Before I began to watch this show, I never really understood the appeal to it. I saw a few episodes every once in a while, and I never really liked it. Even after being shown season 1, I wasn't all that impressed...until I watched season 2. Suddenly, I've come to like this sitcom. A lot.
Who else likes this show?
But to be clear, are you talking about the BBC version or the NBC version?
In closing: Bears. Beets.
Battlestar Galactica.
And I love you for that quote, Jason. We must wed.
One of my favorite quotes: "Toby is in HR, which technically means he works for corporate, so he's really not a part of our family. Also, he's divorced, so he's really not a part of his family. "
Oh no, this is devolving into a quote-fest. Damn thy internets!!!
This is made of liquid hot win.
Pam + Jim or Jim + Karen.
I think I know what your opinion would be.
WIP disagrees. We had a lengthy argument about it earlier in the season. Stinking Jam fans.
But come on, Jim and Pam are perfect for each other! Don't you see how happy they are now, in season 4?
Do you want to form an alliance?
And, favorite episode so far?
You're just jealous because you are not a member of the "Finer Things Club". Well, gotta go. The office is running Call of Duty 2 practice again.
Favorite episode: Health Care. Finally, somebody out there is recognizing countchoculitis as a real threat.
One of my favorites: Local Ad. I just love how Michael's ad suddenly shifts to a dressed-up Kelly in India.
Racial exploitation, ftw.
Also, is it just me, or am I the only one that likes Toby?