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GeekNights 080320 - Getting Into Animation



  • I must agree that Emily should be in more episodes, she brings a certain... I don't know what.
  • A womans touch?

    Emily, Your accent is so CUTE!
  • edited March 2008
    Emily! Rym talks politics! When I saw this in iTunes, I promptly died of happiness :P

    Emily should be on more episodes. She brings ... something ... niceness? Is that even a proper word?

    And when you guys were talking about Avatar ... ah ... I was trying to stop laughing so bad ... the only time I've been stared at so much in the train is when listening to that one episode of Movies You Should See.

    And a final note:
    Emily - sexiest voice everrrrrrr!
    Post edited by kumarhk on
  • Great episode! It justifies your purchase of the mixer since having more FRC join Rym & Scott is clearly a recipe for awesome.
  • So, Who's gonna draw a comic of Emily falling on her butt while trying to kill Scott?
  • A little late, but happy Japan Day to Emily.
    I still remember when I got here. Ahh...the magic of the high temperatures and almost 100% humidity of Tokyo on that day.
  • Emily reminds me a bit of the secretary of our anime club, except as far as I know, she hasn't memorized an entire Sailor Moon movie.
  • "Girl who jumped through time" is a pretty great movie.
  • Where are these epic moe pics of rym and scott?
  • Where are these epic moe pics of rym and scott?
    Gay thread.
  • incorrect. They are in the Art Attack thread.

    Mankoon did some great ones.
  • Oh, right. I was thinking of the banner.
  • looks like scott has a new replacement

  • I demand that Emily become the third co-host... please?
  • I demand that Emily become the third co-host... please?
    Actually ... that would be quite nice.
  • Emily should be on more episodes. She brings ... something ... niceness? Is that even a proper word?
    If Emily did her own podcast, I'd subscribe. Twice.
  • I couldn't take Emily all the time. Short controlled bursts of her every now and then FTW. Plus shows without Scott are weird in my opinion.
  • See this is why there are so few women in podcasting. They read the forum comments and get scared!
  • I thought it was because they were all too busy doing their hair and nails, reading Cosmo, and shoe shopping to bother. ;)
  • I thought it was because they were all too busy doing their hair and nails, reading Cosmo, and shoe shopping to bother. ;)
    Says one of the best female voices in podcasting... :)
  • What was the open source scriptwriting program Emily mentioned? The one that's "actually cute for an open source GUI." I didn't catch the name.
  • I'll always have a soft spot for the geeky women. x3
  • What was the open source scriptwriting program Emily mentioned? The one that's "actually cute for an open source GUI." I didn't catch the name.
    I don't know if she meant this one, but I find it quite useful and it's "cute":

  • What was the open source scriptwriting program Emily mentioned? The one that's "actually cute for an open source GUI." I didn't catch the name.
    Yup, it is Celtx. I didn't say the name because I thought I'd let Rym use it for a TotD. I like that it has a storyboard organization tool as well, and templates for radio plays and stage plays as well as movie scripts. I think I am going to get a lot of use out of it.
  • edited March 2008
    Question: Is Tisch really tough and hard to get into? It's one of the schools I really want to go too.
    Tisch is pretty hard to get into because it is part of NYU, so you have to get into the University before you get into the art school. That means lots of essays and SAT scores and the like. You have to take science classes and writing classes, and the requirements for transfer students are also pretty stringent. But I say, go for it! Are you looking into animation schools in the NYC metro area? *hope hope*
    I've invested quite a bit into 3ds Max, so I'm wondering if the applications a school is using should be taken into consideration? I've been told that once you learn and understand one, it's not that difficult to jump into another, but I open up Maya and I'm like, "Ah, I don't know what anything is. :("
    The theory is more important than the actual software used. Once you learn one 3D program you can jump to another with relatively little problem. While it takes a little while to figure out how to make it do what you want it too, you can get a handle on it eventually, I think. Many large studios use lots of proprietary software, so there are things to get used to no matter what software package you learn in school. Most schools will teach 3Ds Max or Maya, and since these are the ones most commonly used in professional situations, I would recommend a curriculum with either.
    Also, do you have any recommendations for books in regards to the theory side of things?
    (recommended before) John Williams, The Animators Survival Kit. I have it on my desk. Also, for facial modeling Jason Osipa, Stop Staring is a great guide for facial layout and animation.
    See this is why there are so few women in podcasting. They read the forum comments and get scared!
    Or crack up terribly. You dudes are being pretty silly. I am glad I stayed in stealth mode, though. Hee hee!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Gomidog,

    I just started listening to the show, and I'm a big fan of Hana Kimi. I heard about the live action, but never really tried watching it. I really hope they make an anime out of it. There is only one more volume left, and I'm excited yet saddened for when it comes.
  • I lovelovelove hanakimi! It was the first manga I bought when I lived in Japan! My favorite is Dr. Umeda because he is so full of snark and gay. Also Nakatsu because his Kansai accent, and his frequent hilarity vis a vis his "dilemma." I like the part where he is fighting with Julia (who is the awesome gaijin) and he calls her 'Meriken Onna all the time.
  • Hehe. Yeah my friend and I really enjoy the manga, and Nakatsu is one of our favorite characters. For some reason we have a thing with enjoying crossdressing characters in manga/anime. Go fig.

    I just finished the podcast, and it was a really enjoyable episode. Rym politicking, Rym & Emily talking about Scott, and just overall hilarity. I enjoy hearing gomidog, and hope she is on more future episodes along with other FRC members.
  • Dude, but during the School Festival chapter when they were all dressed up as girls (actually, that really happens at Japanese Culture Festivals. I should post some picture of some cute Japanese dudes dressed up as maids from Meidaisai at my college) Nakatsu was soooo unfeminine and thats what made it funny. He was wearing boxers under the dress and he had on big clomping boots and he would stomp around all manly-like. Thus, funniness.
  • Yes indeed. I love it when they do a "Nakatsu vision" of Mizuki and it's all flowery and with shinies. Also his reaction when he sees Mizuki dressed up girly. They are priceless. Man, I need to reread this series again when the last one comes out and go on a Hana Kimi bender.
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