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TV You Don't Like But You Must Endure



  • edited April 2008
    When a normal man fights a normal woman the man has the advantage. Therefore it is up to the man to pull his punches because the threat to his body is much lower than the threat to the woman if he attacks her back. Now, with that said, all bets are off if she brings an "equalizer" to the fight.
    Are you saying that women are naturally inferior to men?
    No, I am saying that physically the average man has an advantage over the average female in a fight. Any woman can work out and become a lot stronger than the men she is around but it takes effort to do so. Even an average woman can gain an advantage if she is trained in martial arts or any other fighting style.

    What I am saying is that if both people are normal (not trained fighters/don't work out at the gym) the man will have a physical advantage over the woman in the fight.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • What I am saying is that if both people are normal (not trained fighters/don't work out at the gym) the man will have a physical advatage over the woman in the fight.
    Do you have statistics and reports on the average strength of each gender?
  • edited April 2008
    What I am saying is that if both people are normal (not trained fighters/don't work out at the gym) the man will have a physical advatage over the woman in the fight.
    Do you have statistics and reports on the average strength of each gender?
    I'm sure I can find them on a government website if I look hard enough.

    opinion piece

    I'm finding mostly forum results and some medical sites that all say the same thing: "Men have more testosterone and other hormones which leads to bigger upper body mass and physical strength." Google is not giving me any good results worth linking to.

    I also found this study which found that men and women have the same muscle tissue but men typically have more of it, which makes them stronger.
    In, summary, male and female muscle tissue is essentially identical, and responds in a similar manner to strength training. Although females typically have less muscle than males, the muscle adapts to progressive resistance exercise in the same way. Most men and women respond to sensible strength training by developing stronger and slightly larger muscles.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • What I am saying is that if both people are normal (not trained fighters/don't work out at the gym) the man will have a physical advatage over the woman in the fight.
    Do you have statistics and reports on the average strength of each gender?
    The average human male is both larger and heavier than the average human female. The average human female also has a higher body fat percentage than the average human male. Ergo, the average human male has far more muscle mass than the average human female. Muscle mass equates directly to physical power output. Here are the current world records from the International Weightlifting Federation. The records are separated by weight categories; to accurately compare relative strengths, you have to compare the records at the same (or nearly the same) weight class. The current record for Males at the 69 kg weight category is 357 kg combined lifting weight (snatch and clean & jerk). The current record for Females at the 69 kg category is 276 kg combined lifting weight. A lot of it has to do with slight differences in bone density and tendon strength. Nonetheless, the average male has an advantage, strength-wise, over the average female.

    Now, of course, fighting and/or self-defense skills can do a lot to bridge these sorts of gaps. Emily, for example, is decently versed in some martial arts. While I am confident in MY ability to restrain her (I'm also 2.5x her weight), she'd probably be something of a challenge for Scott, if she was serious.

    It's all about assessing the situation. I know I'm a hell of a lot bigger and stronger than most people, so I only apply the amount of force needed to stop a situation. Most of the time, I can get people to back down without resorting to physical means. If I need to get rough, I get as rough as I need to, depending on the threat level.

    As someone else said, punching a girl in the face != wife beating. There's more to domestic abuse than JUST the physical abuse. Scott's just a little pissy, that's all.
  • edited April 2008
    There's more to domestic abuse than JUST the physical abuse,

    That's why I said before that if it had been Scott punching Rym, then from what we know from this thread, it would have been a far more serious issue.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • This also reminds me of something that occurred while I was stationed in California in the early 90's.

    One of the guys in the vehicle shop was Samoan. This guy was huge and all muscle. He did not pick fights but he knew how to fight and he could often intimidate most people into backing down from a fight.

