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Barack Obama



  • Remember note that I usually rant about how the media is really not liberal or conservative and in reality is just looking for conflict....

    This whole PUMA thing is only being blown out of proportion by the media. They are targeting the anti-Obama people at the convention even though they are a small minority and giving them more time then they deserve. (the PUMA meet up at the convention had 60 people show up) Otherwise it is steady stream of republican plants like This

    I'm sorry if you think Obama is a Muslim at this point your are completely stupid and reaching for things to hate the guy. Also this whole idea that Obama beat down a women and is calling everyone who didn't vote for him racist is sorta throwing stones at a glass house if you feel like a Man Beat down a women....

    The Media is trying to spin more conflict between the Clintons and the Obama then their actually is. It's damaging the party and it's hurting the campaign. The Media needs a story otherwise the convention would be pretty boring. The only network actually calling a spade a spade is MSNBC, which is actively calling out this sort of BS from these supporters.

    Check out about 2 minutes into this video when they This Lady Donated to John McCain in 2000...

    Anyway, The point is the media and the democrats are falling for a expertly crafted campaign by the republicans...

  • The Republicans have set up a war room in Denver to "fact-check" the DNC. They call it the "Ministry of Truth". Do you think that they have any idea of the irony behind that name?
  • edited August 2008
    If those PUMA people are for real, they are completely irrational idiots in the face of Hillary's speech at the DNC yesterday. If they are Republicans in disguise it's an almost brilliant maneuver, but I don't think many voters are going to be swayed by a group that portray themselves as semi-radical idiots.

    "Oh, my candidate didn't get the nomination of my party, so I'm going to vote for the guy of the other party who stands for everything my candidate is against" Come on.

    And that woman in the first video is also completely of her tracks. For one, Obama is not a muslim which has been chewed through the media over and over again and secondly, being muslim doesn't disqualify him to be president and if you think it does you are a racist. Her tirade of "we got a congressional report but we aren't going to tell you who wrote it or what it says" disqualifies her immediately.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • image
    The fact that Obama is denying he's black and not Muslim really makes him a two-faced liar. He should come clean and admit it and just get it over with – cut the speculation. At least Obama didn't pick Hillary as his running mate – he has that going for him.
  • Even if Obama was a muslim, which he isn't, so what? If you're saying that's a reason not to vote for him, you're admitting that you are a bigot.
  • I've watched that little animation about a dozen times, but I don't get it. Is he supposed to be upset because KFC went bankrupt?
  • Even if Obama was a muslim, which he isn't, so what? If you're saying that's a reason not to vote for him, you're admitting that you are a bigot.
    I'm saying he should come clean and admit he's a Muslim and stop lying. There's nothing wrong being a Muslim. Not all Muslims blow stuff up. On top of that, he's said in the past he's part Cherokee to downplay he's 100% black. He shouldn't be concerned if people think he's black.
  • Racist joke: All blacks love to eat chicken.
  • edited August 2008
    Racist joke: All blacks love to eat chicken.
    Okay, I understand that, but what's so special about KFC? Even if he is extraordinarily partial to fast food chicken, there's still Popeye's, Chick-FIl-A, and all the others.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • JenJen
    edited August 2008
    I've watched that little animation about a dozen times, but I don't get it. Is he supposed to be upset because KFC went bankrupt?
    KFC provides the Loan assistance for establishing new industrial units or to extend credit assistance for small scale or Medium Sectors. He's going to detroy that if you vote for him. He's all about socialism.
    Post edited by Jen on
  • edited August 2008
    KFCprovides the Loan assistance for establishing new industrial units or to extend credit assistance for small scale or Medium Sectors.
    So he was upset about Kerala Financial Corporation going bankrupt? That's an even worse joke.
    He's going to detroy that if you vote for him. He's all about socialism.
    Good. We need more socialism.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Racist joke: All blacks love to eat chicken.
    Okay, I understand that, but what's so special about KFC? Even if he is extraordinarily partial to fast food chicken, there's still Popeye's, CHick-FIl-A, and all the others.
    What the heck does Popeyes and CHick-FIl-A have to do with anything? Are you serious?
  • Well Played Jen, Well played
  • Even if Obama was a muslim, which he isn't, so what? If you're saying that's a reason not to vote for him, you're admitting that you are a bigot.
    I'm saying he should come clean and admit he's a Muslim and stop lying. There's nothing wrong being a Muslim. Not all Muslims blow stuff up. On top of that, he's said in the past he's part Cherokee to downplay he's 100% black. He shouldn't be concerned if people think he's black.
    Disregarding the fact that Obama is not a Muslim, allow me to comment on the "black/no black" idea. Really, is anyone in American 100% anything anymore? What I think Obama was trying to do was associate himself with the fact that America is a melting pot of immigrants.

