Riddle me this, If I bought something that is completely legal and with my own money and I am 18, doesn't that make it legally mine and doesn't that make it so that no one can keep it away from me unless it is by a legal force? Am I correct or am I completely off base?
Wait... I'm having deja vu... Haven't we had this conversation with you before?
Sounds to me like you have a mother that cares about you. But of course we've been trying to tell you that for some time now.
If you're so hot to protect your rights, man up and move out. See how long you last in the adult world. I have a hint: not long.
Also, I have a firm opinion that notebook checks, or notebook tests, as they are called at my school, are the fucking stupidest things in the god-damned world. I have had multiple classes where keeping a notebook counted for more than twice what my final exam for the class did.
If I was venting, I would say something along those lines.
EDIT: I did pay for both my Wii and my DS with my own money and I understand that my mom makes the rules, but they shouldn't be able to break any sort of ownership law.
What, you don't want to do that? Then quit yer bitchin'.
So he's looking at either suing his mom or asking to have his mom arrested. Over a couple of video game consoles. What a sympathetic victim. That's a good way to get your name in News of the Weird, but it won't get you your vidja games back.
You need to understand that property law as it applies to two adults is not the same as property law as it applies to a parent and a child - even if you bought the Wii.
Keep in mind that you could afford the Wii because she doesn't charge you for room, board, etc. So if you want to fight this war, be prepared to lose big time.