    One day he got arrested after getting in a fight with a guy at a bar. Turns out the Samoan picked up a large piece of wood and beat this guy to within an inch of his life. When he was asked by the CO why he beat the guy so badly he had a very honest answer, "All my life I have been bigger than everyone around me. No one fights with me because they know I'm stronger. When I hit this guy he didn't fall down. I've never met a guy who didn't fall down when I hit him. For the first time in my life I was scared. I was scared that this guy was going to kill me. So I reached for the first thing I found and I beat the shit out of him before he could do the same thing to me."

    I never found out the full details of the court case because I transferred to Texas while the trial was going on.
  • The law should be (and is) gender neutral. You have no argument from me here.
    Except alimony and custody.
  • Except alimony and custody.
    Those laws are gender neutral. The application of the law may not be, but the law is.
  • OMG . . . new season of Project: Runway. Feh.

    . . . so I was sitting there, mostly asleep, and this host person says they'll have a guest judge. Then they made it all reality show dramatic . . . and it was Natalie Portman. All the designers were all excited. I asked Carole, "Are they all so happy because they're all Star Wars fans?" Then I went to bed.
  • . . . so I was sitting there, mostly asleep, and this host person says they'll have a guest judge. Then they made it all reality show dramatic . . . and it was Natalie Portman. All the designers were all excited. I asked Carole, "Are they all so happy because they're all Star Wars fans?" Then I went to bed.
    No, they're all Leon fans.
  • No, they're all Leon fans.
    Even better!
  • Me and my boyfriend both share most of the same interests. We even work in the same place. There isn't much that we have to compromise. We have the TV on sometimes in the background... I think I only get annoyed when that retarded Reality TV show cartoon is on but it's only on before Family Guy starts. We both hate that show. There is some movies he just refuses to watch with me like, Little Miss Sunshine T.T . I find it's kind of funny, though.
    I've had to "endure" watching Top chef and Project Runway at my job. It's not that bad if it's for research purposes but I guess I was viewing things differently.
    When I lived with my sister and my niece I had to endure American Idol on in the back ground... I was really annoying about it back then. I don't really care if I have to endure now, but chances are I will point out the deceptive film making aspects of the production >.< .
  • Naruto, It's like 5% awesome and it's 100% crap, (yes, they don't add up on purpose). I pretty much watch it becuase I like the still and parts of it are okay, just so much of it's crap. The biggest reason is probably because it's on TV and it's free.
    Bleach on the other hand is worse. That show goes NO WHERE!
  • edited July 2008
    Naruto, It's like 5% awesome and it's 100% crap, (yes, they don't add up on purpose). I pretty much watch it becuase I like the still and parts of it are okay, just so much of it's crap. The biggest reason is probably because it's on TV and it's free.
    Bleach on the other hand is worse. That show goes NO WHERE!
    Is your time that worthless, in your own estimation?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Naruto, It's like 5% awesome and it's 100% crap, (yes, they don't add up on purpose). I pretty much watch it becuase I like the still and parts of it are okay, just so much of it's crap. The biggest reason is probably because it's on TV and it's free.
    Bleach on the other hand is worse. That show goes NO WHERE!
    Is your time that worthless, in your own estimation?
    Well, it's mostly because it's free and because I using it to play my DS or something.
  • . . . so I was sitting there, mostly asleep, and this host person says they'll have a guest judge. Then they made it all reality show dramatic . . . and it was Natalie Portman. All the designers were all excited. I asked Carole, "Are they all so happy because they're all Star Wars fans?" Then I went to bed.
    My wife lost her shit over that, and later said she thought Natalie Portman was Kiera Knightley. I'm not sure what difference that makes.

    Hey Joe, does your wife make you watch Design Star, too? Mine is obsessed.
  • We were watching the most recent episode of Doctor Who and my wife turned to me saying, "what happens if the Doctor regenerates into some actor I don't like?" She only watches it with me because she thinks the current Doctor is cute.

