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California Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban



  • NY is not part of New England.
    To be fair, I remember quite clearly in elementary and middle school being taught specifically that New York was considered part of New England. I wouldn't be surprised if this is common outside of the northeast.
    At school in New York, we were taught that NY was technically a "breadbasket" state that is often lumped in with New England for tourism purposes.
    As a New England native, we were specifically taught that NY is not part of New England, though it is close. Close enough that sometimes they were often considered part of the same region for business/tourism purposes, as you said, while still being technically separate. The classic example was after AT&T; was broken up in 1984, AT&T;'s two regional phone operators for the area, New England Telephone and New York Telephone, became a single company called NYNEX.
    NY is not part of NE, I was wrong, however it is surrounded by NE, and I've never understood why NE isn't just the first 13 colonies. I know that would extend down to Georgia, but if it doesn't than what does New England even mean?
    I wouldn't considered "bordered by NE on the east" to be equivalent to "surrounded by NE" -- NY does have NJ and Pennsylvania to the south and Canada to the north. The origin of the name "New England" dates back to when the Pilgrims founded the Plymouth colony. The region around the colony that eventually became modern New England was formally called "New England" in the royal charter for the colony and did not include regions to the south such as Virginia and New York (which was Dutch territory and called "New Amsterdam" at the time anyway, hence it couldn't be "New England" if it didn't even belong to England). For about a year after England captured them from the Dutch, NY and NJ were part of New England by royal decree, but the pre-existing New England colonies were not happy with that arrangement for various reasons (though being lumped together with NY and NJ didn't have much to do with their discontent) and NY and NJ were once again split off from New England after the Glorious Revolution of 1689.
  • NY will probably be one of the last states in New England to get them, if only because of the high concentration of red necks in north NY. A couple more Mid-West states will get them, because of the mind-your-own-business culture.
    Whoa there. A big part of it not passing in NY was socially conservative democratic senators from the City catering to their incredibly religious Hispanic and African American constituencies. Blame belongs to all parts of the State in this one.
  • ^
    It is actually the city's fault. Upstate voters were allegedly much kinder on this topic than those of us in the outer boroughs.
  • i'm taking all the rights I can get, man. Can't get me enough rights.
    I hope I have, in at least one state, equivalent marriage/discrimination laws in comparison to straight people, by the time I get married.
    Also, homosexuals who want to have children: Will you adopt?
    I don't want to be tied down to some Mom, but I want the kid to have equal/greater intelligence than me, so passing down genes naturally, in some sort of human incubator, seems the best to me.
    But what if the Mom wants custody? *shudders*
    This is conjecture of course.
    I may adopt intelligent teenagers, send 'em to college. Get awesome tax benefits.
  • Oh, come one, NYC. You going to let Chicago beat you? WTF, hurry up.
    Boston already did. :P
    And fucking Des Moines.
  • Home Depot tells American Family Association to take a Hike.

    The video is also quite entertaining, just to hear how the AFA guy is flabbergasted and unable to comprehend that someone would stand up to him and his crew of morons.
  • edited June 2011
    Yay, Home Depot. I shall buy my lumber and cord protectors there!
    Actually, speaking of another big corporation being not so evil on this issue, Disney gives really great equal treatment to domestic partners of its employees. This really burns up the Christian Right because *gasp* "Think of the Children!"
    Yeah, animators and theme park employees are gay too. Who knew?
    It is actually the city's fault. Upstate voters were allegedly much kinder on this topic than those of us in the outer boroughs.
    That's why we need to go rabble rouse. What's-his-name, the pentecostal minister is probably the worst offender in this regard.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I may adopt intelligent teenagers, send 'em to college. Get awesome tax benefits.
    You might wanna do a little cost/benefit analysis on this . . .
    Home Depot tells American Family Association to take a Hike.
    There are days that I feel like we've barely made any headway. But then I watch this video and feel like there's no way we would have seen such a thing 30 years ago, and I feel all hopeful again.
    Yay, Home Depot. I shall buy my lumber and cord protectors there!
    Actually, speaking of another big corporation being not so evil on this issue, Disney gives really great equal treatment to domestic partners of its employees. This really burns up the Christian Right because *gasp* "Think of the Children!"
    Yeah, animators and theme park employees are gay too. Who knew?
    And somehow, Disney survived the big Baptist boycott.

    There was also that cool moment when Disney opened up the Fairy Tale Weddings to same-sex couples, which really only happened after AfterElton published an article on the fact that this program used to be for hetero couples only, and Disney got lots of flack.

    I'm not too familiar with how the internal state Gov. of NY runs, but this has to be a good thing, yes?!

