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TV You Don't Like But You Must Endure

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
So I'm sitting here partially watching American Idol. I promise that I wouldn't be watching if it weren't for my wife. Oh, I sometimes enjoy seeing the crappy-singing people early in the season, but after they get past those first auditions, I don't care.

My point is that I kind of end up halfheartedly "watching" it because Carole has it on and it's inescapable unless I go in another room and if I do that, she says, "What are you doing? Come back in here. Don't abandon me!" So I end up being in the same room and it's pretty hard to ignore. She also watches Project Runway. She has a kind of radar that alerts her every time Steel Magnolias or Pretty woman is on. Recently, she's started a habit of watching The Devil Wears Prada incessantly. She has a DVD of Sense and Sensibility and I swear she's figured out a way to make it play on an infinite loop. By default, I pretty much have to sit through all this.

Are there any shows or movies that you wouldn't watch on your own but you end up watching because a family member watches it?


  • Project Runway
    The pain. Oh, the inescapable pain. Lisa has that or Top Chef running nearly every single moment she is home. It is my profound disappointment that I've long since stopped minding both shows and actually enjoy Top Chef.

    Also, I'm outing Andrew as a big Project Runway fan.

    "Make it work!"
  • I got stuck watching incessant reruns of Friends and Will and Grace as well as pretty much any iteration of Survivor that came down the pike thanks to my ex-wife's viewing habits. That's part of the reason why she's now my ex.
  • edited March 2008
    Any Julia Roberts or Hugh Grant movie is automatically on for the duration. I've sat through The Englishman Who Went up a Hill and came down a Mountain more times than I care to remember. Notting Hill is especially bad because it has them both. But let me try to watch 1408 and there's hell to pay:

    "You can't watch that when I'm awake! It'll give me nightmares!"

    "Okay, I'll watch it when you're asleep."

    "You can't do that! It'll wake me up! And then I'll have nightmares when I go back to sleep!"
    Top Chef
    That's nothing compared to Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? They even have a whole Wedding Channel now, the sons of whoreson bastards. God help us all.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Why don't you just say "I'm going in the other room because I can't stand this stupid show?"
  • What is this TV you speak of? By the sounds of it, it is probably filled with low amounts of meaningful content, and a plethora of useless ads.
  • Why don't you just say "I'm going in the other room because I can't stand this stupid show?"
    Because when you love someone you value their company more than you hate the show.
  • Why don't you just say "I'm going in the other room because I can't stand this stupid show?"
    Because when you love someone you value their company more than you hate the show.
    What a thin line that is.
  • edited March 2008
    Why don't you just say "I'm going in the other room because I can't stand this stupid show?"
    Because when you love someone you value their company more than you hate the show.
    Or you're pussy whipped.

    Honestly, I'd never put up with that crap. Sure, sitting through some things every now and then is a "whatever" situation...but considering movies are like 1.5-2 hours, that's a LOT of time to be wasting just sitting around watching a movie that you'd rather not be watching.

    Anyways, there really is never that going on at my house...mainly for reasons I stated above.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Or you're pussy whipped.
    I find this is usually the defense of an insecure person.
  • I used to deal with that as a kid when my older sister would take the TV away. I wanted to watch cartoons and she would want Star Trek and Babylon 5 all the time. My hate for Babylon 5 and Star Trek stemmed from those days. In fact I really don't like space sci fi at all because of that. Non space sci fi is awesome to me though.
  • edited March 2008
    Or you're pussy whipped.
    I find this is usually the defense of an insecure person.
    Or the defense of someone who values his time, and also values company of people who understand that he values his time more than he would like to watch Project Runway every week....or night...or however often it's on.

    I'd really just like to point out that I'm not saying to not spend time with your wife. I'm just saying that you have to have a happy medium. You can't just let her control you like that.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • People do things with their boyfriend/girlfriend that they don't necessarily enjoy because their boyfriend/girlfriend would do the same for them. It's not being pussy whipped, it's a FUNDAMENTAL PART OF A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP.

