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Barack Obama



  • edited August 2008
    Mr. Macross,

    You do realize that a few posts ago you were lamenting how the Republicans ran roughshod over the Democrats while you were also condoning the Democrats for doing the same. Does this also spill over into minority vs. majority issues? Should the minority party always get the shaft? Do you not see the hypocrisy in your statement?

    Bipartisanship and compromise only works when both sides do it.
    Show me ONE thing the Republican party did in the last eight years and I'll say they deserve to be listened to. They've done nothing but damage the country in almost every conceivable way. They were bad for the economy, bad for international relations, bad for health care, bad for jobs, and bad for proper government regulation. Every move was surrounded by deceit and cronyism, and entirely focused on making money for them and no one else. Cite me ONE THING, ONE that they did that was remotely altruistic or for the bettering of our or the world's society at all.

    I'll point out that you dodged any real response to my response, AGAIN, and didn't provide any proof or counter evidence.

    I refer to my earlier "Suck it" comment.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Show me ONE thing the Republican party did in the last eight years and I'll say they deserve to be listened to. They've done nothing but damage the country in almost every conceivable way. They were bad for the economy, bad for international relations, bad for health care, bad for jobs, and bad for proper government regulation. Every move was surrounded by deceit and cronyism, and entirely focused on making money for them and no one else. Cite me ONE THING, ONE that they did that was remotely altruistic or for the bettering of our or the world's society at all.
    Adam, I can Name one thing really easily, they made it easier for the democrats to take control of both houses again :-p But really Steve will have no problem showing you things they have done well...
  • There's a difference between doing something well and doing something good.
  • Cite me ONE THING, ONE that they did that was remotely altruistic or for the bettering of our or the world's society at all.

    I'll point out that you dodged any real response to my response, AGAIN, and didn't provide any proof or counter evidence.

    I refer to my earlier "Suck it" comment.
    Passed Amber Alert - Senate Approved 92-0
  • Cite me ONE THING, ONE that they did that was remotely altruistic or for the bettering of our or the world's society at all.

    I'll point out that you dodged any real response to my response, AGAIN, and didn't provide any proof or counter evidence.

    I refer to my earlier "Suck it" comment.
    PassedAmber Alert- Senate Approved 92-0
    Try again. The bill was not introduced by republicans alone. In fact, there were more Republican shenanigans claiming more credit for the bill than they should have. Proof.

  • Try again. The bill was not introduced by republicans alone. In fact, there were more Republican shenanigans claiming more credit for the bill than they should have.Proof.

    If one of the requirements is that the bill be introduced only by Republicans than your requirements are too high.
  • edited August 2008
    Try again. The bill was not introduced by republicans alone. In fact, there were more Republican shenanigans claiming more credit for the bill than they should have.Proof.
    If one of the requirements is that the bill be introduced only by Republicans than your requirements are too high.
    Okay, fine. How about one economic policy that was better for middle and lower class Americans (if you even think of suggesting the tax-refunds, slap yourself) more than the wealthiest? Or perhaps one that would help more middle and lower class Americans get affordable health care? How about an environmental policy that was responsible? Go to it, smart guy.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited August 2008
    Okay, fine. How about one economic policy that was better for middle and lower class Americans (if you even think of suggesting the tax-refunds, slap yourself) more than the wealthiest? Or perhaps one that would help more middle and lower class Americans get affordable health care? How about an environmental policy that was responsible? Go to it, smart guy.
    That's even more of a handicap. You're essentially asking me to name a piece of legislation crafted by Republicans that caters to Democrat ideals. The only thing I can think of is the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain Act of 2002. Even that probably has some unrelated pork in it that has nothing to do with the name of the bill.

