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Music of 2007.

edited February 2008 in Everything Else
What, in your opinion, were the best albums of 2007? And what were the most disappointing albums?

I liked Arcade Fire's Neon Bible, which was an epic concept album about religion. It's really orchestral and generally amazing. Daft Punk's Alive 2007 was pretty much the best remix album ever. Radiohead's stark In Rainbows was also pretty great. Not as strong an album as Hail to the Thief or Pablo Honey, but still worth listening to. Vampire Weekend's first EP was a fun prelude to their terrific debut album which was released in January of this year. Other albums I enjoyed are Life in Cartoon Motion by Mika, Myths of the Near Future by Klaxons, and Favourite Worst Nightmare by Arctic Monkeys.

Anyway, in my opinion the Gorillaz's D-Sides was pretty terrible. It was uninteresting and boring compared to Demon Days, which is one of the best albums I've ever heard. LCD Soundsystem's Sound of Silver was extremely dull and over-hyped, except for the track North American Scum, which is extremely fun.


  • I think this is good enough for me.
  • I thinkthisis good enough for me.
    Ugh, the Portal song is so tired.
  • edited February 2008
    Anyway, in my opinion the Gorillaz'sD-Sideswas pretty terrible.
    D-Sides was a b-sides compilation. There were some gems though, We Are A Happy Landfill for example. But Gorillaz remixes always suck for some reason.

    I really liked Of Montreal's Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?. I feel like they really achieved perfect balance with this one by not being overly popish and light as they get sometimes. Coheed and Cambria's No World For Tomorrow is easily their second best album, their first being their debut Second Stage Turbine Blade. Coincidentally, this album sounds most like their first than any other and I'm glad about that. They Might Be Giants hit it out of the park with The Else which I think has become my favorite out of all of them. I was quite relieved that they recovered after their dreadful The Spine. NOFX's They've Actually Gotten Worse Live! is just fucking awesome. Apples In Stereo's New Magnetic Wonder was pretty good and Dethklok's album debut was fucking epic.

    Not many bands disappointed me this year except Modest Mouse. We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank's mediocrity echos from Good News For People Who Like Bad News' similar mediocrity and I don't like the direction they're going in.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Of Montreal is the most sickeningly pretentious band I have ever listened to. Not to say they're bad, but just irritating. The Else was fantastic, though.
  • Not to say they're bad, but just irritating.
    This is kinda how I feel about Green Day. I mean, I actually kinda like their music but they're extremely annoying.
  • edited February 2008
    † by Justice - Great album.
    In Rainbows by Radiohead - I really dug it. I bought the discbox. Flexible price gave it a lot of hype. A lot cleaner than anything they've ever done. The bonus songs were as good as the album, imo.
    People Who Can Eat People Are the Luckiest People in the World by Andrew Jackson Jihad - I liked it.
    Post edited by Gunfire on
  • I must say, Favourite Worst Nightmare by the Arctic Monkeys is such an awesome album. I've heard it nearly everyday since August.
  • I must say, Favourite Worst Nightmare by the Arctic Monkeys is such an awesome album. I've heard it nearly everyday since August.
    Which do you prefer, Favourite Worst Nightmare or Whatever People Say I Am?
  • It's hard to say. I love "I bet you look good on the dancefloor" and "Fake tales of San Francisco", but I also really like "Teddy Picker" and "Do me a favor". I think I couldn't listen to them as much if I wouldn't have both of their albums, because listening to only FWN gets really boring after a while.
  • Radiohead - In Rainbows
    LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
    Arcade Fire - Neon Ballroom
    !!! - Myth Takes
    The Shins - Wincing the Night Away

    This was an interesting year, LCD Soundsystem had the prize all the way up until the new Radiohead Album. As for disappointments the biggest one for me would either be We Are the Night by the Chemical Brothers and Prince Umberto and the Sisters of Ill by the Bumblebeez. Usually a new Chemical's album is a byword for electronic album of the year, but this time around it was a bit lifeless. The Bumblebeez were a disappointment purely due to the fact that a good half of the songs fucking rock, but the rest of them were atrocious!
  • I just download random songs more than download albums. Plus I don't [ay attention to what year or anything. For me 2007 was the year of Dragonforce, Machinae Supremacy, Mika, the NANA soundtrack and the Haruhi Suzumiya soundtrack. Those are the albums I liked best!
  • I guess Mika is the newest music I enjoy. I've been listening to E-Rotic again recently, too.
  • Have you ever listened to the arctic monkeys?
  • What is this album thing you speak of? I have never heard of such a thing.
  • The Black Rose by Blindside was the best I've listened to this year.
    It was released by themselves and they sold it as a DRM-free download on their site.
  • I don't think I've heard a new song this year besides Still Alive.
  • I didn't get much new North American music this year, but of what I did get, my favourite albums were Mika's "Life in Cartoon Motion," the Hairspray movie soundtrack, and the Sweeney Todd movie soundtrack. I got a ton of anime music that I liked a lot, but I doubt anyone wants to hear me babble on about it. ^^;;
  • Oh I forgot about that! Sweeney Todd wins!
  • I just download random songs more than download albums.
    I solely download full length albums, and almost always listen to them from beginning to end every single time I want to hear it.
  • I solely download full length albums, and almost always listen to them from beginning to end every single time I want to hear it.
    I basically ignore "albums" from artists and just listen to music. ;^)
  • Between the Buried and Me's Colors is the best progressive album of 2007.
  • edited February 2008
    Ur Jordens Djup - Finntroll video

