unfortunately, I also can't make it.
    My former roommate is belly dancing there so she's going to let me know how well it goes and what they plan to do going forward. I'll let you know if they get in to a steady schedule.
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