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Art Attack (Concept Sketch Dump)



  • The progression of open_sketchbook's drawings make it seem like his images are slowly coming into focus.

    Is there a particular reason why you are that liberal with your blurring techniques? You definitely have talent (way more talent than I could possibly have), but the blurriness of the colors/shades is a little off-putting.
  • edited May 2012
    Because I'm not comfortable with hard brushes yet. Right now when I use hard brushes I just get crappy lines all over my drawing. With each drawing I've been increasing the edge hardness of my brush as I get more confident with it.
    A skirt? Seriously? Also, is it just me, or does it look like that skirts is way too high. Or is her upper body just non-existent?

    EDIT: Katawa Gundam Senshi?
    All my paintings have been units from my Red Alert mod. The Japanese Empire in it are super-anime, and the design idea for this unit, the Battle Psychic, was basically "Technological Sailor Moon".
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I've been trying to practice vehicles and stuff while doing dynamic anatomy exercises.

  • I finished the line work for a bunch more Art Nouveau Disney Princesses (and a number of villains)

    "You Can Fly, You Can Fly, You Can Fly"

    "Once Upon a Dream"

    "A Special Sort of Death"

    "Who's Been Painting my Roses Red?"

    "The Elegant Captain Hook"

    "Maleficent's Evil Spell"
  • Bumping because it would be cool to get some feedback.
  • Looks cool. The eyes look a little weird, but I'm just assuming that's cause they aren't filled in.

  • Well they work really well as Zbrush Alphas!
  • Been awhie since I drew her. Seem to be every few weeks. I worked on her story and design for years off and on. I think I'm almost ready to do it. I invented her 4 years ago. It's on the first page of the thread still! WHOA!

  • Whoa! That one looks so good! I remember you drawing her way back when. I think I even did a fanart sketch of her, but this is by far my favorite version I have seen.

  • WIP of a Doomgirl space marine for a 90s style retro FPS cover. I used my best overly soft shading and monotone colour scheme to really get that mid-90s cover art feel.
  • While the soft shading looks fine, wouldn't that smooth shiny armor have specular highlights on it? Why is it so matte?
    I like the visor, and that it has a lot of different tones in it.
  • The shading is meant to emulate the airbrushed look of 90s era cover art rather than a particular material.
  • Obviously not something I made, but I found this video wonderfully illuminating on the process of animation.
  • edited March 2013

    Sketches for some of the Archetype profiles in the Hardboiled rulebook. The Professor and Sleuth are based on characters played in the very first Hardboiled test game, and the Dame is based on another playtester's character.

    I will never tire of drawing robots with personality/robo-facial hair.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Not sketches done by myself, but a current up to date gallery of all the panda sketches I've collected so far.

    Some done by famous people, others by really good artists and various all around cool people.
  • So my drive to cartoon has come back after being stamped out by depression back in high school. Here's a study for something I'm working on right now:

  • Studying~

  • edited July 2013

    The sketch for the Prologue section of the Hardboiled book, and basically the first art people will see.

    Inking this is gonna be fun.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Sketch for a game jam game (game didn't end up being that loud though)

    Not sure what I'm planning to do with this one exactly.
  • edited July 2013
    Don't put the Statue of Liberty there, that's not where she is. She is way far away from Manhattan. I mean, it's weird, because when people change the buildings I'm like "yeah, sure, alternate New York" but somehow moving the whole island just breaks suspension of disbelief.

    (It always cracks me up when Japanese artists put her in the skyline.)
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited July 2013
    This isn't New York though. It's like, actually alternate New York. Like, pulp fantasy universe alternate New York. If you look closely, she's got a shield, sword and badass pose, and doesn't have a pedestal. It's not the Statue of Liberty, it's just it's weird fantasy analog.


    She's also, uh, a lot bigger. Those little things around her feet are full-sized ships.

    (also buh i gotta work on this lineart)
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Hey look, I'm learning art!
  • Research notes
  • More tonal studies!
  • edited November 2013
    Done in my new note 3, it's well equipped for random sketching. Just big enough, IMHO.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • On the downside, the image looks a lot less detailed and cool on a big screen, yelp. :P
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