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Ownership Laws



  • I said it before. Here's your clarification: Study harder and stop being such a little bitch.
  • I said it before. Here's your clarification: Study harder and stop being such a little bitch.
    Study harder? I said earlier that I had a 3.57 GPA last quarter! I had A's in everything except Functions and Trigonometry (which is the current problem) where I had a very high B and English 12 Honors in which I had a very similar grade!
  • edited March 2008
    Study Harder? I said earlier that I had a 3.57 GPA last quarter!
    You also said
    . . . I bombed on a math quiz which lowered my grade to a below par level and messed up my interim.
    Study harder.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited March 2008
    I also said...
    ...we only had about five grades in the class, four of which were very small (homeworks and such)...
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Why do you not have a 100% grade average? Until you do you are not learning hard enough.
  • Why do you not have a 100% grade average? Until you do you are not learning hard enough.
    Was that supposed to be in the green font of sarcasm? If it was, good show.
  • edited March 2008
    I also said...
    ...we only had about five grades in the class, four of which were very small (homeworks and such)...
    Which you still fail because of that quiz. What are you even doing here? Why aren't you studying now? I'm gonna tell your mom to take away your computer too if you don't start studying.

    This is why I don't have kids.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Kinda off topic, but the title of that topic Neito linked reminds me of my schoolmate. Her parents don't want her to go to a vocational school. However, she wants to, because she is mostly interested in art and music, but her parents won't give her funding for her own apartment and such if she doesn't go to a lukio upper secondary school. I think her parents want to get her study law. They keep insisting it doesn't matter whether or not she likes the subjects, because she'll start to like it after a while studying.
  • edited March 2008
    I also said...
    ...we only had about five grades in the class, four of which were very small (homeworks and such)...
    You said you are 18 right? Welcome to college. At university you only have a handful of grades at best. Several of my classes only have midterms and finals. You fuck one of them up and you are screwed.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Welcome to college. At university you only have a handful of grades at best. Several of my classes only have midterms and finals. You fuck one of them up and you are screwed.
    In law school, you have one test per class. A three to four hour long essay test. What you make on that test is what you make for the class.
    Study harder? I said earlier that I had a 3.57 GPA last quarter! I had A's in everything except Functions and Trigonometry (which is the current problem) where I had a very high B and English 12 Honors in which I had a very similar grade!
    You didn't lose your Wii and DS because you're doing well. Study harder.
  • Why do you not have a 100% grade average? Until you do you are not learning hard enough.
    Was that supposed to be in the green font of sarcasm? If it was, good show.
    He has a point. If you don't I only see three liable excuses. One or all must apply:

    1. You are dumb
    2. You are lazy/slack off
    3. You know it doesn't account for anything, thus you do not give a shit.
  • 3. You know it doesn't account for anything, thus you do not give a shit.
    I have already been accepted into three of the four colleges I have applied to, with the fourth I am still waiting on a response. I already have my three math credits needed to graduate. So your statement is right on the money.
  • 3. You know it doesn't account for anything, thus you do not give a shit.
    I have already been accepted into three of the four colleges I have applied to, with the fourth I am still waiting on a response. I already have my three math credits needed to graduate. So your statement is right on the money.
    Then you've got it made. Just grind it out a little longer, and you will have the legal right and ability to do whatever you want.
  • If you've been accepted into your top-choice college, then you deserve to have a little "slack" time.

    Of course that assumes that your top-rated college isn't Eastern Valley Community College.
  • edited March 2008
    What are the Colleges that you have been accepted to? This may change everything.
    Post edited by Zeehat on
  • edited March 2008
    Having read this thread so far, my take on it amounts to "BAWWWWW!! Mom took my toys away!! I'll get back at her by telling her I'm the legal owner of them and she'll have to give them back!"

    Newsflash: You live under her roof, you live by her rules. Yeah, her rules may suck, but that's life. Suck it up and deal with it like a rational adult. If you've been accepted to a four-year college then you're going to be out of there soon enough anyway.
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • What are the Colleges that you have been accepted to? This may change everything.
    Yes please. Getting "accepted" to a community college or to ITT Tech is not exactly an acheivement, and from what you've said in the past about your grades and your motivation to study, that's what I think you're looking at.

    Here's what I predict are your three colleges:

    1. RETS
    2. Montgomery County Community College
    3. Becky Sue's College of Cosmetology

    . . . and you're waiting on your letter from Gary's Gaming Gymnasium.
  • You mean the 4-week blackjack dealer school doesn't count as "college"?
  • You mean the 4-week blackjack dealer school doesn't count as "college"?
    He wasn't accepted there because of the math requirements.
  • I got accepted into...
    Maryland Institute College of Art
    Ringling School of Art and Design
    East Carolina Universtiy
    I am still waiting on a respose from the Rouse Scholar's Program (an honours program) at Howard Community College.
  • edited March 2008
    Wow, good schools. /sarcasm

    Just goes to show what will happen if you slack off and don't study . . .
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited March 2008
    Did you actually compliment me? Better get a sweater, because hell has just froze over!
    EDIT: The spell checker didn't catch that one, sorry.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Did you actually complement me? Better get a sweater, because hell has just froze over!
    Look up, because something just went over your head.
  • Oh, a sarcasm detector. That's a useful invention.
  • So what exactly is wrong with the schools I have been accepted into?
  • Did you actually complement me? Better get a sweater, because hell has just froze over!
    Compliment. To complement someone would be to go well with them. Sort of like how peanut butter complements chocolate most exquisitely.

    I need some Reese's cups.
  • Allright, since Li_Akahi does get treated kind of harshly...
    Can one of you art types weigh in on the Maryland Institute College of Art? That's actually a pretty decent art school, isn't it?

    The Ringling School of Art and Design has rolling admissions, which ought to tell you something. It's also un-ranked by U.S. News & World Report.

    East Carolina University is a "fourth tier" school according to U.S. News.
  • MICA was the first accredited art school in the country and has much higher requirements than other art schools.
  • Wait, you are going for art? God help us. Why were you talking about math so heavily?
  • edited March 2008
    It occurs to me that this thread has gone WAY off topic. It began with a simple question about ownership laws, and how they apply to his situation. Now, it has become another case of Li_Akahi being attacked for unrelated school issues. His mom's influence over his financial situation is relevant, but his grades are not. His mother's reaction to them might be relevant, but Billy Pilgrim claiming that he's been accepted into bad colleges seems completely off the mark.

    I think that since he still lives under his mother's roof, she has the right to do whatever she wants with his toys. He can argue with her as much as he wants, but the discussion of how effective his argument would be should be taken elsewhere.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
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