Super Tuesday! (My Super Bowl!)
So what are your predictions?
I foresee a potential upset in California by Obama and the south going in a big way for Obama, while Clinton pulls out marginal victories in New York and New Jersey and other Northern states.
I have to say one more thing, if it comes down to being a very close battle and the somehow Clinton gets Florida's delegates restored at the last minute to win, I'm going to be very very pissed.
If there is a surprise, it will be that Hillary will do much better than the most recent polls suggest.
I am so looking forward to voting next week! First time! Yay!
Happy to be part of picking the first great President in a long time.
Go Obama!
I wonder how many states in the south he will pry away from two front-runners?
OBAMA: Alabama: Obama 60, Clinton 37... Arizona: Obama 51, Clinton 45... Connecticut: Obama 53, Clinton 45... Delaware: Obama 56, Clinton 42... Georgia: Obama 75, Clinton 26... Illinois: Obama 70, Clinton 30... Massachusetts: Obama 50, Clinton 48... Missouri: Obama 50, Clinton 46... New Jersey: Obama 53, Clinton 47...
CLINTON: Arkansas: Clinton 72, Obama 26... California: Clinton 50, Obama 47... New York: Clinton 56, Obama 43... Oklahoma: Clinton 61, Obama 31... Tennessee: Clinton 52, Obama 41...
According to many talk-show pundits, a vote for Huckabee is considered a vote for McCain (due to Huckabee taking voters from Romnety)
Apparently, Stephen Colbert is Huckabee's running mate: Therefore, a vote for Huckabee is also a vote for Colbert.
Therefore, by the transitive property of "Huckabee" Stephen Colbert is John McCain. Take that, America.
Anyways, I'm seriously hoping for a large Obama victory, but I'm not sure and I think Hillary might end up a tiny bit ahead thanks to her superdelegates.
Unfortunately, if McCain ends up running against Hillary, I'm willing to bet that most independents will end up going right anyways and we'll end up with a third Republican President.
At which point I will, of course, move to Canada.
Also, California has widely been called for Hillary. While she probably will end up winning, the margin at the time I write this (55-33) is probably not going to stay around, thankfully.
Still, it's nice to see a race that isn't over after Super Tuesday. Word is that Obama has the momentum and the major Latino states are done, so this really will be interesting. Expect lawsuits to start flying concerning Florida and Michigan if Obama edges out Clinton when it's all over.
Apparently few people in Massachusetts were swayed by Ted Kennedy's endorsement of Obama. Hillary took that state easily.
Moving based on the country's slide into fascism and depravity is a little different (and Canada is not an optimal solution if you're worried about such things), but I still think there should be a moratorium on announcing your plans to move unless you have actually started to make serious plans.
Get ready to watch the Florida/Michigan lawsuits in a couple of months!
The worry is that this race is going to end up being really divisive within the party - not just in terms of "we might lose the White House in '08 because we didn't unite behind our candidate", but in terms of "major portions of the party might be extremely angry at the other part". Especially if it goes to a brokered convention, where the loser can portray his or her loss as a betrayal by the victor.
I signed up as an alternate delegate.
Overall it was a pretty fun experience. There were so many different kinds of people there, from young to old, from white to black. People wearing Obama or Clinton stickers. It' s nerve racking to see how close this race is. I guess we'll find out who wins tonight.