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"Watchmen" Coming 2009



  • edited July 2008
    Better Quality link. The only HD quality one I saw is at Apples site(not this link).

    Watchmen Trailer

    Post edited by mkg12 on
  • Seven times in a row, I watched that bitch. NICE.
  • I watched it twice, then showed it to my dad who is in the process of reading it, then watched it again.
  • edited July 2008

    I can't say anything about 300, as I haven't seen it, but I think the slow motion (if it's used in the movie and not just the trailer) will probably work for Watchmen. One of my chief concerns about the movie up to now has been that one can't really linger very long on any one image before moving onto the next one, as you can with the comic. Slow motion isn't perfect (no movie technique can be for that sort of thing), but it does let one appreciate the best images for just a savory bit longer, which is great.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • I was at that midnight showing of Dark Knight! Not only was it worth it to see the trailer of Watchmen but that movie kicked 10 kinds of ass. ^ ^. Now I am on a quest for the book, and anything I can consume for Watchmen.
  • I already saw this trailer. In fact...

    I did it thirty-five minutes ago.
  • I was at the midnight screening for the Dark Knight at my local theater, and for some reason they didn't play this trailer. I was disappointed, i kinda wanted to see it on the big screen. Oh well... Apple Trailers, you're always there for me.
  • I did it thirty-five minutes ago.
    That's about how long it took to wade through all the trailers before The Dark Knight finally started. What? Only NINE TRAILERS? What a rip-off. I want my money's worth.
  • @Eryn

    Yay! Another Multiplex reader. ^_^ I'm waiting to watch the trailer on the big screen. I'm too lazy to click a link. :P
  • Yeah, I had to go to the 12:10 showing of the Dark Knight. I was like watchman awesome.. clapping.. and then noticing nobody else was doing it. Though being forced to watch the trailer for that damn swing vote again made me want to vomit.
  • This is a bit fanboy-ish but I think it's better in the comic when Rorschach says 'The politicians and the prostitutes' not 'the world' because it gives a more definite feeling of corruption.

    Nevertheless Zack is doing a good job at keeping the movie badass and faithful.
  • This is a bit fanboy-ish but I think it's better in the comic when Rorschach says 'The politicians and the prostitutes' not 'the world' because it gives a more definite feeling of corruption.
    I don't believe you can say "prostitutes" in a green band trailer. I'm certain the actual line will be in the film.
  • I'll see this for 2 reasons:

    1 - My brother works at the movies so I get in free.
    2 - David Hatyer (aka Solid Snake) wrote it
  • I'll see this for 2 reasons:

    1 - My brother works at the movies so I get in free.
    2 - David Hatyer (aka Solid Snake) wrote it
    I take it you haven't read the comic...
  • 1 - My brother works at the movies so I get in free.
    2 - David Hatyer (aka Solid Snake) wrote it
    Those are really your best reasons?
  • Anyone have thoughts on the updated movie website? I squealed to myself when I saw that gotdamn blimp/airship flying overhead on the main page. :3
  • I'll see this for 2 reasons:

    1 - My brother works at the movies so I get in free.
    2 - David Hatyer (aka Solid Snake) wrote it
    Are you being serious?
  • I hope the movie will NEVER COMPROMISE.
  • I saw the trailer on the big screen today. Awesome. I'm really excited for the movie. Just seeing Dr. Manhattan, especially on Mars got me super excited. I really hope they do the graphic novel justice.
  • Talking about the trailer, after Dark Knight, with my friend who hasn't read it. I've realized that the trailer I think is really geared more to those of us who have read it already, and not those people who don't know about it.
  • I hope the movie will NEVER COMPROMISE.
  • I...have no words for this awesome. That trailer
  • After watching the incredible trailer, I have five words to say to the people associated with the movie:

    Please. Don't. Fuck. This. Up.
  • It seems a lot of people expect so much from this film that there is no way it can live up to the expectations. This is just silly - if you like the graphic novel SO MUCH, just read the graphic novel. The movie, even if it attempts to stay as true to the graphic novel as possible, will still be its own and different thing. Go into it with fresh eyes and enjoy whatever there is to be enjoyed and lament what is lamentable, but stop trying to make it what it will never be - the graphic novel.
  • It seems a lot of people expect so much from this film that there is no way it can live up to the expectations. This is just silly - if you like the graphic novel SO MUCH, just read the graphic novel. The movie, even if it attempts to stay as true to the graphic novel as possible, will still be its own and different thing. Go into it with fresh eyes and enjoy whatever there is to be enjoyed and lament what is lamentable, but stop trying to make it what it will never be - the graphic novel.
    Not sure if this was directed at me specifically, but I'll assume so since my comment directly preceded yours. Sorry if I came across a little fanboy-ish, but the trailer did what it set out to accomplish: raise expectations, especially in the sense that Zack Snyder really might treat the source material seriously, not just as "just another superhero movie".

    I understand what you're saying about overly high expectations and not accepting the work as is when it fails to meet those expectations, and to some extent I agree. If Snyder's movie ends up being an honest effort at capturing the essence of the graphic novel, I think he should be commended even if it falls a little short. But if it ends up being just an exploitation of The Watchmen for the sole purpose of raking in some fanboy bucks (i.e., "fucking it up"), I don't think you could fault people for being a little disappointed.

    As you say, we'll always have the graphic novel. But I'm hoping that the movie will show people why we love the graphic novel and give it such acclaim, not give them more fodder for saying graphic storytelling is just "kids' (or nerds') stuff".
  • Now that is an awesome trailer!

    Did anyone else notice that in the bit where Rorschach says, "and I'll whisper, no" his mask was slowly changing?
  • What I just found out that amused me, the actor playing Rorschach is Jackie Earl Haley. I was looking at his filmography and realized he was the hippie guy who won the big $10,000 check in Semi-Pro and also the older punk kid from The Bad New Bears. That's quite a range of acting. XD
    Did anyone else notice that in the bit where Rorschach says, "and I'll whisper, no" his mask was slowly changing?
    Yes. It was a very cool part in the trailer. Almost as cool as seeing Dr. Manhattan in the many various scenes.
  • Almost as cool as seeing Dr. Manhattan in the many various scenes.
    I wish they would've skipped the roids. Otherwise, pretty solid-looking all around.
  • wish they would've skipped the roids. Otherwise, pretty solid-looking all around.
    I can kinda see what you're talking about, however I didn't think it was that bad.
  • Very cool movie posters. This movie looks like it's going to be good, if these posters are any indication.
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