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If you could have any car...



  • ......
    edited November 2007

    @ Scott, that new Ferrari looks just like an Enzo, with white parts and minor details changed.
    The body shape is quite similar, but if you read about the car, it is quite the monster.
    More horsepower, more nifty F1 like technology. I'd say it's nothing more then an Enzo on crack. And, at first I liked the Enzo, it looked refreshing, new. Now that it exists, it's boring.

    Also, for the list:
    Lamborghini Murciélago! (note, non-yellow = ugly, and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO D:

    DeLorean. And the list grows!
    Need to know how to drive a 5-speed though.^_~
    As in five forward gears. Eh, right >_> That'll take 2 seconds.
    Post edited by ... on
  • I kind of like the new Audi R8. It's basically a Lambo chassis with Audi options.
  • DeLorean. And the list grows!
    Need to know how to drive a 5-speed though.^_~
    As in five forward gears. Eh, right >_> That'll take 2 seconds.
    You could probably get to 88.8 mph in only four gears in a pinch.
  • Learning a MT doesn't take that long, in fact I am pretty sure I learnt in 10 mins or so, after that its just perfecting the technique. By the tim you come to your driving test you barely think about changing.
    Here is a quick version of what happened first time I got in a car with an instructor.

    *basic safety instructions*
    *this is how a clutch works, this is how your break works, this is how your accelerator works*
    - "ok, car is turned off, look at the gear stick, push in the clutch, put it in 1st, now 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, reverse."
    then a moment or two going from random numbers while looking, eg; 2nd to 5th, 4th to 1st. then I did the same again with out looking, that was for about 2-3 mins tops.
    *turn car on*
    "ok, clutch in, put it in first, and drive 10 meters for me then stop." "ok, now drive 20 for me, and change up to second during that" "ok well done, now drive.."
    we drove for about 15 miles or so, doing junctions and everything. Its not that hard.

    In my eyes a standard automatic is a lazy way to drive a car. Some may argue that you can focus more on the road/surroundings etc, as you are not concentrating on the gears. But in my eyes I see it the other way round, you drive a manual and you are more focused, you are more connected to the car because you learn to feel what the engine is doing and are better able to respond to situations than if you let the car decide how to break/accelerate. and by the time you pass your driving test, gears are second nature, almost muscle memory I reckon. no need to "focus" on them at all.

    Also, i havent seen any mention of the Bugatti Veyron
  • In my eyes a standard automatic is a lazy way to drive a car. Some may argue that you can focus more on the road/surroundings etc, as you are not concentrating on the gears.
    People who drive AT are like people who use Aimbots in FPS games. ~_^
  • In my eyes a standard automatic is a lazy way to drive a car. Some may argue that you can focus more on the road/surroundings etc, as you are not concentrating on the gears.
    People who drive AT are like people who use Aimbots in FPS games. ~_^
    Cheaters! I have my Six Speed Achievement.
  • Also, i havent seen any mention of theBugatti Veyron
    My first post in this topic. Between the McLaran F1 and Smart Roadster. But yes, driving a stick is a piece of cake. Learning how to behave and act under certain circumstances takes up the majority of your driving lessons, and you'll be changing gears unconciously pretty fast. But I still can't grasp why manual transmission means sporty in the US -__-. I almost dare to say that it's a miracle if you see an automatic on the road here (then again, that's hard to tell from the outside).
  • But I still can't grasp why manual transmission means sporty in the US -__-.
    As I said before: for my car, the manual was more sporty. The CVT automatic just didn't drive the way I wanted it to. This has nothing to do with the fact that I live in the states. It is true, however, that most people in here drive automatics.
  • My fictional car would be the gadget mobile. Or Ratchet from Transformers.

    My car in real life, I don't know. I've seen a couple of lotus's (not sure what they were, just remember the name on the car) in San Diego that I always thought LOOKED cool, but I've never ridden in one.
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