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Real-life superpowers



  • I'm still looking for one with a third party member kicking a guy in the groin, but in the meantime:Mind Body & Kickass Moves - Iron Penis
    It's quite obvious what's going on there. I'll even give them the benefit of the doubt that we don't know how the ropes were tied. I'll also ignore the completely unfounded claims that it "increases hormones" and such.

    The dangling of the tiny weight is not exciting, anybody with a penis can do that. It takes a surprisingly large amount of force to rip your ding dong off, and that small weight is nowhere near enough. It's really just an exercise in getting use to the slight pain.

    The lifting of the very large weight is also simple. They first demonstrate how heavy the weight is by showing the one guy unable to lift it with his arms. Then they make you think the guy is lifting it with his penis, but what you really need to understand is that the real muscles he is using are his legs. It's really just a leg press, but his dick is used as an anchor point for the weights. Also, notice how quickly he puts it down. If he had kept it in the air longer, it probably would have ripped it right off. I am confident that I can accomplish this feat with an amount of weight that is lower than my max on the leg press.

    As for the truck, it's not much different than the heavy weight. The leg muscles are the ones doing all the real work. he just has to manage the amount of force he puts on the truck at any one time, so that it is always less the amount of force required to rip off his wiener. Also, whenever people do that trick of pulling a vehicle, I'm unimpressed. It's one of those things that looks like it requires great amount of force, but it really doesn't. Just about any shmo can push his car down the street if it's in neutral. How do we know the street isn't slightly inclined in the guy's favor? Show me a level. Better yet, let's see him pull the truck up a hill. Also, keep the entire vehicle on camera, so we know that nobody is pushing it from behind.
    Yes, you can analyze almost everything like that. For instance, the whole bending spears with your neck: the spears have no point, and are placed at the base of the neck, so all you need to do is learn how to properly tense your neck and that's the strongest spot, and since skin is relatively strong, you can bend a spear. Even knowing all this, I don't want to try it personally. I consider it impressive, and borderline superpower.
    I'm still curious how you don't see brick braking impressive. Yes the physics explains it, but that guy was as powerful as a car. How does that not impress you?
  • I've found some videos finally

  • These videos have the same problems that have been described before. For the reasons Scott stated before, your videos are proof of nothing.

    Why are you so invested in this? They don't have any special powers. Let it go.
  • These videos have the same problems that have been described before. For the reasons Scott stated before, your videos are proof of nothing.

    Why are you so invested in this? They don't have any special powers. Let it go.
    In addition these guys are claiming that the reason they are not hurt is because magical Ki power. Really? Magic Ki power?

    I will give you credit, though. In the first video that bald guy, who is not his student, does hit him in the neck and crotch. However, the guy isn't very strong, and it didn't look like he was using all his might. If the guy is so invincible, why doesn't he go out and become the world champion of heavyweight boxing or MMA? Let's see someone hit him with a metal baseball bat in the crotch, when he's not prepared for it.
  • One thing that I've seen in real life, with an amusing outcome - I was checking out a silat demonstration with my guru a while back, and one of the demonstrations was an old fighter breaking a regulation wooden baseball bat with his shin as a demo. When asked by a bloke in the crowd asked (via a translator) if he did it "by tapping his chi energy" the translator relayed this, the fighter laughed, slapped his shins, and said something in indonesian, which apparently translated to "Not Chi. Strong legs."

    On the downside, this guy's shins looked like an absolute horror show.
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