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Barack Obama



  • Playing the game won't fix it.
    Not playing the game guarantees that the bad guys win AND doesn't fix it.
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    Disrespect? Respect must be earned. Try harder.

    edit: Okay, I'm sorry for being harsh, it's just that I know you are not dumb.
    I hate to say it, but I'm not really here for your respect. I'm not here for validation and self-esteem.
    I hate ranting sarcasm
    Post edited by dsf on
  • Not playing the game guarantees that the bad guys win AND doesn't fix it.
  • Playing the game won't fix it.
    It's like Sanctuary, You need to have people working in the system and outside it.
    I'm sorry - it might be just my natural pessimism, but I see dissension like this on the left, confusion among the real moderates, but all I see on the fundie side is lockstep agreement.

    I'm kind of beginning to think that Obama was a last gasp of reasonable left/moderate politics. That election was sort of a last stand or high water mark and we'll never get as broad of a coalition in agreement with progressive policies again because everyone has their own axe to grind. Meanwhile, the fundies are marching Bachmann towards the White House. Even if they are a minority at the moment, they outnumber any of the progressive factions that can't agree with one another long enough to form a coalition.

    I hope I'm wrong, but I think I'm not. I'm pretty sure we're in danger of seeing the establishment of an actual JesusLand in the near term.
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    The right will either take over and fail or burn out over a few years. But until one of those two things occur, I don't see them dropping their level of rhetoric. On a possitive side I hardly ever see "Tea-Party" without the word "intransigent" next to it. This could be a positive sign that the media is at least turning on them. I think this movement is starting to become a symbol of ignorance to the mainstream.
    Post edited by dsf on
  • Playing the game won't fix it.
    Not playing the game guarantees that the bad guys win AND doesn't fix it.
    See also: playing the game.
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    Playing the game won't fix it.
    Not playing the game guarantees that the bad guys win AND doesn't fix it.
    See also: playing the game.
    Who invited that guy??

    I got my eye on you
    Post edited by dsf on
  • Not playing the game guarantees that the bad guys win AND doesn't fix it.
    If the bad guys win, say goodbye to bread and circuses. The only winning move is not to play.
  • Not playing the game guarantees that the bad guys win AND doesn't fix it.
    If the bad guys win, say goodbye to bread and circuses. The only winning move is not to play.
    True. Bachmann is not going to allow us any more American Idol, if she allows TV at all.
  • True. Bachmann is not going to allow us any more American Idol,
    I might vote for her just on that platform :-p
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    I love the way people launch personal vitriolic attacks against people who roughly believe the same thing. It sucks that the "right" has to burn itself out since everyone on the left is too busy trying to be the most elite moralist. "Let me paddle up this moral relativistic river! I may have nothing to show for it, I may have accomplished nothing, but at least I I can say I told you so!"

    I feel this applies to Obama and his vain attempts to compromise with an openly hostile opponent. I may not be right but I'm still waiting for him apply the power of the bully-pulpit and light a fire under the collective asses of his base.

    We need like a list, or some sort of document for the left. You know, like some sort of manifesto that we can all get behind.

    Post edited by dsf on
  • We need like a list, or some sort of document for the left. You know, like some sort of manifesto that we can all get behind.
    Yea and a symbol with a Hammer and maybe a sickle. We could really rally behind that!
  • We need like a list, or some sort of document for the left. You know, like some sort of manifesto that we can all get behind.
    Yea and a symbol with a Hammer and maybe a sickle. We could really rally behind that!
  • True. Bachmann is not going to allow us any more American Idol,
    I might vote for her just on that platform :-p
    I don't think she'd allow cartoons about teenage Japanese girls who turn into giant robots and ride dragons while fighting demon vampires either.
  • I don't think she'd allow cartoons about teenage Japanese girls who turn into giant robots and ride dragons while fighting demon vampires either.
    Politics aside, that show would be fucking amazing.
  • edited August 2011
    Playing the game won't fix it.
    Not playing the game guarantees that the bad guys win AND doesn't fix it.
    I would argue that John McCain falls into this category. Yes, he is a Republican and tends to vote with the party, but there are times he will go against the party if he feels it is the right thing to do. He is an insider, and knows how to use that to his advantage. Honestly, if he had not chosen Idoru Palin as his VP, I would have voted for him in the general election.
    Post edited by jlawson70 on
  • I would argue that John McCain falls into this category. Yes, he is a Republican and tends to vote with the party, but there are times he will go against the party if he feels it is the right thing to do. He is an insider, and knows how to use that to his advantage. Honestly, if he had not chosen Idoru Palin as his VP, I would have voted for him in the general election.
    John McCain of today is not the same man of the early 2000's. He's changed, and not for the better.
  • edited August 2011
    John McCain of today is not the same man of the early 2000's. He's changed, and not for the better.
    That's an understatement, I sometimes wonder what conversations with his wife and daughter are like since they seem very moderate. I would have voted for a 2000 McCain, a 2008 McCain sold himself out or started to drink the koolaid.

