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Diablo III



  • I can't play much, but when I can if people need help with stuff or want to farm inferno butcher (about the highest thing I can farm) I'm generally up for it. I actually die in 1 hit to anything the butcher does so I have to farm him perfectly, but I can do it.
    Wow. On my monk, I can't do any of Act 2 yet, but I'm able to just stand in everything but the charge and the fire. I either dodge everything else or take half my life in damage and heal it back.
  • I can't play much, but when I can if people need help with stuff or want to farm inferno butcher (about the highest thing I can farm) I'm generally up for it. I actually die in 1 hit to anything the butcher does so I have to farm him perfectly, but I can do it.
    Wow. On my monk, I can't do any of Act 2 yet, but I'm able to just stand in everything but the charge and the fire. I either dodge everything else or take half my life in damage and heal it back.
    Right nao, I can barely get through the cathedral on inferno... so I've been farming siegebreaker-azmo
  • I can't play much, but when I can if people need help with stuff or want to farm inferno butcher (about the highest thing I can farm) I'm generally up for it. I actually die in 1 hit to anything the butcher does so I have to farm him perfectly, but I can do it.
    Wow. On my monk, I can't do any of Act 2 yet, but I'm able to just stand in everything but the charge and the fire. I either dodge everything else or take half my life in damage and heal it back.
    Different classes, different playstyles. I do a bajillion damage and my role is to avoid all possible damage. The butcher's lowest hit is about 25k, I have about 22k hit points. I "have" to get lucky on dodge or just out-play him and use ss to avoid the fan of knives thing.

    The thing is that you can play glass cannon demon hunter all the way through inferno. You can't do that at all with a monk. A monk is going to take some hits, it's pretty much mandatory.

  • I can't play much, but when I can if people need help with stuff or want to farm inferno butcher (about the highest thing I can farm) I'm generally up for it. I actually die in 1 hit to anything the butcher does so I have to farm him perfectly, but I can do it.
    Wow. On my monk, I can't do any of Act 2 yet, but I'm able to just stand in everything but the charge and the fire. I either dodge everything else or take half my life in damage and heal it back.
    Different classes, different playstyles. I do a bajillion damage and my role is to avoid all possible damage. The butcher's lowest hit is about 25k, I have about 22k hit points. I "have" to get lucky on dodge or just out-play him and use ss to avoid the fan of knives thing.

    The thing is that you can play glass cannon demon hunter all the way through inferno. You can't do that at all with a monk. A monk is going to take some hits, it's pretty much mandatory.

    I hope they modify diamond skin to scale with armor, or int, or something, because right now it absorbs max 21k damage, and that isn't cutting it anymore... I used to just pop it on, right before an unavoidable hit.
  • Wow, I fucking love that the server can cut out and boot me from a single player game. Thanks Diablo, that's so awesome.
  • Intellectually dishonest comparison
    Scott [X]
    Rock [.]
  • Intellectually dishonest comparison
    Scott [X]
    Rock [.]
    Posts funny jpegs found around the Internet
    Scott [X]
    Rock [.]

  • edited June 2012
    Intellectually dishonest comparison
    Scott [X]
    Rock [.]
    Posts funny jpegs found around the Internet
    Scott [X]
    Rock [.]

    You can smell what it's cooking
    Scott [.]
    Rock [X]
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Intellectually dishonest comparison
    Scott [X]
    Rock [.]
    Posts funny jpegs found around the Internet
    Scott [X]
    Rock [.]

    You can smell what it's cooking
    Scott [.]
    Rock [X]
    Will never die.
    Scott [X]
    Rock [X]
  • I wanna

    Scott [.]
    Rock [X]
  • Great ____ !

    Scott [X]
    Rock [.]

  • Technically, the energy required to form silicon compounds from hydrogen would be pretty massive, though that depends on how much you recoup.
  • Has had Nicolas Cage inside:
    [X] Scott
    [X] The Rock
  • edited June 2012
    According to the Band Apollo 440, You can't stop:

    Scott [.]
    The Rock [X]

    Regularly enjoys Joss Wheadon productions:

    Scott [.]
    Rock [.]
    Post edited by Churba on
  • All the new nerf is make me sad. Punishment for not reading the blizzard forums ):
  • All the new nerf is make me sad. Punishment for not reading the blizzard forums ):
    Which one, s[specifically? I haz a sad over Attack Speed %
  • All the new nerf is make me sad. Punishment for not reading the blizzard forums ):
    Which one, s[specifically? I haz a sad over Attack Speed %
    yeah, definitely that. also repair $$ when getting hit decreases durability? I just paid 11k for yellow gear.
  • I've been browsing their forums. There's a bunch of people threatening to file a class action lawsuite against blizz for the ias nerf. They say that it is illegal to sell an item (rmah) and then change it, greatly diminishing its value. Pretty amusing.
  • I've been browsing their forums. There's a bunch of people threatening to file a class action lawsuite against blizz for the ias nerf. They say that it is illegal to sell an item (rmah) and then change it, greatly diminishing its value. Pretty amusing.
    It is a musing, but they have a point. Imagine if a car dealer sold you a car with air conditioning and then remotely disabled the air conditioning.
  • But there's also the whole eula/tos thing that says they can do whatever they want so I'm not sure if this holds much from a legal perspective.
  • Blizzard sold them nothing. Blizzard facilitated a transaction between 2 willing parties. I don't get to sue my grocer for a banana rotting after I've bought it.
  • People getting up in arms about buffs and nerfs is silly to me. Also hilarious: people claiming you have to spend $60 on gear to progress.
  • edited June 2012
    I love the idea that Diablo is putting forth (in a very subtle way).

    Gamers feel as though they have a right to see the end game content of every game, ever. Just because a level/item/bug/character exists does not mean you are entitled to it!

