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Things of your day



  • While the party was travelling from one town to the next I rolled a random encounter table and it came up with a vampire attack.
    They were travelling during the day.
    In the past when this occurred (it actually happened twice before) the vampire would leap out to attack then promptly burst into flames. Good enough for a comedic campaign. But this time was different:
    This time the vampire sparkled.
    So naturally the vampire immediately proceeded to passive aggressively assail the female characters in the party. Finally the Sorcerer (a female halfling,) sick of his shit, cast Erase.
    I looked at her quizzically, then she read the spell description "...magically erase mundane writing..."
    So the vampire disappeared and the party went on their way. Everyone applauded her.
  • lol wut?
    Yeah... I don't see the link implied in the article.

  • The drummer and bassist were pretty awesome. The girl's singing was pretty good as well.
  • Okay, everybody, we can stop making music now. We've nowhere to go from here but down.

  • That song sucks and you should feel bad for liking it.
  • edited September 2013
    That song rocks and Andrew should feel bad for hating it.

    Also Churba way to be a month behind the internet :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I think the song is hilarious. It's not the best, but it's very amusing and way too catchy. I think the best way to describe Ylvis is they are kinda like Norway's verision of Loney Island, and they also have a comedy/variety show.

    Check out their Youtube for the elevator pranks. They were pretty good to watch.

    Also Andrew is a such a Negative Nancy. :P
  • That song rocks and Andrew should feel bad for hating it.

    Also Churba way to be a month behind the internet :-p
    I gotta make up for being a day ahead of you lot somehow. That's 30 days of making up right there, couldn't miss the opportunity.
  • For those who weren't keeping up with the America's Cup, you really missed out. Probably the best comeback ever. Team USA was down 8 points to 1 in a race to 9 points. They won 8 points in a row, over the course of more than a week. Super good fun.
  • For those who weren't keeping up with the America's Cup, you really missed out. Probably the best comeback ever. Team USA was down 8 points to 1 in a race to 9 points. They won 8 points in a row, over the course of more than a week. Super good fun.
    Woosh Woosh


  • It's funny that the British press all led with Ben Ainslie leads team USA to win. I'm sure the Americans focused on Larry Elison owning the team and in Australia they big up Spithill the skipper.
  • edited September 2013
    It's funny that the British press all led with Ben Ainslie leads team USA to win. I'm sure the Americans focused on Larry Elison owning the team and in Australia they big up Spithill the skipper.
    Yeah, pretty much.

    I also discovered that there's a rule in yacht racing which says you have to finish with the same number of crew that you started with - however, nowhere does it state that they have to be the same people. If I ever become absurdly rich, I will figure out some way to exploit this just to fuck with people.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • My thing of the day is Tech N9ne's new song, B.I.T.C.H. which is literally a song about breaking into houses, and features T-Pain doing some ridiculous auto-tuning for the chorus, all while they are robbing and burning homes down.


  • I must be getting old.
  • I also discovered that there's a rule in yacht racing which says you have to finish with the same number of crew that you started with - however, nowhere does it state that they have to be the same people.
    Interesting. I wonder if there's a similar rule out there that says that number of people must be on-board at all times? If not, why aren't they just dropping crew members in the ocean and adding new people at the end?
  • edited September 2013

    The very end is the best touch.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • It's funny that the British press all led with Ben Ainslie leads team USA to win. I'm sure the Americans focused on Larry Elison owning the team and in Australia they big up Spithill the skipper.
    You mean the 1 Brit on the boat didn't do all the sailing by himself while 10 other guys just sat around doing NOTHING? Pah, rubbish, Ben Ainslie is a sailing god and the Americans should be grateful that he took pity on them.
  • edited September 2013
    Interesting. I wonder if there's a similar rule out there that says that number of people must be on-board at all times? If not, why aren't they just dropping crew members in the ocean and adding new people at the end?
    I don't think so, because if by some mad accident you have a man overboard, that doesn't immediately disqualify you, as far as I know.

    (Though it is considered good form to retrieve them at some point.)

    Post edited by Churba on
  • This is amazing but don't watch it at work or around loved ones
  • edited September 2013
    Huh.. odd to see what I do and don't find shocking. I suppose I have a very strong division between real, unreal, harmful and harmless.

    Not that great as a video outside of that though.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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