    Besides, his mother was white. So how could he be "100% black", as you put it?
  • What the heck does Popeyes and CHick-FIl-A have to do with anything? Are you serious?
    You're not that good at faking ignorance there, dear. But do not worry, KFC is not really bankrupt, it was a joke. So you can still get your fried chicken. Ain't that grand?
    Okay, I understand that, but what's so special about KFC? Even if he is extraordinarily partial to fast food chicken, there's still Popeye's, Chick-FIl-A, and all the others.
    KFC is a big, multinational corporation, like McDonalds and Microsoft. The trend of making fun of said huge and well-known companies still goes on.
    Disregarding the fact that Obama is not a Muslim, allow me to comment on the "black/no black" idea. Really, is anyone in American 100% anything anymore? What I think Obama was trying to do was associate himself with the fact that America is a melting pot of immigrants.
    Every person born in the US is from immigrant ancestors.
  • edited August 2008
    Even if Obama was a muslim, which he isn't, so what? If you're saying that's a reason not to vote for him, you're admitting that you are a bigot.
    I'm saying he should come clean and admit he's a Muslim and stop lying. There's nothing wrong being a Muslim. Not all Muslims blow stuff up. On top of that, he's said in the past he's part Cherokee to downplay he's 100% black. He shouldn't be concerned if people think he's black.
    Disregarding the fact that Obama is not a Muslim, allow me to comment on the "black/no black" idea. Really, is anyone in American 100% anything anymore? What I think Obama was trying to do was associate himself with the fact that America is a melting pot of immigrants. Besides, his mother was white. So how could he be "100% black", as you put it?
    No one in the history of mankind is 100% of any race, as there is no gene, nor even grouping of genes that is consistent among everyone in any given race. Race does not biologically exist. It is a social idea, nothing more.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • No one in the history of mankind is 100% of any race, as there is no gene, nor even grouping of genes that is consistent among everyone in any given race. Race does not biologically exist. It is a social idea, nothing more.
    I agree wholeheartedly. Race is a social construct used to form rifts & divides and to legitmize one persons fictional higher social-standing over another.

    Every person born in the US is from immigrant ancestors.
    Exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if that was exactly the point Obama was trying to make, but it was taken out of context.
  • Racist joke: All blacks love to eat chicken.
    Okay, I understand that, but what's so special about KFC? Even if he is extraordinarily partial to fast food chicken, there's still Popeye's, CHick-FIl-A, and all the others.
    What the heck does Popeyes and CHick-FIl-A have to do with anything? Are you serious?
    You're still not funny.
  • one in the history of mankind is 100% of any race, as there is no gene, nor even grouping of genes that is consistent among everyone in any given race. Race does not biologically exist. It is a social idea, nothing more.
    That's not completely true, but if your going for the stereotypical racial profiles then you are correct.
  • edited August 2008
    OMG . . . are you watching his acceptance speech? He's a rock star.

    I haven't felt this proud and hopeful about a candidate since RFK.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I am and it is awesome :D
  • edited August 2008
    This is historic. We're watching history take place.

    OMG, he just made a reference to "Dream Deferred", by Langston Hughes:

    What happens to a dream deferred?

    Does it dry up
    Like a raisin in the sun?
    Or fester like a sore--
    And then run?
    Does it stink like rotten meat?
    Or crust and sugar over--
    like a syrupy sweet?

    Maybe it just sags
    like a heavy load.

    Or does it explode?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Wow. I can honestly say that I have never been moved by a politician like I was by him giving that speech. Simply amazing!
  • I was really tired before it started. I didn't think I would be able to stay awake through the whole thing. Now I don't think I'll be able to sleep.

    I guess I'll have to try. I'll think good thoughts about Obama and rest peacefully in the knowledge that he is watching over me.
  • I was just in a theater with 500 people watching the speech it was teh awesome.....
  • I was really tired before it started. I didn't think I would be able to stay awake through the whole thing. Now I don't think I'll be able to sleep.

    I guess I'll have to try. I'll think good thoughts about Obama and rest peacefully in the knowledge that he is watching over me.
    Just be sure not to get too down on yourself when he ends up being the same as every other politician...
  • "In 20-30 years, some kid in Mongolia is going to get his skull smashed in by a meteorite out of the blue.

    When they dig the meteorite out of the crater, mark my words, it will be the ball that Obama hit out of the park last night."

    From fark... sums my thoughts up
  • McCain has selected a female VP, Alaska Gov., Sarah Palin. I would put real money on Hillary stumping for Obama hard now.
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