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Diablo III



  • My Wife expressed interest in Playing Diablo 3 so I bit the bullet and bought it. I hope to get some multiplayer killing in soon with her and others. I am liking the sorcerer class the best so far but I'm only like level 11.
  • Post gamer tag so we can add you :D
  • Creamsteak#1952

    I've finally memorized my # now I think.
    Also why Steam sales get annoying once you have all the good games that are on sale.

    I can safely say that I was experiencing the early reward response when buying cheap games instead of when I was playing them.
  • I'm vaguelyweird#1499 & usually play w kerr2.0
  • Inferno Act 2 is still pretty painful for me. Well... I think once I can get to the tomb areas I'll be fine. Or even the Magda coven part. This first part though is annoying me. I'm impatient and just want it to be over, so I keep screwing up and taking one random claw attack to death.
  • How will the real money auction house being released change the game? Stay tuned...
  • Diablo_III_Auction_House.mp4
  • Yeah so it's live now. Kinda wish I had thought about it sooner but they require an authenticator or other security thing. I don't have that. I don't want to buy anything... but I wouldn't mind listing some stuff just to see if it sold (namely commodities).
  • Do you have a smart phone (Android or iOS)? If so, the authenticator is a free app.
  • Nope... although it's starting to seem like I'm going to acquire one sooner rather than later. Which I dread, because I don't need another monthly bill.
  • I hate to agree with Scott (I really don't but it feels good to say) that a smart phone is technology that people say they don't need until they have it and then realize how bloody savage life was without it. My parents got iPhones and iPads at the same time. It blew their mind-holes.
  • edited June 2012
    Not so much for me. But I've got no need to defend my position. I've written application for these phones. I even used one on a pay-as-you-go plan. The plan expired because I didn't put any money on it for six months. They deactivated the simm card so they could recycle the number.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Just so you know, all you have to do for Paypal transactions is setup SMS Verification for each auction. It just texts you a code you put into the AH and then you can buy or sell stuff.

    Just sold my first real money auction. My paypal is $1.70 richer!
  • I really want to sell something on there but I will never buy anything from it
  • My paypal is $1.70 richer!

    Also apparently prepaid stuff and/or certain carriers also can't use the SMS thing. It's an interesting little argument going on right now.
  • I just can't imagine who will use this thing in the long run.
  • I just can't imagine who will use this thing in the long run.
    The same people that were still buying Diablo II items and WoW gold on a regular basis probably. I don't know any of them, but they exist... apparently. Well... I did know a guy that was laundering money via purchasing WoW accounts... and he managed to have a -80% return on his investment when it was all said and done.
  • I am play inferno and make wizard pulp.
  • I just can't imagine who will use this thing in the long run.
    One way of looking at it is that you could quite realistically get back the money you pay for the game and then have invested nothing but the time.
  • I just can't imagine who will use this thing in the long run.
    One way of looking at it is that you could quite realistically get back the money you pay for the game and then have invested nothing but the time.
    If you're so poor/unemployed that you make more money playing Diablo III and selling items than by doing actual work, you shouldn't be spending your time playing Diablo III.
  • Bifurcation.
  • If you're so poor/unemployed that you make more money playing Diablo III and selling items than by doing actual work, you shouldn't be spending your time playing Diablo III.
    The point is, you acquired a game for "free". If you found a way to make money playing all the board games you love and reduced their total monetary cost to zero, would you not embrace it? Would it really stop you from playing them? I think not.
  • If you're so poor/unemployed that you make more money playing Diablo III and selling items than by doing actual work, you shouldn't be spending your time playing Diablo III.
    The point is, you acquired a game for "free". If you found a way to make money playing all the board games you love and reduced their total monetary cost to zero, would you not embrace it? Would it really stop you from playing them? I think not.
    Well, it depends. It's not like you play Diablo III and money just comes out while you are playing. You have to spend additional time and effort playing the auction house game in addition to the Diablo III game.
  • I am play inferno and make wizard pulp.
    Inferno makes everyone into pulp. I can manage on Act1 but fuck Act2.
  • edited June 2012
    Well, it depends. It's not like you play Diablo III and money just comes out while you are playing. You have to spend additional time and effort playing the auction house game in addition to the Diablo III game.
    Some people do like the "auction house" game as well. There are people that devote time to finding people that underpriced things and reselling them at closer to thier value. Some people can genuinely get more excited about that than the actual gameplay. And there's a certain time investment vs. reward mechanic obviously. If I found "ultrarare thing worth $250" I'll spend the five minutes to put it on the auction house.

    The interesting part of this is not that it's happening (it already was happening in games for years across 3rd party sites). The interesting part is it's right there in your face and relatively easy right now. There will always be some segment of the population for which it's worth their time to sell, and some segment of the population for which it's worth their money to "save time" and buy.

    That's all there is to it. Someone can say those virtual pixels are worthless... but value in this context is incredibly subjective. So long as someone is out there buying and someone is out there selling, it's not "worthless" so much as it's "not worth anything to me."

    Another aside of this, if you're in my position, is that the "Real Money Auction House" also serves as a slightly more interesting currency than the gold. There was always some hidden away exchange rate on gold to dollars, but having it readily accessible makes it so that I have some interest in acquiring "blizzard bucks" simply to trade with other players.

    I've been working on a P&P RPG set specifically in a world where the players are playing characters in a game to farm gold/resources to sell to pay their rent, so I'm really watching this thing. I absolutely get how someone personally wouldn't want to get involved on one side or the other, but I also think most of it is really interesting. I don't think it's impossible that we'll see this feature going forward in every "persistent" online game with some sort of loot system at some point.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I just can't imagine who will use this thing in the long run.
    People who really want gold and little kids that really really want that super cool item. It will be a lot more popular if they patch in some sort of PvP. Then people will REALLY want good weapons. The stupid thing so far is that a lot of the really rare items kinda suck and those are the ones that are going for the most money. They really need to balance weapon dps with rarity more.
  • Also, remember that Diablo makes you farm to get new gear and buy things off of the Auction House to progress your character. In that time, you're going to get a lot of stuff that's good for other classes and will make money for you almost passively.

    New total from RMAH: $7.20

  • edited June 2012
    I can't play much, but when I can if people need help with stuff or want to farm inferno butcher (about the highest thing I can farm) I'm generally up for it. I actually die in 1 hit to anything the butcher does so I have to farm him perfectly, but I can do it.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
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