    I would not have said the Bush Tax Cuts because I don't believe in a progressive income tax. Everyone should pay the same rate no matter how much they make with an exemption on the first $36K (that would be tax free).
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • edited August 2008
    Okay, fine. How about one economic policy that was better for middle and lower class Americans (if you even think of suggesting the tax-refunds, slap yourself) more than the wealthiest? Or perhaps one that would help more middle and lower class Americans get affordable health care? How about an environmental policy that was responsible? Go to it, smart guy.
    That's even more of a handicap. You're essentially asking me to name a piece of legislation crafted by Republicans that caters to Democrat ideals. The only thing I can think of is the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain Act of 2002. Even that probably has some unrelated pork in it that has nothing to do with the name of the bill.
    I would not have said theBush Tax Cutsbecause I don't believe in a progressive income tax. Everyone should pay the same rate no matter how much they make with an exemption on the first $36K (that would be tax free).
    So you're admitting that the Republicans are not interested in helping middle or lower class citizens, the environment, or being selfless in any real way. Glad you see the light.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Okay, fine. How about one economic policy that was better for middle and lower class Americans (if you even think of suggesting the tax-refunds, slap yourself) more than the wealthiest? Or perhaps one that would help more middle and lower class Americans get affordable health care? How about an environmental policy that was responsible? Go to it, smart guy.
    That's even more of a handicap. You're essentially asking me to name a piece of legislation crafted by Republicans that caters to Democrat ideals. The only thing I can think of is the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain Act of 2002. Even that probably has some unrelated pork in it that has nothing to do with the name of the bill.
    I would not have said theBush Tax Cutsbecause I don't believe in a progressive income tax. Everyone should pay the same rate no matter how much they make with an exemption on the first $36K (that would be tax free).
    So you're admitting that the Republicans are not interested in helping middle or lower class citizens, the environment, or being selfless in any real way. Glad you see the light.
    No, I'm saying that any bill they would introduce on those subjects would always have something in them that you do not like. Just look at tax cuts, if the wealthy get a tax cut you are unhappy. Even if every bracket had its rate lowered by 3% you would complain that the "wealthy" benefit too much by it because they get to keep more money than the non-wealthy.

    Environment? A Republican bill would likely have some sort of business tax credits or other incentives built in to encourage people to take better care of the environment, which would cause you to say it was a pro-business bill.

    It's not a question of Republicans not being interested in helping out the poor and middle class it's a case of their methods being diametrically opposite from your beliefs. Thus any bill they propose would not be to your liking because of the means used to achieve the goal.
  • Okay, fine. How about one economic policy that was better for middle and lower class Americans (if you even think of suggesting the tax-refunds, slap yourself) more than the wealthiest? Or perhaps one that would help more middle and lower class Americans get affordable health care? How about an environmental policy that was responsible? Go to it, smart guy.
    That's even more of a handicap. You're essentially asking me to name a piece of legislation crafted by Republicans that caters to Democrat ideals. The only thing I can think of is the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain Act of 2002. Even that probably has some unrelated pork in it that has nothing to do with the name of the bill.
    I would not have said theBush Tax Cutsbecause I don't believe in a progressive income tax. Everyone should pay the same rate no matter how much they make with an exemption on the first $36K (that would be tax free).
    So you're admitting that the Republicans are not interested in helping middle or lower class citizens, the environment, or being selfless in any real way. Glad you see the light.
    No, I'm saying that any bill they would introduce on those subjects would always have something in them that you do not like. Just look at tax cuts, if the wealthy get a tax cut you are unhappy. Even if every bracket had its rate lowered by 3% you would complain that the "wealthy" benefit too much by it because they get to keep more money than the non-wealthy.

    Environment? A Republican bill would likely have some sort of business tax credits or other incentives built in to encourage people to take better care of the environment, which would cause you to say it was a pro-business bill.

    It's not a question of Republicans not being interested in helping out the poor and middle class it's a case of their methods being diametrically opposite from your beliefs. Thus any bill they propose would not be to your liking because of the means used to achieve the goal.
    My complaint with lowering taxes everywhere 3% is that it is a fiscally retarded move, not that the wealthy keep more. How are you supposed to pay for things the public needs when you cut taxes? A magic money tree? OH WAIT, we can just cut public education and everyone can go to private school. But hey, we'll all have more money right? Even those poor people can pay for private school with that 3% they got back! We're so clever! Who cares if we used pretend math!

    My complaint with the environmental bills is that they keep opening these bullshit 'voluntary' things for companies to do...AND NONE OF THEM DO IT. The republican belief that the obscenely wealthy companies will happily police themselves with voluntary regulations is a pipe dream. Know the mortgage crisis? Thank the deregulation by the republicans in the '80s. We sure saw the banks police themselves, yessiree. Every time they pass a 'pro-business' bill, it's because it helps business and industry make money, regardless of cost to everyone else.

