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"Watchmen" Coming 2009



  • Sally Jupiter looks really good, also after watching the trailer I will say that I was hoping for Dr. Manhattan pseudo-spaceship to a lot bigger.
  • The Rorschach poster is now my desktop background. Now if only I could figure out how to have two different pictures as my background without editing the pictures together...
  • Has anyone seen the animated digital comic of Watchmen? So far the first issue is available on iTunes, and it's free. If you haven't read Watchmen, and want to know if you would like it or not, I would suggest giving this a download and giving it a go.
    It's also pretty cool even if you've read the comic already, although the voices (er... i mean voice) are a little lacking. You'll definitely notice when Sally Jupiter starts speaking.
  • I've been watching this trailer on and off, and I think it looks a bit too slick for my tastes, but it has a good chance of staying AT LEAST faithful to the comic's plot. And for that, I would watch this movie. It even has the old guy and the black kid at the news stand too.
  • Very cool movie posters.This movie looks like it's going to be good, if these posters are any indication.
    I like the quotes on each of the posters for each character, especially Rorschach's.
  • One of the other nine trailers I saw before The Dark Knight was for Frank Miller's adaptation of The Spirit. I thought it looked pretty slick, and the music (Choke by Hybrid) drew me in. Plus, it gave me a noir superhero obsessed with women and not wearing tights, so I got all excited that this flick might deviate from the norms enough to be really interesting.

    The problem is that when I went looking for the source material -- Will Eisner's comics starting in the 40s and the 80s follow-ups -- they were nothing at all what I was led to believe they were by the Miller trailer. Frankly, they were boring as hell and had real dialog problems.

    So here I am, wondering what real comic fans think of the upcoming film. I'm generally excited to see it, with an exception: I'm sick of Samuel L. Motherfucking Jackson. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Sam, can you be any more wooden? Can you hone in one more time on the geek cash cow?

    Teaser (The rooftop choreography had me at hello):

  • I've been watching this trailer on and off, and I think it looks a bit too slick for my tastes, but it has a good chance of staying AT LEAST faithful to the comic's plot.
    I actually kind of like that they made it look the way it does. I can't remember who said it, but I read somewhere that where the Watchmen comic's visual style was trying to mimic (and simultaneously deconstruct) the look of superhero comics of the time, the Watchmen movie is likely trying to mimic (and simultaneously deconstruct) the look of superhero movies in our modern era. One look at Nite Owl's costume seems support enough for that theory.
  • The problem is that when I went looking for the source material -- Will Eisner's comics starting in the 40s and the 80s follow-ups -- they were nothing at all what I was led to believe they were by the Miller trailer. Frankly, they were boring as hell and had real dialog problems.

    So here I am, wondering what real comic fans think of the upcoming film. I'm generally excited to see it, with an exception: I'm sick of Samuel L. Motherfucking Jackson. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Sam, can you be any more wooden? Can you hone in one more time on the geek cash cow?
    General consensus from comic fans: absolutely NOTHING like the original source material (or even the recent Spirit comics revival by Darwyn Cooke), and pretty much just Frank Miller milking the Sin City cow again. If it wasn't for the red tie and suit and the fact that it isn't in black and white, you'd think it was Sin City 2. Plus Samuel L. Jackson drops a toilet on the Spirit's head while they have a slapstick fight in mud.
  • When I made my last post, I had only seen the trailer. The trailer looks like an X-Men clone to those who do not know better. I had never even heard of Watchmen prior. Now that I know about it, and am half way through the novel, I am quite excited. I am not one for graphic novels, but this one compells me.
  • I'm pretty sure they'll just pay off Fox as well.
  • I was discussing this with some friends the other night, and we agreed that the movie will either be a complete let-down, or *just barely* meet fans' expectations. The general consensus that night was that Zach Snyder couldn't possibly do the book complete justice.

    Although, Aronofsky could have, which is why I still wish he was picked as the director.
  • No one could possibly do the book complete justice.
  • I am an insane fan of the comic but it is futile to expect the movie to live up to the comic. All the same, I've been freaking out about the film ever since I heard they were making it and almost jumped out of my skin when I saw the trailer. I'm just going to enjoy it same way I enjoyed V For Vendetta: I consider it an interpretation, not an adaptation.
  • History repeats itself... super hero suit with nipples.


    Ozymandias, btw.
  • Oh my god...Its coming...
    Oh mans! This is going to be teh awesome!!
    Cool person alert!
  • I was leaving the cinema after watching Wall-E (it finally was released here in Australia) when I walked pasted the massive trailer screen. The trailer for Watchmen was playing (I had seen it before) and I stopped and watched it, a lot of other people did so as well. When it ended and the title came up,there was complete silence apart from like 40 wispers of "Watchmen" coming out of the audience. The vibe was incredible. Just hope the film will be also.
  • Has anyone heard any new news about the Fox lawsuit? Is the movie still coming out next year?
  • I hate Fox for doing this, and there is a very good chance that the movie will be delayed.
  • edited September 2008
    I hate Fox for doing this, and there is a very good chance that the movie will be delayed.
    I somehow doubt that. There is no way that Fox just suddenly became aware of this movie in February. If they were really serious about stopping the movie, they would have filed this lawsuit well before shooting ended; they might have even filed it before shooting began. You only pull BS like this when you want a payoff. If I were WB I would counter-sue, citing attempted extortion.

    Edit: Of course, I say all this with my fingers crossed since that weekend will contain my 25th birthday, and killing the movie would fuck up my plans.
    Post edited by misakyra on
  • A new trailer has made its way onto the intertron.
    I couldn't figure out how to embed it, so here's a Link.
  • edited November 2008
    A new trailer has made its way onto the intertron.
    Wait, so are they actually calling masked vigilantes "watchmen" in the movie? That's sorta lame. Kinda removes the whole "higher meaning" of the title.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I'm guessing the reasoning behind the decision is so that the title will make more sense to the average movie-goer. Still doesn't sit well with me, but I can live with it.
  • edited November 2008
    Rorschach's voice is really annoying, it's going to bug the hell out of me. It's sounds like he's trying to do the whole Christian Bale batman voice, but just can't quite get there.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I didn't mind Rorschach's voice at all, as it was very much like what I imagined his voice to be. Maybe a little less gravelly. The one I didn't like was Dr. Manhattan's - I always pictured him as having a big, slow, ponderous voice. Not quite James Earl Jones, a little higher, but similar.
  • Wait, so are they actually calling masked vigilantes "watchmen" in the movie? That's sorta lame. Kinda removes the whole "higher meaning" of the title.
    They used costumed adventurers closer to the beginning of the trailer.
  • Why did they turn Ozy’s costume all black? It removes his entire theme. Also, he looks more like a villain now. I liked how Ozymandias stood out from the rest of the heroes as a shining perfect man that even appeared more radiant then the others (with the exception of Jon of course). He didn’t hide in the shadows; he was a public figure and he looked the part. Now he appears dark and brooding like a normal hero. Out of all the characters I think this role was the most important to visually get correct. This deeply disappoints me.
    The one I didn't like was Dr. Manhattan's
    Seconded, though I guess it makes sense that as an all powerful being he would be able to make his voice just as it was before his transformation. This will defiantly take away from any speech he gives about the nature of life and the cosmos. My hopes for this movie are rapidly degrading with this new trailer.
  • I agree, Rhino. Now Dr. Manhattan sounds like his name should be Dr. Melvin.
  • Is Rorschach suppose to be that short? I mean on the comic he was short but he wore shoes that made him look taller.
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