    Then again I've changed pretty radically from 2000 to 2008 wonder what happened.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • John McCain of today is not the same man of the early 2000's. He's changed, and not for the better.
    That's an understatement, I sometimes wonder what conversations with his wife and daughter are like since they seem very moderate. I would have voted for a 2000 McCain, a 2008 McCain sold himself out or started to drink the koolaid.

    Then again I've changed pretty radically from 2000 to 2008 wonder what happened.
    Probably the same thing that happened to me. The Republican party shifted further right, leaving the moderates in the dust. I agree that the Republican party I joined in 1983 is a far cry from today. Hell, the conservative saint, Ronald Reagan wouldn't appeal to today's base.
  • Reagan would be a democrat in today's climate, in voting record if not in rhetoric.
  • edited August 2011
    Are you proud of your guy after he used the death of 30 people as a campaign photo op?

    And of course any vacation is a working vacation as long as a Democrat takes it.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • Are you proud of your guy after he used the death of 30 people as a campaign photo op?

    And of course any vacation is a working vacation as long as a Democrat takes it.
    Yeah, that's pretty moderate. Right, Cremlian?
  • Yeah, that's pretty moderate. Right, Cremlian?
    I said Kilarney's personal views are pretty moderate, I never said he wasn't a troll.
  • Are you proud of your guy after he used the death of 30 people as a campaign photo op?
    From your article
    "President Barack Obama attended the ceremony, called a "dignified transfer," for those killed in the worst single loss of the nearly 10-year war. An official White House photo of a saluting Obama was distributed to news media and published widely. It also was posted on the White House website as the "Photo of the Day." It showed Obama and other officials in silhouette and did not depict caskets."

    Really... So they didn't even picture caskets of the dead....Talk about fanning the flames of nothing.
    And of course any vacation is a working vacation as long as a Democrat takes it.
    Since Congress is out of session I'm pretty sure he can do the work he needs to do in the vineyard as well as the White house. I'd rather have my president have a bit of downtime. Has anyone compared the amount of vacations Bush took in his first term to Obama?
  • Kilarney's arguments are so WTF I don't even...
  • Yeah, that's pretty moderate. Right, Cremlian?
    I said Kilarney's personal views are pretty moderate, I never said he wasn't a troll.
    A moderate troll? What would a moderate troll look like?
  • @Kilarney: At least they're taking photos of soldier's sad return home, as opposed to denying any images to appear because it might hurt the 'morale' of the country and their will to fight in a war no one wanted to get into in the first place. The distribution of the photo was the problem, not the taking of it. Still, it's not really high up on the "things a President can do to make me mad'-o-meter.
    And Obama STILL has way less vacation days than every other Republican president in recent history. So yeah, I'm still happy with him.
    You're points are still weaker than a twelve-year-old computer nerd, Kilarney.
  • I have a problem with the government censoring the soldiers' return, period. No argument can be made for the black-out being for "national security." There is no Constitutionally-valid reason for restricting the freedom of the press here.
  • Just so people know, this is the photograph discussed.
  • dsfdsf
    edited August 2011
    I have a problem with the government censoring the soldiers' return, period. No argument can be made for the black-out being for "national security." There is no Constitutionally-valid reason for restricting the freedom of the press here.
    Maybe most families don't want the corpse of their loved ones paraded around for millions to see? Why do you "need" to see that, do dead people turn you on? It's not about "National Security" it's about respect and decency. Mourning is a private matter.
    Post edited by dsf on
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