    Minor difference.
  • People do things with their boyfriend/girlfriend that they don't necessarily enjoy because their boyfriend/girlfriend would do the same for them. It's not being pussy whipped, it's a FUNDAMENTAL PART OF A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP.
    Ever wonder why Scott isn't getting any poontang? It's because he cannot understand this concept.
  • People do things with their boyfriend/girlfriend that they don't necessarily enjoy because their boyfriend/girlfriend would do the same for them. It's not being pussy whipped, it's a FUNDAMENTAL PART OF A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP.
    Ever wonder why Scott isn't getting any poontang? It's because he cannot understand this concept.
    I think it's true for people who are so desperate to be in a relationship and get some. More important to me is to find somebody with whom I have enough in common that we won't be forcing each other to do things we do not like just to spend time together. If someone likes watching reality TV shows, that isn't a person that I will enjoy spending time with.
  • If someone likes watching reality TV shows, that isn't a person that I will enjoy spending time with.
    To take that one step further, the kind of person who would enjoy these kinds of shows is probably not someone who can hold a good conversation with me. (I'm not saying this out of arrogance and "Oh, they watch REALITY TELEVISION, so they must be STUPID". I'm just saying that the probability of our interests intersecting is rather low.)
    But, to be honest, I come in between Scott and Dave on this. I think that making some sacrifices is fine, like having to watch a lame movie every so often, but I'm not going to give up major portions of my life just for some sex. I have a hand, I can figure things out pretty well.
  • Also, there is a horrific conflation of love and sex in this thread that shows how immature some of the youngsters are.
  • Question: Why must the TV be on during the time you spend with your wife/girl? I mean, that either results in neither of you watching TV, or one of the two hushing the other, or both are just watching TV. Either way, time is wasted. If you want to be with your girl just sit on the couch and talk or whatever you feel like. Just tell her you would want to spend time with her, but she is just spending time with Project Runway, American Idol, etc, instead of with you.
  • There is such a thing as compromise. You're not going to find your clone out there, and even if you did, your clone would probably still not have everything in common with you. You will have to make some compromises to accomodate another person's different tastes unless you're prepared to be very lonely.
    Also, there is a horrific conflation of love and sex in this thread that shows how immature some of the youngsters are.
    Haven't you heard? The kids invented love and sex. They know everything there is to know about it, and no amount of experience will persuade them that they're wrong in even their slightest expectation.
  • edited March 2008
    There's some shows that I wouldn't normally watch by myself but I'll watch it if my wife is watching it... like Top Model, Big Brother, or Survivor... just because it's fun to make comments about the people on those shows. It's also vice versa, she'll sometimes watch shows that I like... like football or Family Guy. But there's some shows I don't tolerate at all, and I just either tune it out while on my laptop or go to another room. I can't stand Rachael Ray, Dr. Phil, and most home improvement shows.... I just goof on her shit show then leave (she does the same thing to me when I watch anime). :)
    Post edited by Unknown User on
  • You will have to make some compromises to accomodate another person's different tastes unless you're prepared to be very lonely.
    See I do not understand why people would do that. I mean, you have at least something in common with your wife, don't you? So why spend time doing something only one of you likes when you can do something both of you like. Compromising the way you do just sounds silly to me. Encouraging your wife to do the things she loves sure, sitting there with her while you do not enjoy doing what she does is just silly.

    In your case Hungryjoe you should just do stuff you enjoy yourself when your wife is watching TV, and after that the both of you can do fun stuff together that you both like. Or do you truly wish to spend your time 24/7 doing stuff with your wife?
  • edited March 2008
    People do things with their boyfriend/girlfriend that they don't necessarily enjoy because their boyfriend/girlfriend would do the same for them. It's not being pussy whipped, it's a FUNDAMENTAL PART OF A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP.
    Actually, I had this discussion with Rym when we talked about how some of the people at IBM stopped doing geeky things because their wives were not interested in them. I think the healthiest kind of relationship is one where people can function together but also independently, still preserving their own interests and hobbies. An example: I don't care much for shlocky violent asian horror movies. Ichi the killer? Gratuitous Violence? Not so much my thing. But Rym and Scott like to watch. So what do I do? Draw a comic. Go out in to play in NYC. Take my own computer and watch whatever show I am currently enamored of. Making your husband watch insipid television he obviously doesn't enjoy seems a silly thing to do. When I go watch my gay baseball anime (Oofuri) or uber-dramatic Jdoramas, I understand that although this might be my idea of a good time, Rym would be better served spending his time in other ways. However, when there is something we both love (eg. Utena) we snuggle on the couch and enjoy nice time together. That is compromise. Spend time apart when it suits you, but spend time together when you find something you both enjoy (or at least that you both can stand.) Don't be like the ex-boyfriend of a friend of ours, who in his film student hatred of all things anime, forbid her from watching it in the common areas of the apartment (WTF, right?) but then again doing force yourself to gag down entertainment that you find offensive to your sensibilities. Talk to your wife. Tell he that you don't like it. That's how I think it works best.

    P.S. Man, I thought this was just a stereotype about the chick flicks, but do your girlfriends really all watch that drek? As a professional in the film industry I must say your wife likes some television that I wouldn't poke with a ten foot pole. I did make Rym sit through a Fassbinder film once. He hated with a passion, and I never have made him watch another German New Wave film again. Art films, chick flicks, not everyone can appreciate all the genres.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I love my cousins dearly, but whenever I go to their house in California, I am BOMBARDED with High School Musical. While they don't actually force me to watch it, I am attacked to the point that it is inescapable.
    Everywhere I go, there is either someone watching it, or the soundtrack playing at full volume.

    At least I know that this is just a phase, as the same thing happened with Rent two years ago. Whether I'll be able to survive until this phase ends, however, I don't know...
  • edited March 2008
    My hate for Babylon 5 and Star Trek stemmed from those days. In fact I really don't like space sci fi at all because of that.
    You have been damaged. Severely. I'm not a Star Trek fan, but to deny yourself of space-based sci-fi is horrifically sad.