    Spoiler follows:
    It got me thinking. When the Doctor's daughter regenerated she did not get a new body, she just came back to life. Could the same be true with the current Doctor?
  • edited July 2008
    My housemate is a fan of Today Tonight, a tabloid pseudo-journalism program down here. Some of the antics this pack of clowns has been caught at :

    - After a rousing chase of Christopher Skase on the island of Majorca, they claimed that Skase had used connections to the Majorcan authorities to have roadblocks set up to prevent their progress. It was rapidly proven that the whole chase was staged, and that they never even went to Majorca - They'd filmed the entire thing in Barcelona, and the police roadblocks were just Spanish urban guards, controlling the traffic flow in the center of the city.,

    -They bought a Fake story from an anarchist group about a "Dole Army" living in the stormwater drains in Melbourne. When the anarchist group outed them, they refused to run a retraction, instead running a story about how the "Dole Army" were trying to discredit them for revealing their secret plans.

    -In a story about a Pensioner refusing to leave her be evicted from the nursing home she was living in, they ran footage of said pensioner chained up in her room, with the reporter stating she "refusing to budge, chaining herself to her room". Sorry, no, What he actually meant was "This story was a bit shit, so we nipped down to the local hardware store, bought a heap of chains, chained her up, took the footage, unlocked her and went on our merry way, relying on voice overs and random spliced together footage to fill out the story"

    I also maintain a state of great despair about the state of Australian comedy shows at the moment, but that's a rant for another time.

    (edited for a spelling mistake)
    Post edited by Churba on
  • We were watching the most recent episode of Doctor Who...
    Spoiler answers:
    Yes, but he grows a clone.
  • Adam "watches" (in quotes because he is often playing on one of the DSes or sketching) Doctor Who and Torchwood with me. He doesn't hate them, he just wouldn't watch them if I were not there. We both like Project Runway, though he hates Nina Garcia with the heat of a thousand suns. It is less about the cattiness and freak-show aspect and more about watching a competitive creative environment for us. I mean, these people create pieces of art in hours, some of which is absolutely astounding (and Tim Gunn is just so likable that it outweighs Heidi Klum's annoying voice and Nina Garcia's obvious preference for good looking designers over good looking designs).
  • edited July 2008
    Tim Gunn
    Designers, you let me violate you. Make it work.

    Post edited by Jason on
  • My mom turns on ET at dinner every night. I hate celebrity worship so damn much.
  • edited July 2008
    Tim Gunn
    I cannot tell you how many times I have watched that video. Say what you will about Santino, but that guy was funny!
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • My mom would rather watch Fox News over the Daily Show and the Colbert Report when we eat dinner.
  • My mom turns on ET at dinner every night. I hate celebrity worship so damn much.
    Just be glad you got to miss the soap operas then. My family didn't have cable when we were growing up, but got damn my mother would make sure she saw the soaps whne she got home from work. The only part I have ever really enjoyed watching was the devil possesion and exorcism bit on Days of Our Lives years ago. It was like The Exorcist Lite!
  • edited July 2008
    My mom turns on ET at dinner every night. I hate celebrity worship so damn much.
    Just be glad you got to miss the soap operas then. My family didn't have cable when we were growing up, but got damn my mother would make sure she saw the soaps whne she got home from work. The only part I have ever really enjoyed watching was the devil possesion and exorcism bit on Days of Our Lives years ago. It was like The Exorcist Lite!
    Ahhhahha. My mother has been watching Days of Our Lives since I was a kid. I remember when they did that bit of story.

    Each member of my family watches some form of TV I really don't care for. My mom watches soaps, Desperate Housewives, House Hunters, and a bunch of other mindless dreck. My dad watches Cramer (sp?) for stock market stuff; however, any information he might give is drowned out by CONSTANT YELLING AND LOUD NOISES. My sister loves reality TV shows like America's Next Top Model and Farmer Wants a Wife (omfg.) In addition, I can no longer stand the movies The Sound of Music and Three Men and a Baby due to her incessant watching of them during our childhood. All in all, a pretty bad environment for a geek. This is why I don't watch much television anymore.

    Dear Alex: Thank you for not having horrible taste in your entertainments. <3
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
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