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Parallel Dimensions

edited July 2008 in Everything Else
What do you guys think of the idea of infinite parallel universes? I think that I is a definite possibility considering M-theory, Quantum physics, etc.


  • String Theory certainly has a good sporting chance. Though, why does it matter?
  • There is no current way of knowing; it isn't science. The same goes with string theory, which is why it isn't accepted. There is no empirical evidence for either proposition.
  • I'd like to think there are parallel universes. It sure would be interesting to meet different versions of me or visit universes where humans are far more technologically advanced.
  • edited July 2008
    I'd like to think there are parallel universes. It sure would be interesting to meet different versions of me or visit universes where humans are far more technologically advanced.
    If there were parallel universes, I doubt many of them have life. Even the chances that you'd meet anything even remotely like yourself are very slim. Sorry.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • String Theory certainly has a good sporting chance. Though, why does it matter?
  • edited July 2008
    If there were parallel universes, I doubt many of them havelife.Even the chancesthat you'd meet anything even remotely like yourself are very slim. Sorry.
    However, if you think of the theory that every time a decision can be made, the universe splits off a parallel one for each of the different choices, according to that there are a hojillion slightly different Sonics somewhere out there.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • That's the type of time line theory I personally subscribe to. Unfortunately, it also means time travel would be (as far as we know) impossible.
  • That's the type of time line theory I personally subscribe to. Unfortunately, it also means time travel would be (as far as we know) impossible.
    Not true, time travel would still be possible. Anything that you do to change the past would just make another split in the universe, therefore not affecting your future. Killing your dad won't make you dissapear, it would just make you not be born in that particular alternate dimension.
  • What I mean by impossible is that the time machine would have to be able to detect each and every change and be able to keep a lock on the time line you came from (if you intend to go back, that is).
  • edited July 2008
    I'd like to think there are parallel universes. It sure would be interesting to meet different versions of me or visit universes where humans are far more technologically advanced.
    I'd like to think that fairies will fly out of my father's garden and whisk me away to Fey where I will live out incredible adventures, but as I am not five, I attempt not allow my whims and wishes to dictate my views of science and the universe at large.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Haha, Kate, the boys have gotten to you. He said he'd "like" to and that it would be interesting.
  • Nah, I am just really bitter about the "no fairies" thing. ^_^
  • .....
    ......... too. Sorta a lot.
  • Do you think there is some sort of parallel universe in which Scott is really empathetic and very concerned about the well-being of other people?
  • Do you think there is some sort of parallel universe in which Scott is really empathetic and very concerned about the well-being of other people?
    No, that would instantly rip the fabric of reality into tiny shreds and take all of the parallel dimensions with it.
  • edited July 2008
    A kind and caring Scott? just goes against the fundamental rules of nature!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • A kind and caring Scott? just goes against the fundamental rules of nature!
    In the parallel universe (if it is a universe of true opposites) the Dali Lama would be Scott and Scott would be the Dali Lama... thus balance could be achieved... I guess?
  • Do you think there is some sort of parallel universe in which Scott is really empathetic and very concerned about the well-being of other people?
    No, that would instantly rip the fabric of reality into tiny shreds and take all of the parallel dimensions with it.
    Wouldn't that only happen if they met?

    Say . . . that gives me a good idea for a slashfic . . .
  • Wouldn't that only happen if they met? Say . . . that gives me a good idea for a slashfic . . .
    Heavens to Murgatroid, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! We will have no CallousScott and SympatheticScott naked action. I forbid!

    ....actually, I can see him meeting his kind version as being the ultimate perfect romance for him. Someone who shares his interests! Someone he can talk to! But unfortunately, he would make nice Scott cry all the time.

    Empathy Scott: "You know those poor puppies at the shelter? Let's try to find homes for them!"
    Real Scott: "Meh. I'm busy. Besides, animals are boring and I don't care. Whatever."
    Empathy Scott: *Sniff* Darling, why are you always so MEAN?
  • Heavens to Murgatroid, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! We will have no CallousScott and SympatheticScott naked action. I forbid!
    But...but...think of the possibilities!
  • edited July 2008
    Emily..... WHY?????????! You have brought an abomination into the world. Be it on your head!
    Heavens to Murgatroid, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! We will have no CallousScott and SympatheticScott naked action. I forbid!
    But...but...think of the possibilities!
    I would really rather not, but now it is all I see!
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited July 2008
    Empathy Scott: "It's such a nice day out today. Let's walk to the shelter and then volunteer at the soup kitchen."
    Real Scott: "Meh. Poor people are lazy. I'm gonna stay here because I have too much media to consume."
    Empathy Scott: " . . . But . . . But, isn't that a little selfish, dear heart?"
    Real Scott: "Meh."
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Emily..... WHY?????????! You have brought an abomination into the world. Be it on your head!
    It was Joe! Joe did it! This time the doppelganger love is not my fault!
  • I don't think Scott doesn't care. I think he just doesn't make excuses for the way things are. That's often misinterpreted as a lack of empathy when in fact it's merely single-minded pragmatism.
  • Then they opened a doorway into a parallel universe where there existed a bodybuilder Scott . . .
  • edited July 2008
    Empathy Scott: Darling, hold me! That was the most beautiful 23 seconds of my life and I want to waste the rest of the day here in your arms.
    Real Scott: What? Why? We're done here.
    Empathy Scott: But, my love, I want to hold you and be held by you to continue and deepen our intimacy.
    Real Scott: What is with you and touching?! We've done what we were going to do, and I need to get back to my consumption of media. We've touched, you know what I feel like, I know what you feel like, so what else do you need here.
    Empathy Scott: (Now, with tears in his eyes.) Is that all you want from me? Is this all I am to you? You really are incapable of any real feeling!
    Real Scott: See, this is what I am talking about, I already "felt" you. Why do I need to feel you again?
    Empathy Scott: (Attempts to hold back his tears until he is alone in the shower, where his heartbreaking sobs are muffled from his uncaring partner).
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Empathy Scott: Darling, hold me! That was the most beautiful 23 seconds of my life and I want to waste the rest of the day here in your arms.
    Real Scott: What? Why? We're done here.
    Empathy Scott: But, my love, I want to hold you and be held by you to continue and deepen our intimacy.
    Real Scott: What is with you and touching?! We've done what we were going to do, and I need to get back to my consumption of media. We've touched, you know what I feel like, I know what you feel like, so what else do you need here.
    Empathy Scott: (Now, with tears in his eyes.) Is that all you want from me? Is this all I am to you? You really are incapable of any real feeling!
    Real Scott: See, this is what I am talking about, I already "felt" you. Why do I need to feel you again?
    Empathy Scott: (Attempts to hold back his tears until he is alone in the shower, where his heartbreaking sobs are muffled from his uncaring partner).
    Kate? Can I go and wash my brain now?
  • edited July 2008
    Heard from Scott's shower: "I wish you cared about me half as much as you care about your precious Atomic Robo!"

    Scott from the Bodybuilder Universe: "Uh, hey. Is someone in the shower? How you doin'?"
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • You've all thought about this way too much.

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