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Barack Obama



  • edited August 2008
    McCain has selected a female VP, Alaska Gov., Sarah Palin. I would put real money on Hillary stumping for Obama hard now.
    Jesus Christ, you're fast. This just came over the wire.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • CNN, MSNBC, AP. Google it.
  • McCain has selected a female VP, Alaska Gov., Sarah Palin. I would put real money on Hillary stumping for Obama hard now.
    Jesus Christ, you're fast. This just came over the wire.
    That's how I roll. I've already chatted about it with co-workers and boyfriend and done a search on Palin's stances. While it has been reported, it has not yet been confirmed. But this would explain the milking of the ads sobbing over Hillary's loss; they were preparing to exploit that in a major way.
  • edited August 2008
    Wow. She's not just a Republican, but a self-proclaimed conservative one.

    With due respect to the state, can the leader of Alaska really handle global issues? Her record and her gubernatorial platform are so geographically limited that it's hard to see Palin stepping forward on foreign policy.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Hmm.

    I read her wiki, and she doesn't seem that..well...good. Is the only reason McCain picked her because she is a woman? She's been a governor for two years. That's the sum total of her experience. I simply cannot wait for her to debate Biden.
  • I also read her wiki and was pretty unimpressed.

    Only time will tell, however.
  • Barack Obama: He Completes Us (from the Daily Show)
    That was absolutely hilarious. I almost died of laughter after the "Every time Obama speaks..." line.
  • I was lucky enough to be in the crowd for Obama's speech in Berlin [I just happened to be on holiday while he was giving it] and I must say to us Europeans he's a very impressive candidate. Everyone around me[even though I assume most of them spoke mainly german] seemed to understand and connect with what he was saying.
    He just has a way about him that [even to someone who knows little or nothing about American politics] donates power and professionalism.
    Good Luck to Senator Obama is what I say :)
  • I have many friends in Berlin who went down to see the speech. They were all very impressed... although they seemed to treat it more as a social event than a political rally.
  • edited September 2008
    As of now, color North Carolina red.

    Obama is now claiming that he is the underdog. Apparently he left out that, since April, he was the front runner.

    Like I said, he's totally got to get back to what has worked. Stick to a positive message. Talk about issues that people care about. This article says what I've been saying... "Obama cannot preach for unity on the one hand, yet on the other hand slam the opposing party too harshly.

    What originally attracted me to Obama was that he seemed to be above the fray. Since Hillary Clinton gained momentum, he seems to have lost that ability. Maybe if he returns to a positive message, his fundraising won't continue to falter. Stick to the issues. The war, the economy and social policies. Avoid the petty distractions.

    I'm not enthused by either candidate at this point. What I'm tired of is politics as usual. Both exude this. If Obama returns to his old ways, I'll be excited once again. As for VP picks, only one candidate took a risk. I wish it was Obama, but it wasn't. He stayed old school. I wanted him to pick the VP candidate that signaled "change." He needs his mojo back.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • edited September 2008
    Sadly, unlike Bill Clinton, Obama has no answers for the deficit problem. He's the lesser of two evils - but that pretty much sums up the choice this November.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • edited September 2008
    Making a not-so-veiled reference to Palin as a "pig" That's change. Sheesh. When will he get back to being positive?
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • edited September 2008

    Education speech
    Post edited by Mr. X on
  • edited September 2008
    Regarding the "pig" comment referenced above:
    "You can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said. "It's still a pig."

    "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink," Obama added. "We've had enough of the same old thing."

    Republicans took offense, saying that was a personal attack on Palin, who during the GOP convention speech last week, asked delegates if they knew the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull. Pointing to her mouth, she exclaimed, "Lipstick."

    Swift told reporters on a conference call that Obama's comment was "disgraceful" and that "he owes Governor Palin an apology."

    Challenged about how she could be sure that Obama was referring to Palin, Swift replied, "She's the only one of the four presidential or vice presidential candidates who wears lipstick."
    A person would have to be intentionally dense to believe that Obama was calling Palin a pig.
    The phrase "putting lipstick on a pig" is an American colloquialism that means, "making the unattractive superficially attractive," with overtones of futility or of a lost cause. (You can put lipstick on a pig, but in the end, it's still a pig.)

    It is mind-boggingly childish and disingenuous for anyone to claim that Obama meant thisphrase in any other way than the colloquial. Sadly, that's how childish and disingenuous many Obama detractors have become. They know that Obama is very likely to win, and they are going to be pulling all the outrageous stunts they can think of between now and the election.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited September 2008
    Joe, that reminds me of the people who claim "That's the pot calling the kettle black" has racial overtones.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • edited September 2008
    Joe, that reminds me of the people who claim "That's the pot calling the kettle black" has racial overtones.
    No doubt, it was not what he intended. I don't believe for a second that he intended a sexist remark.

