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Real-life superpowers



  • A superpower does not necessarily have to impossible for a human. For instance, the Shaolin Monks. They are able to smash metal bars against their head, and get kicked extremely hard in the groin without feeling pain. A human can do that, but I would consider that a superpower. It may be on the lower end of superpowers, but still a superpower.
    The "powers" of the shaolin monks are greatly exaggerated.
  • You play urban dead?
    Played I did. Fought in the first Mall Tour, brought down the entire east section of Caigar on it's first major fall. Currently playing Nexus War (infinitely better).
    I can lick my nose. :>~
    Ha! I can lick it, AND pick it, all with the same tongue. :p
  • My unsual, but not really super power is that I can read body language incredibly well. My husband has been unnerved by my level of insight with just one glance. A lot of women have this to a certain degree, but mine seems a bit hightened.
    I also have great gay-dar, but I am a thespian, so that goes without saying.
    Oh, and I can crack/break glass with my voice - really. I did so in my voice lessons at the Eastman School of Music. It was a bit scary.
  • I have the awesome power to bake the best goddamn cupcakes in existence
    Good god can this man!
  • There's not a mule on earth that can out-stubborn me!
  • There's not a mule on earth that can out-stubborn me!
    He has another super power, but it would be indelicate of me to go into details. ^_^
  • I have the ability to be decent at anything, yet not great in any one thing in particular. I've also got the ability to spew word vomit at will, and to say things without actually meaning anything. Unfortunately, my superhero weakness is that no one ever listens to me.
  • A superpower does not necessarily have to impossible for a human. For instance, the Shaolin Monks. They are able to smash metal bars against their head, and get kicked extremely hard in the groin without feeling pain. A human can do that, but I would consider that a superpower. It may be on the lower end of superpowers, but still a superpower.
    The "powers" of the shaolin monks are greatly exaggerated.
    Although they used to be exaggerated, in this day and age they aren't much. They are actually able to do what they claim to. The thing is, they practice their entire lives. The reason they can be hit in the groin is because they are able to move their balls to the side. That might sound impossible, but if you train for hours every day, for years on end, the few muscles in the groin will be able to do that.
  • I have the power of perfect pitch.

    ...And I can pass as a female if I wanted to. -____-
  • I am able to do very tedious things in order to get a paycheck.

  • ...And I can pass as a female if I wanted to. -____-
    Stay away from the Starlight Anime Society girls then. We had a guy like that....emphasis on had. The girls named him Shanna. The make up looked awesome.
  • edited May 2008
    I have the power of perfect pitch.

    ...And I can pass as a female if I wanted to. -____-
    Dito! Perfect pitch was the word I was looking for.

    I have a similar problem where people walk up behind me and ask: "Madam?"
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on

  • ...And I can pass as a female if I wanted to. -____-
    Stay away from the Starlight Anime Society girls then. We had a guy like that....emphasis on had. The girls named him Shanna. The make up looked awesome.
    Four words: High School Anime Club.

    It was hilarious and scary at the same time.
  • A superpower does not necessarily have to impossible for a human. For instance, the Shaolin Monks. They are able to smash metal bars against their head, and get kicked extremely hard in the groin without feeling pain. A human can do that, but I would consider that a superpower. It may be on the lower end of superpowers, but still a superpower.
    The "powers" of the shaolin monks are greatly exaggerated.
    Although they used to be exaggerated, in this day and age they aren't much. They are actually able to do what they claim to. The thing is, they practice their entire lives. The reason they can be hit in the groin is because they are able to move their balls to the side. That might sound impossible, but if you train for hours every day, for years on end, the few muscles in the groin will be able to do that.
    I think you have the power to believe very silly things.
  • Although they used to be exaggerated, in this day and age they aren't much. They are actually able to do what they claim to. The thing is, they practice their entire lives. The reason they can be hit in the groin is because they are able to move their balls to the side. That might sound impossible, but if you train for hours every day, for years on end, the few muscles in the groin will be able to do that.
    I've seen videos of Shaolin demonstrations such as this. They are very convincing. However, they all have one thing in common that prevents me from believing in them. That thing is that it is always other shaolin monks doing the hitting.

    Unless you have skeptical, impartial, third parties doing the hitting, it doesn't count. Remember the dim mak guys? They do all these "touch of death" demonstrations, but always on their students and followers. They either refuse to demonstrate on anyone else, or they fail miserably.

    The most convincing video I saw was one where shaolin monks where beating each other with metal baseball bats. If they were just pretending to hit hard, they were doing a very good job of acting. However, the point still stands that they could have just been acting. It would be very easy to run a test where someone else hits them with a bat, but I don't know if I could go through with it because the monk would probably have severe and permanent injuries.

    It's really the same thing as Penn & Teller's bullet catch trick. You know they can't catch bullets for real, but the only way to call them on it is to get someone to actually shoot at them. If you are any kind of decent human being, you're not going to actually shoot at them, so they get away with it. Shaolin monks are the same thing. You couldn't bring yourself to actually hit them with a metal bat, so they can continue to lie about it.

    Also, remember Houdini. Yeah.
  • edited May 2008
    I have a similar problem where people walk up behind me and ask: "Madam?"
    When I had short hair I got mistaken for a guy often when viewed from the back. When I would wear my long black coat, people would say, "Excuse me, sir!" and I'd turn around and they would be confused for a second. I'm not a sir after all.

