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California Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban



  • Illinois is signing civil unions into law! Yeah!
  • While not strictly about marriage, it's good to note Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed.
  • While not strictly about marriage, it's good to noteDon't Ask Don't Tell was repealed.
    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I almost want to see someone asking how they could repeal such a law. I guess it's conditioning, since we've seen it so many times in the past.
  • While not strictly about marriage, it's good to noteDon't Ask Don't Tell was repealed.
    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I almost want to see someone asking how they could repeal such a law. I guess it's conditioning, since we've seen it so many times in the past.
    Don't worry. If you really need to rage, just go to and find example such as:
    [Re. the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."]

    The armies of other nations have allowed gays to serve openly in the military. The reason they could afford to do this is simple: they could allow homosexuals to serve in their military because we didn’t allow them to serve in ours.

    They knew they could count on the strength, might, power, and cohesion of the U.S. military to intervene whenever and wherever necessary to pull their fannies out of the fire and squash the forces of tyranny wherever they raised their ugly heads around the world.

    Those days are now gone. We will no longer be able to bail out these other emasculated armies because ours will now be feminized and neutered beyond repair, and there is no one left to bail us out. We have been permanently weakened as a military and as a nation by these misguided and treasonous Republican senators, and the world is now a more dangerous place for us all.
  • edited February 2011

    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Wow.
    I'm kind of turned on.
  • Wow.
    I'm kind of turned on.
    I want to vote for him all night long. He needs to be a goddamn politicial.
  • How the fuck can anyone even argue against that? I just don't understand.
  • edited February 2011
    How the fuck can anyone even argue against that? I just don't understand.
    Simple, you use logic, that's your problem.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • How the fuck can anyone even argue against that? I just don't understand.
    The Devil has a silver tongue, he may argue well but faith must prevail.
  • The Devil has a silver tongue, he may argue well but faith must prevail.
    Ugh. I hate people sometimes. And by "sometimes," I mean "all the damn time."
  • Wow.
    The fact that this even has to be said makes me sad. The fact that we all watch this and go, "Wow, well said, dude; props to you," instead of nodding and saying, "yeah, so what?" makes me sad.
  • The Devil has a silver tongue, he may argue well but faith must prevail.
    Ugh. I hate people sometimes. And by "sometimes," I mean "all the damn time."
    Being a nihilist isn't productive, snap out of it.
  • The Devil has a silver tongue, he may argue well but faith must prevail.
    Ugh. I hate people sometimes. And by "sometimes," I mean "all the damn time."
    Being a nihilist isn't productive, snap out of it.
    I think he's falling more into misanthropy than nihilism, which isn't quite as bad. Some people make really good music under those conditions.
  • edited February 2011
    Oh, you're right. My B.

    Meanwhile, in Canada, we've figured this thing out awhile ago.
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • The fact that this even has to be said makes me sad. The fact that we all watch this and go, "Wow, well said, dude; props to you," instead of nodding and saying, "yeah, so what?" makes me sad.
    Well, I think Scott was probably referring more to that guy's public speaking ability. He's incredibly well-spoken. At least, that's the part of the video that impressed me the most.

    Even if you agree with the content of someone's speech, the manner in which they speak it can still be worthy of note.
  • The fact that this even has to be said makes me sad. The fact that we all watch this and go, "Wow, well said, dude; props to you," instead of nodding and saying, "yeah, so what?" makes me sad.
    Well, I think Scott was probably referring more to that guy's public speaking ability. He's incredibly well-spoken. At least, that's the part of the video that impressed me the most.

    Even if you agree with the content of someone's speech, the manner in which they speak it can still be worthy of note.
    Well sure, but there are lots of well-spoken people making presentations every day. What makes this one unique and worth posting here is the content and context, not the manner.
  • Well, I think Scott was probably referring more to that guy's public speaking ability. He's incredibly well-spoken. At least, that's the part of the video that impressed me the most.
    Yea I thought he presented himself very powerfully. I recently spoke out in public on a similar topic at a council meeting and even with a prepared speech I was not even 50% as cool as this guy.
  • When I heard about this kid I was hoping he'd have 2 dads and I was a little disappointed.
  • edited February 2011
    So when my grandma was being unsure about her opinions on gay marriage, I was like "Look at it this way: There's the possibility of having double grandmas! Who could be against that!" She laughed and was persuaded.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • So when my grandma was being unsure about her opinions on gay marriage, I was like "Look at it this way: There's the possibility of having double grandmas! Who could be against that!" She laughed and was persuaded.
    That is a most excellent argument.
  • The DOJ has concluded that the Defense of Marriage act couldn't hold up in court, and will decline to defend it against lawsuits. This is one of the last steps before a series of court cases can overturn it properly.
  • I'd just like to make a point that President Obama has worked slowly and relentlessly for Gay rights. Just because he didn't do it in one day doesn't mean he did not have a plan and it seems to be working.
  • Considering the embarrassment that the right has been, Obama has been keeping on top of things.
  • The Devil has a silver tongue, he may argue well but faith must prevail.
    Ugh. I hate people sometimes. And by "sometimes," I mean "all the damn time."
    I raise a glass of bourbon to you my good sir and kindred spirit.
  • I'd just like to make a point that President Obama has worked slowly and relentlessly for Gay rights. Just because he didn't do it in one day doesn't mean he did not have a plan and it seems to be working.
    The problem with most people (read: stupid people) is that they don't recognize long term plans as intentional. They'll only attribute credit to someone if they see results right away.
  • The DOJ has concluded that the Defense of Marriage act couldn't hold up in court, and will decline to defend it against lawsuits. This is one of the last steps before a series of court cases can overturn it properly.
    Color me delighted.
  • Yeah, that's cool. Well done, the U.S.
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