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What's up lurkers?

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
It's Monday morning. I'm at work. It's a semi-holiday. I can't do the work I need to do because someone else is holding me up. What do I do? I come to my forums looking to kill some time.

That's fine, but where are the new posts? New threads? It's so quiet here. Yet, I look in the sidebar at "Who's Online" and I see plenty of people. Hey lurkers, what's going on? Having fun? Let's talk it up so the work day will go by faster.


  • Sorry, I'm alt-tabbed, trying to work. I don't feel like working though.

    So Scott, how is that Mario Galaxy coming along? ^_~

    Did you play anymore FF:CC RoF?
  • edited March 2008
    I was enjoying the Hitchens thread, but it's 1:39AM here so I rather need to get some sleep; the latest I can wake up is 7AM.

    Oh, and I didn't sleep last night.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on

  • So Scott, how is that Mario Galaxy coming along? ^_~
    I beat the game weeks ago. I didn't get all the stars, but I got a lot more stars than was necessary to beat the game. Maybe during a video game drought I will go back and play it some more. However, Smash Bros. is probably going to occupy the Wii disc slot until Mario Kart comes out.
    Did you play anymore FF:CC RoF?
    I tried the multiplayer with a friend over the weekend, we couldn't even beat one quest. It was abysmally un-fun and annoying. I played the second level of the single player last night. It was better than before, because I got used to the controls, but it's still mediocre. It doesn't help that I have to sit through the plot, but the plot is terribly uninteresting. Also, controlling more than one character alone in real time is super annoying suckage! Why don't game designers realize this?
  • Galaxy is a great game, but I didn't bother with getting all the stars either.
    At the least, Galaxy's stars attracted me more than Mario 64's though.
  • I tried the multiplayer with a friend over the weekend, we couldn't even beat one quest. It was abysmally un-fun and annoying. I played the second level of the single player last night. It was better than before, because I got used to the controls, but it's still mediocre. It doesn't help that I have to sit through the plot, but the plot is terribly uninteresting. Also, controlling more than one character alone in real time is super annoying suckage! Why don't game designers realize this?
    In single player mode, I am at where I get the Yuke character in my party. From what I read in some review articles, your party members just stand there and act as either meat shields and just stand there getting hurt.

    I tried questing solo in multiplayer mode, however I still have yet to complete any quests. I'm a level 6 Clavat now, and I beat the first boss, but the switches quest runs out of time before I can get all the switches. Doing that quest with 2 or less players is too difficult.

    I need to play all the other classes to see what their specials are. The Lilty one is interesting. You bring out a cauldron that absorbs the essences of recently killed mobs. They make a certain colored gem in the cauldron, the Lilty can then make magicites out of the color gems they have in the cauldron. I can see where that might help in future areas where members run out of certain magicites.
  • Well, I too am at work lurking the forums, as you said. However, I've been looking to see if you previously answered a question I wanted to ask. I found nothing and asked it. Also, the Hitchen's thread is very amusing.
  • Also, the Hitchen's thread is very amusing.
    That thread is the epic lulz, but in terms of this forum alone, it isn't even top 10 material.
  • I beat the game weeks ago. I didn't get all the stars, but I got a lot more stars than was necessary to beat the game. Maybe during a video game drought I will go back and play it some more. However, Smash Bros. is probably going to occupy the Wii disc slot until Mario Kart comes out.
    Hehe. Understandable. I beat the game and haven't completed all the areas. Too many other things came along that got my attention more than Galaxy. I also look forward to Mario Kart, even though I haven't seen or heard much about it. I wonder if they will keep the blue sparks action going on.
  • I've been working overtime in SSE to get all the characters before Mario Kart comes out. I got my Wii about 2 weeks before Brawl dropped, and to accompany it I got Metroid 3. I failed at beating that before Brawl dropped, but got close. I think I'm 2 hours to the end of the game. Hopefully, a similar situation doesnt occur with Brawl/Mario Kart.
  • I wonder if they will keep the blue sparks action going on.
    The news today is that snaking is gone. Sure, they are still going to have blue sparks, but you won't have to hurt your hand to get them. The game will be all about how long you can hold the slide, not how many slides you can do. This is music to my ears, as I am a fan of the GBA Mario Kart, where this was also true.
    I've been working overtime in SSE to get all the characters before Mario Kart comes out.
    Really? I unlocked all the characters in a few days. It didn't take long at all.
  • edited March 2008
    I'm not feeling so good today. I had a problem with my right knee this weekend. The doc said it was either a regular old infection, osteoarthritis, or the gout. I've had gout before, so I think that's what it was, especially since the Colchicine he prescribed pretty much took the swelling down.

    The good part is that I was able to use a cane. I like canes.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Personally, I've been putzing around the house, and reading the Haruhi novels.
    I haven't even caught up on my Google Reader yet.
  • Ya, I've only clocked about 7 hours into it. It's just so tedious. When I finally went to bed last night, I was at the Subspace so I figure less than an hour to beat it. Another hour and a half to find what I'm missing.