    It's not a matter of me/them, it's a matter of help others/help only me.
  • Just a note, almost all successful bills have one prominent republican and one democrat on them otherwise they don't get passed. (Like McCain-Feingold and Ted Kennedy on the no Child left behind bill, I'm not saying these are good bills) so if you are looking for bills that are backed solely by Republicans you won't find them easily as you will not find solely democratic bills. It's common for the other side to find a senator who is in the opposing party and make a bill crafted towards a issue they care about. This way they have a better chance of passing it and not getting it filibustered. Gees I learned this much from West Wing :-p
  • I would not have said theBush Tax Cutsbecause I don't believe in a progressive income tax. Everyone should pay the same rate no matter how much they make with an exemption on the first $36K (that would be tax free).
    As someone who pays 28%, and is actually getting close to paying the damned 33%, I still wholly support progressive taxation, even though it substantially reduces my own net income.
  • I would not have said theBush Tax Cutsbecause I don't believe in a progressive income tax. Everyone should pay the same rate no matter how much they make with an exemption on the first $36K (that would be tax free).
    As someone who pays 28%, and is actually getting close to paying the damned 33%, I still wholly support progressive taxation, even though it substantially reduces my own net income.
    You and Warren Buffet (but I think he has you beat) :-p
  • I would not have said theBush Tax Cutsbecause I don't believe in a progressive income tax. Everyone should pay the same rate no matter how much they make with an exemption on the first $36K (that would be tax free).
    As someone who pays 28%, and is actually getting close to paying the damned 33%, I still wholly support progressive taxation, even though it substantially reduces my own net income.
    You and Warren Buffet (but I think he has you beat) :-p
    The problem with Warren Buffet supporting a progressive income tax is that he does not pay income tax on the majority of his income, he pays capital gains on the majority of his income.
  • What is all this controversy over Obama's birth certificate? I keep seeing these kook bloggers on the right claiming he's a closet Muslim and using his lack of a birth certificate as partial proof.

    1. Why doesn't he just show it to end the controversy?
    2. He must have it somewhere how else would he have acquired passports and admissions to schools while growing up?
    3. As long as his mother is an American citizen isn't he one no matter where he was born?
  • You should probably consult Barack Obama's website before you post something you read on right wing blog serving the republican party. This website not only explains how this is false but also has a copy of his Birth Certificate.... So I would consult his "Fight the Smears" before you post something that is so stupidly wrong.....

    Obama's Birth certificate
  • edited August 2008
    Thanks for the link!

    I just looked at a few other birth certificates and I just have to point out a few things:

    1. Obama's certificate is very barren.
    2. No foot prints.
    3. No signatures.
    4. If you look near the bottom there appears to be some text that was printed on the backside and a date of 2007.
    5. Why is the certificate number blacked out?
    6. If this is a copy why is it not notarized?

    Is this is a copy or the original?

    I also found this article that goes into the the whole birth issue with both McCain and Obama. (McCain was born outside the US to American parents.) It also looks like the whole "is Obama a natural born American" also hinges on the status of Hawaii as a state as opposed to being an illegally occupied foreign nation.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • 1. Every state has a different birth certificate.

    2. The birth Certificate from Hawaii, two years after becoming a state would probably be sparse.

    3. My birth certificate is a copy as well and it has a more current date at the bottom.

    4. The Certificate number is blacked out for identity theft purposes..
  • 3. My birth certificate is a copy as well and it has a more current date at the bottom.
    Is it notarized? I have a copy of mine and it is notarized.
  • JenJen
    edited August 2008
    You have to be crazy to give Obama any money – the guy is a murdering crook.

    There were three known homosexuals from his congregation that were mysteriously murdered to prevent ties to Obama's homosexuality.

    Donald Young, a 47-year-old choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ—the same congregation that Obama has attended for the past 20 years was murdered. Two other young black men that attended the same church—Larry Bland and Nate Spencer—were also murdered execution style with bullets to the backs of their heads—all within 40 days of each other, beginning in November 2007. All three were openly homosexual.

    Obama either off'd these guys himself or hired killers to do his dirty work – either way he's a cold blooded murderer. On top of that, he's a closeted homosexual. Look what happened to NJ – that state probably hasn't recovered from that McGreevey still. It's bad enough President Clinton got oral sex and shoved cigars up Lewinsky's vagina, wait till this comes out about Obama.
    Post edited by Jen on
  • Jen, are you related to Steve?
  • Jen, are you related to Steve?
    Steve who?
  • Jen, are you related to Steve?
    Maybe she just want to annoy you.
    By the way Jen can you provide a link that prove your accusations?
  • edited August 2008
    Jen, are you related to Steve?
    Maybe she just want to annoy you.
    Well, that's really my point. I very much suspect that Ms. Jen is a troll.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • JenJen
    edited August 2008
    Here's another homosexual coming out about Obama: Link

    They're just coming out of the woodwork. Why hasn't Obama taken the lie detector test? Why is he just ignoring this if he has nothing to hide? This Obama is bad news.
    Post edited by Jen on
  • edited August 2008
    I very much suspect that Ms. Jen is a troll.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Ban.
    The only thing that should be banned is Obama. Just wait and see – all this stuff he's been hiding will leak out to the mainstream. We just found out recently that John Edwards (another Democrat) was cheating on his wife with breast cancer – nice huh?
  • edited August 2008
    By the way Jen can you provide a link that prove your accusations?
    Here's another homosexual coming out about Obama: Link
    I don't know about you folks, but that was all I needed. That man looks pretty credible. He reminds me of the guy who sells hot dogs on the street near my house, and I'm sure that guy would never lie to me.

    PS: B& PLZ
    Post edited by konistehrad on
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