    Worlds Collide - Apocalyptica

    Ghost Opera - Kamelot video (Grinderman - Nick Cave (as the band Grinderman) video, possibly nsfw

    Rise of the Tyrant - Arch Enemy video

    Overall, I'd say it was a good year for bands that I like.

    Looking forward to:

    The New Dark Age - Kiuas (March '08)

    unknown album from Amon Amarth

    Blooddrunk - Children of Bodom (April '08)

    untitled ninth studio album from Metallica (at some point this year)
    -I just feel the need to point out that I'm a Metallica fanboy, so I always look forward to every album. Think of me what you will.

    EDIT: Holy shit, evidently Nile recorded an album in 2007 that I do not own. I need to stay more on top of this stuff. Papyrus Containing the Spell to Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks from He Who Is in the Water

    You can't make up that kind of song title. Seriously.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited February 2008
    Faunts-M4. Not new in 2007, but that's when I heard about them. They aren't really well known so I think thats good enough to count.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Anyway, in my opinion the Gorillaz'sD-Sideswas pretty terrible. It was uninteresting and boring compared toDemon Days, which is one of the best albums I've ever heard.
    I'm starting to think I wasted iTunes money on that collection, though there are a few good songs like People, Rockit, and the demo of Don't Get Lost In Heaven. G-Sides was so much better than this.
  • edited February 2008
    I basically ignore "albums" from artists and just listen to music. ;^)
    I just get a sense of completeness when I listen to an album instead of individual songs. I can't listen to Inertiatic ESP and then not listen to the rest of De-Loused. It's become like OCD. It might also be because I listen to a lot of "progressive" and "concept" music, and tracks from those sort of albums just don't sound good taken out of context.
    I'm starting to think I wasted iTunes money on that collection
    Anything purchased on iTunes is, by default, a waste of money.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • edited February 2008
    I think that the arrangement of the songs on an album is almost an art form unto itself. The tracks should flow smoothly from one to the next. The best song on the album is great on it's own, but mind blowing when built up to through the album's progress. There are some songs that sound bad out of the context of the album but serve as excellent transitions. Vice versa, there are also songs that are great on their own but their poor placement in the album ruins them. Some albums just demand to be listened to in order, straight through(Dark Side of the Moon) and some work better by just listening to the best tracks. It all really depends. But the bottom line is that the construction of an album is an important aspect of the musician's artistry and should not be neglected.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Oh I know, I bought one of the Mother 3 albums from iTunes. That was really good, even though half of the music in it was from Earthbound and was basically just using real instruments instead of 16-bit sound.
  • I'm starting to think I wasted iTunes money on that collection
    Anything purchased on iTunes is, by default, a waste of money.Hey, those 3 Cake songs and that one Butthole Surfers song wasn't a waste! Neither was the Vitamin String Quartet!
  • edited February 2008
    I basically ignore "albums" from artists and just listen to music. ;^)
    I just get a sense of completeness when I listen to an album instead of individual songs. I can't listen to Inertiatic ESP and then not listen to the rest of De-Loused. It's become like OCD. It might also be because I listen to a lot of "progressive" and "concept" music, and tracks from those sort of albums just don't sound good taken out of context.
    I totally get where you're coming from, and that's cool. I happen to be in Rym's camp more often, though, because I don't listen to a lot of albums meant to be listened to in sequence. Usually, the only albums I get that I feel I have to listen to in sequence tend to be movie, musical, and movie musical soundtracks.

    Also, just the way I personally experience music, I feel like I need variety and often can't stand to listen to the same artist for more than a few songs, no matter how good they are. My iPod is almost constantly on shuffle. Call it musical ADD, if you will. ^^; Because of that, I don't often get albums or discographies, even if I really like a particular artist; I know I'll probably either get bored of listening to the whole thing through (unless it's amazing/amazingly varied), or I'll have to listen to it in chunks. Thus, not getting entire albums often works to my advantage, as far as my listening tastes go, because I end up mostly getting the really good, stand-out songs by certain artists without having to slog through their less outstanding or filler songs.

    Not counting soundtracks and compilations featuring various artists, the only albums I purchased/downloaded last year were Mika's "Life in Cartoon Motion," Ok Go's "Ok Go," and The Decemberists' "The Crane Wife." The only discographies I have ever downloaded and kept are for Weird Al Yankovic and The Vandals, both of which I got a couple years ago and STILL haven't finished listening to.
    Post edited by Eryn on
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