    "Inferno exists? Whelp, I'll just mow right though tha... Wait. This is DIFFICULT?!"

    I know I'm preaching to the choir here on the FRCF but in case any of you didn't know, it's ok to walk away from a game. Completion, for its own sake, in any endeavor should not be the goal.

    The idea you have to spend money to progress? Laughable. What they fail to understand is that SOMEONE had to get that item to sell them in the first place. That someone is better than them and worked for it. The chicken and the egg dilemma does not apply here.

    The repair costs change were made because the devs felt that too many glass cannons were just throwing themselves endlessly on elites and eventually getting better loot than they had truly "earned". They are on record saying as much. While that is a valid way one could set up a game, the devs have made it clear they do not wish Diablo 3 to be that game.

    They want it to be a game based on skill, being able to avoid death, and, ultimately, being able to be rewarded for your accomplishments. I applaud them for the changes. Everyone complaining about this needs to seriously STFU.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • Most of the people complaining seem to be treating the game like something somewhere between Borderlands and WoW.
  • It is ok for a game to be difficult. However, when the only way to get through the difficulty is to spend time/money rather than build actual skill, that's bullshit.

    Imagine an amusement park that has a secret ride. You buy admission to the park, so you are permitted to ride the ride. However, to get to the entrance to the ride you have to cross a scary chasm. ADA (Americans with Diabilities Act) aside, that's pretty cool. People who won't or can't cross the chasm never see this secret ride!

    Now imagine if the secret ride is just a ride that costs an extra $10 above and beyond the regular price of admission. That's bullshit. You either have a park that charges per ride or charges admission. To have per-ride charges on top of admission is not cool.
  • edited June 2012
    It is ok for a game to be difficult. However, when the only way to get through the difficulty is to spend time/money rather than build actual skill, that's bullshit.
    I completely agree with you on this part. It's a fundamental "problem" with these numeric RPG mechanics. The game plays the best when you've got the "perfect" numbers to keep the game challenging and interesting, and not trivial or impossible.

    But it's also incredibly obvious why Blizzard holds to that model in WoW and Diablo and all these other games. The two most major factors I think are that:

    1) It keeps people playing/spending money.
    2) It also allows for a wide disparate variety of players to accomplish all the things and play together.

    I don't think anyone here needs to know anything about (1), that's incredibly obvious. But (2) is also somewhat interesting. It means that even a terrible player can eventually do all the things... if they throw enough money/time at it. In terms of sharing the experience and allowing your game to entertain a broader audience, it's a neat little tool. And it also makes them more money.

    It's a design decision, and sure it makes it less of a sport or test of skill, but it might make it a better "game".
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited June 2012
    It is ok for a game to be difficult. However, when the only way to get through the difficulty is to spend time/money rather than build actual skill, that's bullshit.
    Agreed, but this is clearly not the case. An elite group of people HAVE killed Inferno Diablo. It's IS possible. Any argument that you cannot proceed without spending money is now invalid.

    Setting aside time, because a certain amount of time is involved in any game, let's focus on skill and money.

    Let us assume for the sake of argument that there exists a person who is *the* best Diablo 3 player in the world, without refute. Let us also assume that this person is dirt as poor.

    That established, let us assume Joe Average the gamer and his twin sister Joan Average come along. They can play reasonable well and with about the same level of skill. Joe is a power gamer and a completionist. Joan is there for fun and to socialize.

    Joe and Joan progress as far as their skill can reasonably carry them. Joan is fine with this. Shes seen the story, shes had a good time hanging out with friends, the usual. Joe, however, is quite annoyed by this. He knows the specter of Inferno is out there WAITING to be conquered! By gum, he's going to do it!

    (We can reasonably assume Joan leaves the game at this point, not withstanding any other outside forces like peer pressure.)

    Joe has 2 options. He can spend additional time to build up his skill or he can throw money at an auction house to buy gear.

    *Space-Time tears and we will now envision a universe where each choice is made*

    Skill Joe spends time grinding those levels over and over again. One of two things will occur in some measure. Either through pure RNG, he will slowly accumulate enough items to progress or he will will gain enough skill to overcome deficiencies in his gear to progress.

    Money Joe will simply visit the AH, pony up the cash, and proceed. That best player I mentioned? He's going to get a certain amount of Money Joes money, lets say. His skill has been rewarded and Blizz took 15%. If Money Joe consents (and that's implied), whats the problem?

    Both Joes, in the end, get what they were after. They simply paid the cost each felt was appropriate. The real winner here? Probably Joan with Skill Joe being a close second and Money Joe a distant third.
    Imagine an amusement park that has a secret ride. You buy admission to the park, so you are permitted to ride the ride. However, to get to the entrance to the ride you have to cross a scary chasm. ADA (Americans with Diabilities Act) aside, that's pretty cool. People who won't or can't cross the chasm never see this secret ride!

    Now imagine if the secret ride is just a ride that costs an extra $10 above and beyond the regular price of admission. That's bullshit. You either have a park that charges per ride or charges admission. To have per-ride charges on top of admission is not cool.
    I do not agree with this premise but I see the point you are driving at. Assuming everyone is physically able and had to complete an American Ninja Warrior style course to get to the secret ride? Those who REALLY wanted in to the ride would eventually get in. Or just pay $10.

    Let me tell you, I'd give MAD props to people who ran the course. I also would not look down on those who paid.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • This is what you are not understanding. There is a choice here. If you want to beat the game you have to either pay additional money or spend a ton of time grinding/leveling. That is not skill.

    If it was a game of skill I should theoretically be able to complete the entire game in one play straight through without grinding or paying extra money. My skills will be so great that I will beat every bad guy without being hit. Is that possible? No, it is not possible. Because it's a trap.
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