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Things of your day



  • edited November 2012
    I'm really not sure what you're saying there, muppet.
    I'd be totally unprofessional AFTER the ceremony an ask them who their dealer is, cuz they'd HAVE to be smoking some good shit for my dinky little paper to win.
    I haven't read yours, and mine isn't that good either, but there is no rule anywhere that says college dissertations can't be Nobel Prizeworthy.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Though could I just hand the medal and money to WUB and say "here I think you deserve this more?"
  • Uhhh... she won the prize in 91 dude haha.

    EDIT: Oh, I was under the impression you were only allowed to win it once, but still.
    Oh, I didn't know that.
  • edited November 2012
    Uhhh... she won the prize in 91 dude haha.

    EDIT: Oh, I was under the impression you were only allowed to win it once, but still.
    Oh, I didn't know that.

    Source: Random Quick Facts

    pub trivia incoming.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I figured you could win as many Nobel Prizes as you like as long as you kept doing stuff worthy of them.
  • edited November 2012
    I figured you could win as many Nobel Prizes as you like as long as you kept doing stuff worthy of them.
    I knew you could win different ones, but I didn't know you could win the same one more than once. Red Cross received the Peace Prize three times.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Thing of my day:

  • I'm not that sure on the law is Israel.
  • Israel is a theocracy and doesn't pretend it isn't. That doesn't make it right, but its better than the Euro-American intolerance that refuses to admit such things.
  • Pork isn't illegal there, but if your restaurant isn't kosher then it is not going to exist for very long.

    They also might not do the whole hell bit, but orthodox jews have no problem waiting outside of schools to spit on girls who are dressed "inappropriately".
  • As a jewish person you're also supposed to discourage people from joining Judaism
  • Israel is a theocracy and doesn't pretend it isn't. That doesn't make it right, but its better than the Euro-American intolerance that refuses to admit such things.
    I think what they were going for was that they're not pushing to make a pork ban law in America Israel can fuck off and do what it wants.
  • edited November 2012
    Israel is a theocracy and doesn't pretend it isn't. That doesn't make it right, but its better than the Euro-American intolerance that refuses to admit such things.
    I think what they were going for was that they're not pushing to make a pork ban law in America Israel can fuck off and do what it wants.
    Then you are being hypocritical when posting that image. The image is basically saying "we're jews. we have our own customs but unlike christians and muslims, we aren't trying to force it on anybody else". However, the reason why they aren't trying to force it isn't because they are jews, or that they aren't christians or muslims. The reason is that they are a minority which doesn't have the political and social strength to do so in the U.S.. As Locutus, Omnutia and Banta point out, when they do have said ability they are just as bad as those other religions. There isn't any inherent moral superiority of judaism.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Fair point, but now you've killed the whole point of the exercise.
  • Fair point, but now you've killed the whole point of the exercise.
    Yes, a fallacious and stupid point which deserved its fate.

  • Mormons are a majority and they continuously try to force their views. Yeah they're inherently Christian but they are often shunned from traditional Christians (or however you'd like to label it). It's actually part of their religion to not go around pushing their beliefs on people.
  • My thing of the day is the screenplay for the HALO movie written by Alex Garland on February 6th, 2005. I found it in the script library of my school. It's a good adaptation with lots of detail and references to the game, particularly the Library and The Escape. It DOES let us see Master Chief's face (which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing), adds emotion to his character by introducing viewers to some of his canonical back story (the fall of reach, for example), but it adds a romantic element between him and Cortana in a way that wasn't present (at least not in the first game).
    Overall, a good script.
  • I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that Master Chief's face had already been described with detail on official Halo novels. So there's no real secret in there.
  • Mormons are a majority and they continuously try to force their views. Yeah they're inherently Christian but they are often shunned from traditional Christians (or however you'd like to label it). It's actually part of their religion to not go around pushing their beliefs on people.
    Woah I fucked this up, I meant minority but my ipad had other plans it seems...
  • I just remembered that this song existed! Man I need to start playing DDR again.

  • You just reminded me why I used to have Bambee on my iPod.
  • I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that Master Chief's face had already been described with detail on official Halo novels. So there's no real secret in there.
    It had been, but most people haven't read the novels. Actually, the description in the novels doesn't match the one in the screenplay.
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