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Things of your day



  • edited November 2012
    Fun Fax - The lyrics and music for the "Dumb ways to die" video was written(and, I think, performed) by Ollie from The Cat Empire. He even throws in some backing vocals. The female singer is Em Lubitz, from Tinpan Orange.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2012
    I don't understand...
    It's this bizarre iOS app in which you "make" a boyfriend and then talk to him... but his responses completely bizarre and out of nowhere. Nobody can seem to figure out the deal with it.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Maybe if the IDF would tease it in a bit better they could shut the fuckers up.
  • edited November 2012
    Maybe if the IDF would tease it in a bit better they could shut the fuckers up.
    Man. I don't post here often, but: holy shit you are the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.


    Post edited by Dave on
  • They both really need to stop shooting at each other. It's just an endless cycle of revenge at this point.
  • They both really need to stop shooting at each other. It's just an endless cycle of revenge at this point.
    We need to sent Tim Minchen over there. He could do more with one concert then the whole of the UN.

  • On that note, a ceasefire agreement seems to have been brokered.
  • image

    Ceasefire? That's good.
  • That is perhaps the most misguided comic about that situation that I have seen.
  • That is perhaps the most misguided comic about that situation that I have seen.
  • It's almost like international politics are really fucking complicated with no simple answers or something. Hamas attacking Israel is not cool, but their options are either to shoot rockets and be oppressed and trapped from Palestine. Or just be walled in at Gaza surrounded by Israel.
  • I realized that my knowledge of the history of this situation is pitifully low, so I should probably read a book. Suggestions?
  • Literallytheoppositeofreality.jpeg

    Also, I think we're posting things of the day: so hilarious comics. Here's another one:
    "Your body modification addiction has gone too far, Netanyahu!"

    Not pictured: GAZA on the left-hand side.

    This one is more appropriate.



    Literally what some people believe. A good joke!

    Wait, how did that one slip in there.
  • Where the hell am I supposed to find a French person this close to Thanksgiving?!
  • Where the hell am I supposed to find a French person this close to Thanksgiving?!
  • edited November 2012
    Also France.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Point of fact - There are no good guys in this conflict. It's the Actual serious business Terrorist organisation Hamas(Rulers of the Gaza strip with the approval of Palestine proper) Vs Israel and their kick-dirt-on-my-shoes-I'll-drop-a-fucking-mountain-on-you attitude, and their backer nobody, because Israel can afford to buy their own toys.

    Both of them have committed atrocities, and both have violated the Geneva convention on a practically daily basis - For example, both have used White phosphorous on civilian targets. Hamas hides their guns and artillery next to civilian targets like schools and hospitals, in the hope that Israel will obey the Geneva convention and thus making their human shield effective. Israel drops flyers saying "Lol, we're gonna bomb here anyway, civvies better GTFO", and then does so, which is - just like Hamas's human shield tactic - against the Geneva convention - You don't attack civvies, even if the other guy is using them as human shields thus breaking the laws you're trying to follow.

    Hamas prevents civvies from leaving the areas they A)Put their artillery, and B)know are about to come under attack, thanks to the flyers, and will imprison or simply execute people for leaving. Israel will put to trial in a kangaroo court or simply shoot down anyone they suspect of being a member of the Hamas armed forces, or a Hamas insurgent.

    Meanwhile, dead civilians are being stacked up like cordwood, but half the world is too busy arguing with the other half about if Israel or Hamas are the bad guys in this situation and attacking anyone who disagrees to give a shit about the civvies, most of them swayed by Hamas or Israel's efforts, namely pumping out propaganda like it's going out of style.

    It's all a fucking mess, and everybody's so busy arguing good guys and bad guys to realize that there are no good guys, they're pretty much all bad guys, and they're pretty much never going to stop bombing each other because it's not even about the Gaza strip anymore, it's just a stupid war about national pride and a meaningless victory that comes with a house-and-land package attached.
  • I like that you actually typed out all of those words because some people may not understand that. Thanks.

    Israel is mean and dumb, and the terrorists are mean and dumb.
  • The civilians, on the other hand, are dumb but not mean.
  • I dunno, they're pretty mean. Don't they control all the money? They should share.
  • edited November 2012
    I like that you actually typed out all of those words because some people may not understand that. Thanks.
    Nah, it's just nice to be able to say it without some shitbag cheerleading for either Israel or Hamas/Palestine fucking screeching at me and accusing me of being every horrible thing under the sun, and usually attacking me like I'm on the other side, even though I'm not even really ON a side.

    Even a gentle mocking is preferable to hearing that shit again.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2012
    Incidentally, does anyone here disagree with the following definition of terrorism?
    The notion of terrorism is fairly straightforward -- it is ideologically or politically motivated violence directed against civilian targets.
    This, to me, seems like a rather sensible and straightforward way to define it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Incidentally, does anyone here disagree with the following definition of terrorism:
    The notion of terrorism is fairly straightforward -- it is ideologically or politically motivated violence directed against civilian targets.
    This, to me, seems like a rather sensible and straightforward way to define it.
    I can go with that, yeah.
  • Two thumbs up from me.
  • The problem doesn't come with the definition, but like anything that involves legal framework or actual physical harm to another human being, the practical application of that definition.

    For example: What counts as politically motivated? What counts as a civilian target?

    Take this scenario: A terrorist cell rents out a room on an upper floor of some apartment building in China. In this room they are doing all sorts of nasty things: planning an attack on a diplomat meeting, making bombs, etc. Below them is a cell of hackers. Also in the building are a bunch of normal people, who are not making bombs or plotting the downfall of any major societies except maybe Gandhi's goddamn India in Civ V.

    Would the government commit terrorism by blowing up the terrorist cell with a drone strike? What if more normal people were killed than terrorists? What if the terrorists didn't die, but the normal people did?

    I mean, it's "politically" motivated in that it is sanctioned by a political body and done to protect the nation-state.
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