    Nonetheless, he shouldn't have opened the door to a claim that his remark was sexist. Not smart. There were plenty of other phrases that would have been better. Comments like this aren't exactly "change." Heck, this comment was even copied from John McCain!
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • edited September 2008
    Joe, that reminds me of the people who claim "That's the pot calling the kettle black" has racial overtones.
    It is similarly childish and disingenuous to claim that the phrase "If you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig" has any sexist overtones or can even be construed to have sexist overtones. If detractors really have so little skill at analysis, how could they hope to be able to cope with the discussion of "real issues" they claim to so fervently desire?

    This really shows them for what they are - desperate playground bullies whistling past the graveyard. They know that their policies have failed, they don't have anything to offer besides those old, failed policies, and so this is all that they can say.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited September 2008
    What is there to until the debates, but a nitpicking analysis of soundbites? There hasn't been any relevant news, so the media is starting what it always does. Wake me up when September ends.

    EDIT: Wait, wasn't that a Green Day song? Hahaha...
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • You know your fund raising situation is dire when you try to shake down the Girl Scouts.

    And now we are getting reports that his decision to opt out of public financing may have been a mistake.

    The good news is that he is doing well with latinos. I've predicted that the latino vote is going to be crucial in this election. It certainly will be crucial in Florida, although he's still got some work to do there.
  • This book is for all you guys, especially HMTKSteve.
  • You know... the surge in Iraq is a joke. It may have "worked", but to what end? We can't (and shouldn't) be there forever. If the surge doesn't set the table for a near total withdrawl, then it was useless.

    So there's a lot to attack the surge on.

    What isn't smart, is giving credibility to the surge, and then confessing that you couldn't see the success coming.

    Arggh.... as a big opponent to the Iraq war, I feel that this was a real blunder. At the very least, you can point out how Patraeus had said that the surge did not work. The truth about Iraq is that it is still a mess and any of the so-called “gains” there are more about the strategies of the moment for the warring factions than any U.S. military strategies. By saying that the “surge worked beyond anyone’s wildest expectations”, Obama effectively handed a top issue directly over to Mr. Surge himself, John McCain.

  • Some good news for Obama. He's finally decided to stop drinking the Kool-Aid that is Howard Dean's 50 state policy. Throwing good money after bad was never a smart idea.
  • edited September 2008
    Just a note from someone with a tad of inside the campaign info, the campaign has a shit ton of campaign staff. The campaign instead of buying tons of Obama signs is spending it's money on "community organizers". If you read the news closer you would notice even moving a few staffers out of Georgia there still is a bigger amount of staff their then any other democratic campaign ever and they are opening two more offices.. The campaign will shift it's paid organizers as needed. I know the area I live in Montgomery county in PA has the largest amount of offices and campaign workers because apparently the county I live in is one of the most important in the entire country... (OH YEA!) Or at least that's what the campaign would like me to believe. The Campaign is competing in 50 states, but no one is going to spend the same amount of money in each. That's just stupid.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited September 2008
    The Campaign is competing in 50 state's
    Ever been to Utah? They may be competing there, but they aren't competitive. That's why it makes no sense to waste money there. Every campaign is going to have some solid states, and some states that they don't have a prayer in. That's the nature of the beast. But... reasonable people differ on this issue.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • edited September 2008
    "You can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said. "It's still a pig." = Palin

    "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink," = McCain

    He was talking about his opponents.

    Now I'm hearing audio of Democrats saying Obama is like Jesus while Palin is Pontius Pilat. Do they really want to feed the "messiah" meme?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • "You can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said. "It's still a pig." = Palin

    "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink," = McCain

    He was talking about his opponents.
    I'm usually taking the higher ground on this shit, but you are an idiot. I actually listened to it. He was making a perfectly normal analogy. When he insults his opponents, you know it. He says plain as day naming them clearly. If you really believe otherwise, there is something very wrong with you. Either you have some sort of communications problem processing verbal communications, or the media owns your mind. Maybe both.
  • "You can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said. "It's still a pig." = Palin

    "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink," = McCain

    He was talking about his opponents.

    Now I'm hearing audio of Democrats saying Obama is like Jesus while Palin is Pontius Pilat. Do they really want to feed the "messiah" meme?
    Grasping for straws much?
  • "You can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said. "It's still a pig." = Palin

    "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink," = McCain

    He was talking about his opponents.

    Now I'm hearing audio of Democrats saying Obama is like Jesus while Palin is Pontius Pilat. Do they really want to feed the "messiah" meme?
    Grasping for straws much?
    What, you didn't know? That's the strategy of the Republican party. Grasp those straws men, grasp them.
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