    As for the meta-topic. Any couple worth their salt will be able to do activities independent from each other. However, any couple that loves each other will want to share their interests with the other, and will enjoy spending time together. It's just a question of where to draw the line. I won't watch Jane Austin adaptations with my wife. Period. I will, however, watch Top Chef with her. That's because I genuinely enjoy spending time with her. We talk about what we see, and have a good time - even if it would not be my first choice.

    Sometimes things aren't so black and white. Besides, taking relationship advice from Scott is like going to a priest for advice on sex. He can make all the excuses he wants, but the reality is that, in his present form, he's incapable of a relationship. I'm not judging that, I'm just calling a spade a spade.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • He can make all the excuses he wants, but the reality is that, in his present form, he's incapable of a relationship. I'm not judging that, I'm just calling a spade a spade.
    Funny, but this issue came up last night at the GeekHaus, and was discussed in depth. ;^)
  • 'Cause I was pissed at him for monopolizing the television with Smash Brothers and not letting us watch our Simpsons Netflix DVD. I moved in to turn off the Wii (to be fair he had just saved) and he made like he was gonna stomp on me and I said that he was a selfish selfish person and his games do not love him. Okay. He didn't have to watch it WITH us, but we wanted to use the equipment, and I realize the hypocrisy of this in relation to the previous discussion so I'm going to go back to being quiet. Basically, the reason Scott and I duke it out of a regular basis is that I believe in compromise and he believes that he should never have anything less than 100% his way. We are different in this regard. If he had said, "Please, I really want to play Brawl, can you watch it upstairs?" I wouldn't have called him a selfish bitch and various other obscenities.
  • I can't help but agree with most of the older people in this thread.

    Just because you're not talking to a person when you're hanging out, you're physically with that person while watching television. Sometimes that's all a person needs. Some people may call it insecurity, however it just feels nice having a person around.

    Compromise is something that happens in ALL relationships. If you can't compromise, your relationship probably won't last long.

    It's a rare gem to find someone you have a lot of common interests with. I'm fortunate enough to be in one. However, there are times where my boyfriend and I will just do our own thing. He'll be on the computer while I'm on the couch watching some anime or rewatching Sex & the City. I don't expect him to be sitting down on the couch next to me while I watch things I know he probably won't like. Even if I do ask him to watch it with me, he'll also find something to do along with watching the show with me. (i.e. organize some cards or work on his next role playing campaign)

    Another example, my boyfriend loves TCGs. He taught me how to play a few, and for a while I was into them. However, I really don't care for them anymore, but when he has friends over and they are playing a Raid, he'll ask me to play along, and I will. I do it because I love him, and I know what I'm doing for him will make him happy. It's a small sacrifice of my time, but in the end it's worth it.


    Chick flicks are somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me. I don't like a lot of them, however there are a few that I can't help but enjoy. I don't make or ask my boyfriend to watch. I do what you do, and go watch them by myself. I don't go out of my way to watch them, or watch new ones. I mostly watch older movies.

    @the youngsters

    I would suggest taking some of the advice of the fogeys in relationships. They seem to be in some good long lasting relationships. What can you say about yourself and your relationships, if there are any?
  • Yeah, compromise is good, that's what I'm saying. (Read above post for the discussion of "compromise" that occurred at the haus following a falling out over Brawl.) But the old men seem to be resentful. Don't compromise to the point where it really puts you out. It's that the older people seemed to be booed that they "have" to watch these things. Oh well.
    Chick flicks are somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me. I don't like a lot of them, however there are a few that I can't help but enjoy. I don't make or ask my boyfriend to watch. I do what you do, and go watch them by myself. I don't go out of my way to watch them, or watch new ones. I mostly watch older movies.
    Sorry 'bout the snottiness. I gots a piece of paper what says I gots to be snobby about movies. Ignore me, PLZ.
    I would suggest taking some of the advice of the fogeys in relationships. They seem to be in some good long lasting relationships. What can you say about yourself and your relationships, if there are any?
    It is 4 years long and completely full of win.
  • Sometimes its nice to live on your own.
  • edited March 2008
    Sometimes its nice to live on your own.
    Agree. They have Geek Haus, I live in Emi's Atlier down the road. Having your own place is the best.

    I was at the Haus for a while following graduation, but as a roommate, I did not mesh well with Scott. He's better when you don't have to live with him and his rotton chicken cutting boards and SHOES ON THE CARPET! Argh! And one time? He said he would punch me so hard I would have to go to the hospital. Because I poked him in the arm. (he's only punched me in the face once. Rym had to hold me back afterwards because I was immediately out for revenge.) So he is okay when you don't share living space but living in my own apartment has always been my dream anyway. Plus, it's right by teh bodega and a basketball court, and I can walk to the train station.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • My hate for Babylon 5 and Star Trek stemmed from those days. In fact I really don't like space sci fi at all because of that.
    You have been damaged. Severely. I'm not a Star Trek fan, but to deny yourself of space-based sci-fi is horrifically sad.

    I did try again. I watched some Battlestar Galatica and Star Trek: TNG to see if my thoughts would change now that I'm older. They surely didn't.
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