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edited June 2008 in Everything Else
I am driving to Michigan tomorrow (from NC), then flying to the Yukon. I need about 18 hours of podcasts. I have listened to every Dave and Joel twice, all the Byzantine Emperors 3 times, all of GeekNights, all of The Skeptics Guide, all of Skeptoid, and all of Skepticality.

Any other good podcasts left that of which you guys know?


  • Destroy all Podcasts DX and Anime World Order.
  • I hate anime, but I'll check out the first one.
  • May I interest you in some Rangercast? No? Okay. Here are some podcasts I use to pass the time that have not yet been mentioned...

    The Greatest Movie Ever
    R5 Central
    This Week In Tech
    Calls for Cthulhu
  • edited June 2008
    Well Destroy all Podcast DX do anime as well but they also do kung fu movies. If you like movies how about Greatest Movie Ever or Movies You Should See?

    Also if you don't mind me asking this. Why the Yukon?
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Can you give the theme of the ones you name? I'm liking this DX one though.
  • edited June 2008
    Scott Sigler Audiobooks and DAP DX

    EDIT: Personally, I'd advise against R5 Central.
    Post edited by One Sin on
  • Radio Lab (science), Greatest Movie EVER (bad movies), This American Life (awesome).
  • Astronomycast, Skeptics Guide to the Universe, Skeptoid.
  • Astronomycast, Skeptics Guide to the Universe, Skeptoid.
    I've already listening to all of those. I think I have enough now though. I just got about 25 greatest movie ever and I'm deciding on an audio book.

    I was already reading this (page 150) but I found the audiobook for Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, so I'm most likely going to be listening to that.
    Go there, find something that sounds interesting, download the whole thing.
  • From Podiobooks, I would recommend Tee Morris's Billibub Baddings and the Case of the Singing Sword and Mur Lafferty's Playing For Keeps.
    I second Movies You Should See and I also think The Definitive Word is good to listen to. Both are available at Simply Syndicated.
  • Dude. Pseudopod motherfucker. I highly suggest starting with episode one, The Bag Man.
  • Try the Simply Syndicated podcasts. Movies You Should See, The Definite Word, Or Do You Think That's Just Bollocks, Make It So (A Star Trek podcast), Weekend Watches, Albums You Should Hear and Books You Should Read. They are all awesome.
  • Indie Spinner Rack Listen to episodes 110 and 111. They are this epicly long interview with Jeff Smit, the Bone guy. Then listen to episodes 125 and 126 to learn all about comics distribution in the US.
  • edited November 2008
    *deleted pic*
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • People, OPML exists. Use it.
  • Outraged Possum Motorization League?
  • Overly Prepared Mailing Lists
  • Ostrich Panelled Military Lamps?
    Oak Pencil Mutilation Lore?
  • Mah OPMLz

    BTW, if you want a new history podcast, I highly suggest Dan Carlin's Hardcore History as well as his companion politics podcast.
  • Otaku Prepared Masturbation List?
  • edited October 2008
    Otaku Prepared Masturbation List?
    Wasn't that Scott's TotD on Thursday?

    This is news that may push me more toward the iPhone once November gets here. I'm so close to the end of my phone's current plan I can taste it. Tastes like paper and ink.
    EDIT: Oops, mixed post. That's what I get for having this and the iPhone podcast thread open at the same time.
    Post edited by ColdfireSerge on
  • I recommend looking through the BBC and NPR podcasts. Also, you might want to check librivox and see if there are any classics you have meant to read and never got around to, or old favorites that you could listen to again.
  • image
    Here is my iTunes list. I don't listen to every episode of each, and some podcasts I've not listened to for ages so should just delete, but these I download automatically. I have other podcast feeds in my google reader account and manually download only the episodes that look most interesting.
  • If you like magic, have a pretty good podcast called "Magic week in review".
    Same guy that does the podcast with James Randi, I think.
  • I strongly recommend the whole Maximum Fun family of podcasts, particularly The Sound of Young America (which is also on public radio) and Jordan, Jesse, Go. TSOYA is very interesting, insightful interviews with mostly entertainment industry people, and JJGo is another two-guys-bullshitting-with-a-guest show, but it's one of the most consistently hilarious things I've found in years.
  • Here are the currently airing podcasts I listen to

    Dave and Joel's Fast Karate For the Gentlemen, Anime World Order, and Geeknights - I listen to all these for obvious reasons.

    Movies You Should See - Other than the next podcast I'm listing, this is one of the few good or updated movie podcasts out there.

    The Greatest Movie EVER!!!- Very funny and very tasteful reviews in their selection of movies.

    Escapepod, Psuedopod, and Podcastle - I'll count all three of these as one podcast because not only are they made by the same people, but they are the same kind of podcast. Very interesting and riveting stories each time they make an episode (Podcatle is still falls a teensy bit flatter than the other two).

    TwiT - Very professionally run and gives me the tech news I need.

    NPR: Hourly Newscast - Other than 60 Minutes and a few other credible/reliable news sources, I don't trust any other news source more than this.

    The New York Geekcast - Interesting story behind this one. During one of the few times Emily was on Facebook, I noticed she became a fan of this, I was curious, so I decided to check it out. It's a pretty good podcast and they usually have very interesting discussions about equally interesting topics.

    SModcast - Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier just frickin' rock!

    RadioRelic Podcasts (Case Closed, The Horror!, RelicRadio Thrillers, Strange Tales, RelicRadio Science Fiction) - I'm a big fan of old-time radio, serial style, stories (This week's episode of The Horror! -jarring chord- is brought to you by General Booregarde's Talcum Miracle Chewing Tablets!!!) in a totally non-ironic way.

    LabRats Video Podcast - These guys are great fun to watch and are very informative in just about any aspect of technology. The only video podcast I subscribe to.
  • Smodcast ='s awesome. I'm almost done with all of it.
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