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Real-life superpowers

edited May 2008 in Everything Else
Do you have any? For instance, I have the ability to go prolonged periods of time without shaving. Alas, for although it is my greatest power, it is also my greatest weakness, as I cannot grow powerful beards. So that's my superpower. What are yours?


  • I'd have the power that would allow me to have any power I wanted.

  • Not what you want, what you actually have.
  • Being able to hear music.. I don't really know how to describe it any differently. ^_~
  • I can fangirl more than the average 22 year old woman? I have the purple hair of doom? I got D cups of justice?

    I don't have one. ;_;

    Unless you could count my undefeated title of Tetris master! MHAHAHA!
  • I have the amazing power of speaking without thinking first. Maybe I should be a politician?
  • If a human can do it, it's not a superpower.

  • Argh! Did you even read the thread? Obviously my "power" is not a superpower. I think Scott's is the ability to be cynical about anything.
  • Perhaps we should have this thread renamed "Real-life stuperpowers"?
  • I can procrastinate to the point where I'm still typing as my professor sets up for class, and still make Dean's List.
  • I'm called the Victory Dyke. Does that count?
  • Ok, so last Monday I was fencing and this is how I got the 4th point. I launch myself at my opponent and I got a clean touch but then he extent his foil towards the right side of my chest (after I got the point) and he stabbed me so hard the blade bended on the forte part of the foil! I was unharmed but I feel sorry for the blade :(
    I am starting to believe I am made of adamantium now :P
  • If a human can do it, it's not a superpower.

    It's all in good fun, Apreche. We all know that dude. Your power is to be meh about almost everything! :P
    I'm called the Victory Dyke. Does that count?
    Yes.....So...I got D cups of justice. ^_~
    I can procrastinate to the point where I'm still typing as my professor sets up for class, and still make Dean's List.

    Fuck you, Neito! XD
  • I can procrastinate to the point where I'm still typing as my professor sets up for class, and still make Dean's List.
    Though we don't have a "Dean's List" here, I have that power also.
  • I have the awesome power to bake the best goddamn cupcakes in existence, in a kitchen that's approximately the size of 1.5 phone booths.
  • It's all in good fun, Apreche. We all know that dude. Your power is to be meh about almost everything! :P
    There, more accurate.
    I can procrastinate to the point where I'm still typing as my professor sets up for class, and still make Dean's List.
    Curse you. I too can procrastinate up to that point (and beyond with ease and no worries) yet cannot make that list. That's truly a great stuporpower.

    Anyways, my stuporpowers. Ehm... I am capable of typing up elongated texts of gibberish informing the reader of my thoughts on absolutely nothing by saying absolutely nothing in an attempt to convey a message of absolutely nothing? No, that's not a proper stuporpower for me to mention. I am unclearly insane? No, no, no. Mah az zambah! Har har har, gang, grab harmanz, harm harmanz, banana gangbang harmanz! BARHAH! :3

    *scrapes his throat with a spork*
    "Bah bah bah, bah Barbrah Ahn!~"
    *scrapes his throat again*
    "Zahmarrah! Zahmarrah! Mah harm zah zahmarrah!"
  • I'm called the Victory Dyke. Does that count?
    Yes.....So...I got D cups of justice. ^_~
    *gropes* :D
  • I have the ability to nullify other superpowers.
  • edited May 2008
    I have the ability to nullify other superpowers.
    My D cups if justice! They're...they're -A!!!!! Oh noes! I suddenly suck at playing Tetris! Do not want!
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Have you ever played Eternal Darkness? My stuperpower lowers your sanity if you hang out with me. My friends have told me this...
  • I can write in the Lovecraftian style, does that count?
  • I have amazing thread-posting powers.
  • Do you have any? For instance, I have the ability to go prolonged periods of time without shaving. Alas, for although it is my greatest power, it is also my greatest weakness, as I cannot grow powerful beards. So that's my superpower. What are yours?
    My power is the opposite. I can grow a beard so full, so powerfully masculine that it is mandated by law that I keep it trimmed back, least I impregnate all the females in a five mile radius.
  • I'm really good at catching things that are accidentally falling. This doesn't translate to baseballs or footballs or whatever, but if a glass falls out of a cupboard, I've got it.
  • edited May 2008
    I have ulta-opposable thumbs. I didn't even know that it bent more than "normal" until my friends pointed it out to me a few weeks ago.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited May 2008
    I have the amazing ability to post inflammatory things without realizing it, find out people are taking offense hours later, and then intentionally piss them off anyway.

    My parents would be proud. >_<
    Post edited by One Sin on
  • I'm really good at catching things that are accidentally falling. This doesn't translate to baseballs or footballs or whatever, but if a glass falls out of a cupboard, I've got it.
    It's funny, I have the same "power". I think it's because my whole life I've been a klutz I've just developed really good reflexes to make up for it.

    My real super power is the ability to spew many bad puns. I often use this retched power for evil and not good though, making many of my friends feel sick. I mean, its just a gag to me, but its often bad enough that they will hurl things at me. Last night we were eating Oreos and I cracked a few good ones and they started tossing their cookies at me.
  • For a short period of time (a couple of months maybe) I had the superhero ability of having whatever song I last heard get stuck in my head, until I heard a new one. It got pretty bad, and it was very annoying. No matter what the music was, or how I heard it, it got stuck in my head. It eventually evolved into me getting songs stuck in my head that I hadn't even heard recently, so maybe my subconscious was hearing music from the buildings around me that my ears couldn't hear. But eventually the unfortunate person with the ability to absorb other people's powers (and keep them) walked by me on the street, and it went away.
  • If a human can do it, it's not a superpower.
    A superpower does not necessarily have to impossible for a human. For instance, the Shaolin Monks. They are able to smash metal bars against their head, and get kicked extremely hard in the groin without feeling pain. A human can do that, but I would consider that a superpower. It may be on the lower end of superpowers, but still a superpower.
    I haveulta-opposable thumbs. I didn't even know that it bent more than "normal" until my friends pointed it out to me a few weeks ago.
    Is that really more than normal? Well I guess I have super opposable thumbs too. Of course being that my stuperpower is that I'm a guy who can do a split it isn't that surprising.
  • I can lick my nose. :>~
  • Last night we were eating Oreos and I cracked a few good ones and they started tossing their cookies at me.
    Neat, free cookies! Unless you meant projectile vomiting..
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