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  • I have, in the past, thought about buying a straw fedora for its caribbean stylings. As soon as it warms up, I believe I'll have to make an impulse purchase.
    Wait, if you're planning it, is it still an impulse purchase?
    Shush. I can only justify it as an impulse purchase. Let my conscience be none-the-wiser.
  • edited March 2008

    My bias against hipsters prevents me from enjoying this comic to its fullest.
    Okay, what exactly are hipsters? I hear a lot of different explanations what a hipster is. Artsy crowds? Too cool to care crowds? Booojie crowds? A new subculture based on an older subculture that youth mindlessly follow? (e.g. emo kids)

    This is probably proof that my geekery has made me devoid of pop culture. :P
    Post edited by Viga on
  • jccjcc
    edited March 2008
    I'm biased on this issue, so take my opinion with that in mind.

    A hipster is tangentially related to all these crowds, but is not of them. For instance, a hipster will often have pretenses about being an artist, or will go to gallery openings, but is less likely to have the sort of sober and anti-social interest that practicing serious art (or even just spending hours holed up somewhere drawing anime characters) tends to cultivate. One also gets the impression that they're there mostly to see and be seen, and possibly to get drunk on free wine. Too cool to care is to some degree correct, except that most hipsters care very much about whatever they are too cool to care about, and go to great lengths to keep this fact hidden. This is why a used band t-shirt that suggests that you were into them before they were hip commands such high prices on Ebay. :) Very much keeping up appearances mixed with some degree of fashionista. Don't know about booojie... hipsters tend to enjoy slumming, but somehow turn it into a snobbish activity. They also seem to be mildly scared of the people they slum around. Like a hipster loves going to a blue-collar bar and ordering some knockoff pisswater (Olympia, Pabst Blue Ribbon, etc.) but would probably leave their favorite ironic trucker hat at home, due to concerns of getting made fun of by or accidentally offending drunk rednecks. :) Not sure if I understand the term boojie correctly... ^^; Not entirely sure about the connection between emo and hipster, although the ironic ugly glasses seem to have been co-opted, as well as the painted on jeans. Hipsters seem somewhat more social than emo kids. Also, hipsters seem more prone towards making fun of others, while emo kids usually made fun of themselves. :)

    I'm sure there's some degree of regional variation. Many of the things that were plot elements in the comic (obsessing over a vintage guitar, endlessly hanging out at a coffeeshop with could-be-ironic-could-be-serious slogans written on the chalkboard, getting drunk at a redneck bar, starting a band and then not being serious about it, etc.) are the sort of things that I tend to associate with hipsters.
    Post edited by jcc on
  • That (Hitchens) thread is the epic lulz, but in terms of this forum alone, it isn't even top 10 material.
    Well then, what are your top 10?
  • Meh. I don't think it's top ten. I think it's kinda annoying but that's my personal taste.
  • We can all guess what Viga's number 1 is.
  • The natural habitat of Hipsters is gentrifying neighborhoods in Brooklyn and similar climates. Species behavior: It has often been observed engaging in faux-artsy behavior and carrying around revolutionary literature without really understanding or caring about it. Their vocalizations tend to ring out in the night around club districts and trendy bars, a call with sarcastic tones that often bears resemblance to the name-dropping of obscure bands. Markings: One can identify a hipster by tight jeans and terribly expensive vintage T-shirts (worn ironically. They have a love for the ironical.)

    Hipsters are funny.
  • Even a regular hat will do wonders for keeping you warm in the winter.
    We don't get much winter in Texas.
    They do in Jasper. I had been through there several times when they had 20 degree weather.
  • they had 20 degree weather.
    Dude, you don't even know.
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