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The Beatles



  • I know way more about that band then most 23 year olds should.
    Hell I'm 19 and I know more than I should!
    The question remains, how much should you know then at an adult age? And you Charles, stop lying.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2009
    I know way more about that band then most 23 year olds should.
    Hell I'm 19 and I know more than I should!
    The question remains, how much should you know then at an adult age? And you Charles, stop lying.
    Seriously...this Charles crap has got to stop. I honestly do not know what he is talking about, but then again he is Nine. And no Churba, I won't get off his back because when someone harasses you often on a regular basis it's quite difficult to not get on his back.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I honestly think they are over-hyped.
    What, because they have almost near-universal appraisal by many people on Earth?
  • And no Churba, I won't get off his back because when someone harasses you often on a regular basis it's quite difficult to not get on his back.
    I don't say that.
    I say you jump on him for no reason half the time, and by going off half cocked, you demean yourself by doing so. That is why I want you to stop.
    If Nine is a dick about something without merit to his statements, fair play. I can't remember what the Charles thing is about, though, as a side note.
  • I won't get off his back because when someone harasses you often on a regular basis it's quite difficult to not get on his back.
    But Nine is like a 40k Warp Demon. He gains strength from your hate!
    What, because they have almost near-universal appraisal by many people on Earth?
    It's the level of said appraisal that makes them over-hyped. They're excellent, but I've always thought that the Rolling Stones did certain things in their career as a band that meant more to music than what the Beatles did (take, for example, the strong themes regarding a need for racial equality in "Gimme Shelter"). That being said, the Beatles are still a better band, because they did more for what music could be than anyone else (at the time). That doesn't necessarily make them best band of all time, though, as many Beatles fans would have you believe. Revolutionary, yes. But still just a band, as best put forth here:

  • The Beatles are one of the 2 biggest bands in my life and I am a HUGE Beatles dork.
    What's the other band, out of curiosity?
    Actually Green Day
    The Beatles are one of the 2 biggest bands in my life and I am a HUGE Beatles dork.

    I know way more about that band then most 23 year olds should. That's all I really have to add to this at the moment, lol
    Hell I'm 19 and I know more than I should!
    cool, good on ya. I only say that cause I'm able to carry on detailed conversations about them with people more then twice my age
  • I was expecting Merzbow, but I suppose that works too.
    Merzbow is about a million times more interesting than the Beatles, but I can't stand listening to either one.
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