    I'm not too familiar with how the internal state Gov. of NY runs, but this has to be a good thing, yes?!
    No. NY Legislature is bicameral just like the US Congress. The assembly has passed similar bills in the past. The senate never has. Who knows if it will?
  • Yeah, in NY the House passes bills for two reasons. Actual caring and political posturing. They either actually want to achieve the purpose of the bill, or they believe that the Senate/Governor will never pass it and therefore are making themselves look good and letting the Senate or the Governor be the bad guy. They did this a LOT with the budget last year.
  • I hear tell that we may just be one vote short of passing this in the senate. NY residents oughtta make some more phone calls to their legislators ASAP!
  • hear tell that we may just be one vote short of passing this in the senate. NY residents oughtta make some more phone calls to their legislators ASAP!
    Any one Republican is all it takes.

    If I were the Democrats, I'd sell it to them simply and pretend to sympathize.

    "Look, you're afraid of gay people, I know. We all are. But you know what? Look back to the civil rights movement. We would be having this same conversation about black people. Now, you see what happened back then. Who is the hero in the history books? Not the racists, not the obstructionists. Do you really want to be a footnote in an inevitable social change, one of the last sad old men fighting against a lost cause steeped in your own prejudice?

    Or, do you want to take a risk and be the one man whose vote made everything happen? History won't remember the 40th state that gives homosexuals their civil rights, nor the people who make that happen. But it will remember whoever turns the tide in New York.

    You have a choice. Be a hero in the history books, or a footnote.

    Also, it's obvious you're a closeted homosexual."
  • Also, it's obvious you're a closeted homosexual."
    "And we have a study that proves it, too."
  • Do actually expect a politician to read and understand a study, Churba?
  • Do actually expect a politician to read and understand a study, Churba?
    Not really. But hope springs eternal.
  • So the UN passed something that would support equal rights for everybody, but I can't tell what this entails. I want to read the document itself to find out how this effects national policy and what standards we have to comply with, and the whole "separate but equal is BS" plays into things, because that seems like what the US would try to do, but Brown v Board of Ed should stop that. The whole thing seems important, but inconclusive.
  • I do not see that doing much for overall gay rights outside of making it wrong to have it be illegal to be gay. If it is enforced to any degree we could see countries that allow crimes against gays be sanctioned or something to that effect. The only significant change in the US would probably be that "gay bashing" may now be considered a hate crime.
  • Formally condemning sanctions against gay people is kind of a big deal. There are places where they lock people up for being gay.
  • Oh, I know sanctions are a big deal. I was talking more about it not being as big of a deal here in the states than the rest of the world. I could see this being a big issue with several countries.
  • NY marriage equality is getting bogged down in political bullshit. Big surprise.

    Yesterday there were hoards of crotchety old assholes in the halls of the senate, chanting "one man one woman". I know a bunch of people in favor of marriage are gathering in Albany today to counter-protest that shit.

    We've never been this close. Help us out however you can, guys. Make phone calls and stuff! Tell them you want to see this happen, or at least voted on!
  • Tell them you want to see this happen, or at least voted onpassed!
  • Rent/tax/SUNY issues were taken care of today in NY, and now there are no excuses left not to hold a vote tomorrow. FUCK YEAH, LET'S DO THIS.
  • At least one European will glare and frown in the general direction of anyone voting NO tomorrow.
  • edited June 2011
    Senator Greg Ball is super undecided and asked Facebook and Twitter what they thought. Facebook wall here. Twitter page here! So that's kinda stupid, but we should take any forum we can! He's the senator of district 40. Some of you guys USED to live there, right?

    I've been to plenty of rallies and protests, but actually TELLING your legislators how you feel is one of the best things you can do! Senator Ball says his call center is split 60/40 against gay marriage, while his FB and Twitter are largely in favor. And we all know that's only because old people are the only ones who use the phone anymore, right? ;)
    Post edited by loltsundere on
  • He's the senator of district 40. Some of you guys USED to live there, right?
    Man, fuck gerrymandering.
  • edited June 2011
    I want to really encourage people to also call Dean Skelos . Please encourage him to bring the gay marriage bill to a vote. I doubt he'd ever vote yes but we have no hope if it doesn't even reach the floor.

    The thread debating the intelligence and moral fiber of each party sure is active. I'd like to see this one get a little more attention, considering the current state of affairs.
    Post edited by Nillia on
  • The New York Marriage Equality vote is happening. Right Now.
  • The New York Marriage Equality vote is happening. Right Now.
    Know what shocks me most? New York state representatives actually working at 10 at night!
  • And it passed 33-29! Hurray for New York! It's finally somewhere near the front of the curve!
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