    One question however. Where the fuck is Sonic . . . ?
  • The news today is that snaking is gone. Sure, they are still going to have blue sparks, but you won't have to hurt your hand to get them. The game will be all about how long you can hold the slide, not how many slides you can do. This is music to my ears, as I am a fan of the GBA Mario Kart, where this was also true.
    That sounds cool. I am ok at sliding. I once had Mario Kart on the DS, but it got stolen. -_- Blue sparks are fun, however I could only get it when I was in co-op on Double Dash.

    I'm just really looking forward to seeing the new race tracks. They always seem to come out with awesome racetracks in each Mario Kart game.

    They need to come out with Super Mario Kart on VC, if it isn't out already. I don't think it is at least. :/
  • They need to come out with Super Mario Kart on VC, if it isn't out already. I don't think it is at least. :/
    I could swear that Mario Kart 64 is already on Virtual Console. I may be mistaken, though. I may also be too lazy to wiki it.
  • I'm at the office, trying to decide on my "extra" for the Amazon buy 3 get 4 thing, (I'm buying Yotsuba 4-6), thinking of George Romero's "Day of the Dead", also buying a lomo Fisheye Lens camera.
  • I could swear that Mario Kart 64 is already on Virtual Console. I may be mistaken, though. I may also be too lazy to wiki it.
    I know Mario Kart 64 is. I have it. I'm talking about the original SNES Super Mario Kart.
  • I'm at the office, trying to decide on my "extra" for the Amazon buy 3 get 4 thing, (I'm buying Yotsuba 4-6), thinking of George Romero's "Day of the Dead", also buying a lomo Fisheye Lens camera.
    Wait, what? this special exists and I know nothing about it? Why?!
  • edited March 2008
    I'm at the office, trying to decide on my "extra" for the Amazon buy 3 get 4 thing, (I'm buying Yotsuba 4-6), thinking of George Romero's "Day of the Dead", also buying a lomo Fisheye Lens camera.
    Wait, what? this special exists and I know nothing about it? Why?!
    Buy 3 get 4

    There is some good manga there and some half decent movies too, including Yotsuba for all of you who haven't read it yet (if such people exist...)
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • reading the Haruhi novels.
    The Haruhi Novels are Translated? Eh? マジで? They need to translate the Baccano novels, now, too. It is frustrating because I want to talk about light novel series with Scrym but since they can't read them, so I am lonely.

    If by chance you can read Japanese, I recommend バッテリー and "The Manzai" by Atsuko Asano. I have also been reading the original story for "The Girl Who Jumped Through Time." Mardock Scramble I just started and I am really bummed the Gonzo OVA got canceled. It would have kicked major @ss.
  • I'm not feeling so good today. I had a problem with my right knee this weekend. The doc said it was either a regular old infection, osteoarthritis, or the gout. I've had gout before, so I think that's what it was, especially since the Colchicine he prescribed pretty much took the swelling down.
    The good part is that I was able to use a cane. I like canes.
    Man, that's rough. Gout is not cool at all. My father has it and when it flares up, he looks like he's in so much pain. He has to use a cane at times. However, when it flares up, he uses a wheelchair. :/
  • edited March 2008
    reading the Haruhi novels.
    Bah! You reminded me about that. I had the link to the novel in my del.ici.ous for a while and didn't start yet!

    Oh yeah HERE for those who want more Haruhi.

    Also I'm working on my first new comic in a while. (I have a yuri comic I did a while back that...well sucks beyond belief and I re drew it) I just have the need to pick up a pencil lately. It's taken over my life...AGAIN! ( never stopped but whatever)

    The good part is that I was able to use a cane. I like canes.
    They are cool. Is it weird to think canes are cool? I always wanted one like my uncles that has a sword inside except I want to put a huge ass d20 on it as a handle.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • My liking for canes comes from House M.D.

    I'm also looking for some paint for my guitar... making a FLCL custom ;)
  • Just chilling.
  • The Haruhi Novels are Translated?
    Fan translation.
    A wiki's not the best way to read, but it's good enough.
  • I got a whole week off from school and work (since I work at the school). The problem is that I'm already kind of bored, I have plans of getting all the characters from SSMB, finishing Galaxy, play some Mass Effect and doing a whole bunch of school work. Instead I'm sitting in front of the computer not doing anything productive at all.
    My liking for canes comes from House M.D.
    I can totally see Joe as a lawyer version of House.
  • So for anyone reading Questionable Content, how are you liking the current story arc so far? I really enjoyed the week with Faye and her "shenanigans". Everyone of episodes made me giggle. I especially loved the letter from Hanners. ^^
  • Questionable Content rarely fails to amuse. The drama is starting up pretty heavy again. Good on the story-side, as always.
  • All canes must house secret swords, poison gas, or both.
  • All canes must house secret swords, poison gas, or both.
    If you're Batman at 70 years of age, you can use a regular old cane and still fuck up random thugs with little effort. [Source: Batman Beyond, S01E01]
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