    Also, as far as my superpowers, I have the ability to crash electronic gas pumps with the mere touch of my finger. It happened 3 times. I touch the pump and then suddenly the display becomes all corrupted. Also the main read-out in the station. As soon as I touch the machine, the computer crashes.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Argh! Did you even read the thread? Obviously my "power" is not a superpower. I think Scott's is the ability to be cynical about anything.
    I'm sorry, but Scott is not nearly as cynical as I can be. Scott often expresses irrational optimism, and that knocks him out of the running for this. I am the King of Pain.
  • Although they used to be exaggerated, in this day and age they aren't much. They are actually able to do what they claim to. The thing is, they practice their entire lives. The reason they can be hit in the groin is because they are able to move their balls to the side. That might sound impossible, but if you train for hours every day, for years on end, the few muscles in the groin will be able to do that.
    I've seen videos of Shaolin demonstrations such as this. They are very convincing. However, they all have one thing in common that prevents me from believing in them. That thing is that it is always other shaolin monks doing the hitting.

    Unless you have skeptical, impartial, third parties doing the hitting, it doesn't count. Remember the dim mak guys? They do all these "touch of death" demonstrations, but always on their students and followers. They either refuse to demonstrate on anyone else, or they fail miserably.
    There actually have been videos of third parties doing the hitting. I will try to find and post. But some things have been scientifically proven. Like being able to smash a brick with your hand.

    watch 1:56-end
  • There actually have been videos of third parties doing the hitting. I will try to find and post. But some things have been scientifically proven. Like being able to smash a brick with your hand.
    Breaking bricks isn't amazing in any way. I want to see the guy at the beginning of the video hit a monk instead of a dummy. Tell me what happens then.
  • I belive all Supermodels have a superpower - The astounding power to maintain a heartbeat on 200 calories a day.
  • I can bullshit my way out of most situations. Sometimes, it gets to the point where I believe what I'm saying.
  • edited May 2008
    But they ARE real, I tell you! They're really real! I know 'cause I saw a video! And this guy I knew one time, he said they were real too!
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • But they ARE real, I tell you! They're really real! I know 'cause I saw a video! And this guy I knew one time, he said they were real too!
    Now that's just childish. I said I'd find a video to prove it, so be patient.
  • Breaking bricks isn't amazing in any way.
    Ok, that I have to disagree with. How can you say breaking bricks with your bare fist isn't amazing? If someone stood in front of me and broke a stack of a dozen bricks I think the first thing I would say is, "Holy shit, that's amazing!"
  • Ok, that I have to disagree with. How can you say breaking bricks with your bare fist isn't amazing? If someone stood in front of me and broke a stack of a dozen bricks I think the first thing I would say is, "Holy shit, that's amazing!"
    Not when you understand the physics behind it.
  • edited May 2008
    Ok, that I have to disagree with. How can you say breaking bricks with your bare fist isn't amazing? If someone stood in front of me and broke a stack of a dozen bricks I think the first thing I would say is, "Holy shit, that's amazing!"
    Not when you understand the physics behind it.
    So you're saying that the knowledge about how something is done immediately makes it unable to be amazing? There's lots of things I know of in the world that I would consider amazing even if I know the science behind it.
    Post edited by edifolco25 on
  • edited May 2008
    Edited to include original mouse-over text.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Ok, that I have to disagree with. How can you say breaking bricks with your bare fist isn't amazing? If someone stood in front of me and broke a stack of a dozen bricks I think the first thing I would say is, "Holy shit, that's amazing!"
    Not when you understand the physics behind it.
    How many people do you know who can actually do that? If it's so unimpressive then I'm sure you at least know one person capable of it.
  • I'm still looking for one with a third party member kicking a guy in the groin, but in the meantime:
    Mind Body & Kickass Moves - Iron Penis
  • edited May 2008
    I'm still looking for one with a third party member kicking a guy in the groin, but in the meantime:Mind Body & Kickass Moves - Iron Penis
    It's quite obvious what's going on there. I'll even give them the benefit of the doubt that we don't know how the ropes were tied. I'll also ignore the completely unfounded claims that it "increases hormones" and such.

    The dangling of the tiny weight is not exciting, anybody with a penis can do that. It takes a surprisingly large amount of force to rip your ding dong off, and that small weight is nowhere near enough. It's really just an exercise in getting use to the slight pain.

    The lifting of the very large weight is also simple. They first demonstrate how heavy the weight is by showing the one guy unable to lift it with his arms. Then they make you think the guy is lifting it with his penis, but what you really need to understand is that the real muscles he is using are his legs. It's really just a leg press, but his dick is used as an anchor point for the weights. Also, notice how quickly he puts it down. If he had kept it in the air longer, it probably would have ripped it right off. I am confident that I can accomplish this feat with an amount of weight that is lower than my max on the leg press.

    As for the truck, it's not much different than the heavy weight. The leg muscles are the ones doing all the real work. he just has to manage the amount of force he puts on the truck at any one time, so that it is always less the amount of force required to rip off his wiener. Also, whenever people do that trick of pulling a vehicle, I'm unimpressed. It's one of those things that looks like it requires great amount of force, but it really doesn't. Just about any shmo can push his car down the street if it's in neutral. How do we know the street isn't slightly inclined in the guy's favor? Show me a level. Better yet, let's see him pull the truck up a hill. Also, keep the entire vehicle on camera, so we know that nobody is pushing it from behind.
    Post edited by Apreche on
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