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Parallel Dimensions



  • There would also be infinite different Scryms. Again, think of the possibili
    I think my brain just oozed out of my ear.
  • Empathy Scott: Darling, hold me! That was the most beautiful 23 seconds of my life and I want to waste the rest of the day here in your arms.
    Real Scott: What? Why? We're done here.
    Empathy Scott: But, my love, I want to hold you and be held by you to continue and deepen our intimacy.
    Real Scott: What is with you and touching?! We've done what we were going to do, and I need to get back to my consumption of media. We've touched, you know what I feel like, I know what you feel like, so what else do you need here.
    Empathy Scott: (Now, with tears in his eyes.) Is that all you want from me? Is this all I am to you? You really are incapable of any real feeling!
    Real Scott: See, this is what I am talking about, I already "felt" you. Why do I need to feel you again?
    Empathy Scott: (Attempts to hold back his tears until he is alone in the shower, where his heartbreaking sobs are muffled from his uncaring partner).
    Viga needs to get in on this with some illustrations, like, now.
  • edited July 2008
    I have never before written even a sentence of slash anything.... WTF have I come to?

    Kate? Can I go and wash my brain now?
    You could, but EmpathyScott is in the shower at the moment; you need to wait your turn. ^_~
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I have never before written even a sentence of slash anything.... WTF have I come to?
    I'll bet you've thought plenty of slash scenarios, though.
  • I have never before written even a sentence of slash anything.... WTF have I come to?
    I'll bet you'vethoughtplenty of slash scenarios, though.
    Actually, no. I just have a quick imagination. Unfortunately.
  • And what an entertaining imagination it is too. I would love to produce something similar for me and my parallel selves, but we'd probably end up in some sort of fight to the death.

    There can be only one...
  • edited July 2008
    Ah, and so we get back to "what would you do if you met your doppelganger" moments. Ah, the memories.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited July 2008
    Real Scott: What is with you and touching?!
    Man,I wish was drinking coke right now so I could spit it out in laughter. I've captured the moment.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Empathy Scott: Darling, hold me! That was the most beautiful 23 seconds of my life and I want to waste the rest of the day here in your arms.
    Real Scott: What? Why? We're done here.
    Empathy Scott: But, my love, I want to hold you and be held by you to continue and deepen our intimacy.
    Real Scott: What is with you and touching?! We've done what we were going to do, and I need to get back to my consumption of media. We've touched, you know what I feel like, I know what you feel like, so what else do you need here.
    Empathy Scott: (Now, with tears in his eyes.) Is that all you want from me? Is this all I am to you? You really are incapable of any real feeling!
    Real Scott: See, this is what I am talking about, I already "felt" you. Why do I need to feel you again?
    Empathy Scott: (Attempts to hold back his tears until he is alone in the shower, where his heartbreaking sobs are muffled from his uncaring partner).
    Kate? Can I go and wash my brain now?
    Get yer Brain Bleach® 'ere! Only 20 bucks a liter while in stocks, get yer Brain Bleach® 'ere!
  • Ah, and so we get back to "what would you do if you met your doppelganger" moments. Ah, the memories.
    By the way, that Doppleganger audio drama you did was awesome.
  • I believe I stated before what I would do if I met doppelgangers of myself.


    The Grand Timeline Legions of Katsu.

  • But you then have to take into account that two people times infinity would overpower you, then you get into the whole different sizes of infinity thing and your head starts to hurt.
  • edited July 2008
    But you then have to take into account that two people times infinity would overpower you
    No, that's not true.
    For example, you can draw a one-to-one correspondence between positive integers, and positive even integers:-
    1 <-> 2
    2 <-> 4
    3 <-> 6
    then you get into the whole different sizes of infinity thing and your head starts to hurt.
    To overpower an infinity, you need to raise something else to the power of that infinity.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I did not understand that in the slightest. What area of maths should I read up on to do so?
  • edited July 2008
    For a reasonable explanation of this, go to Wikipedia's page on aleph numbers.
    If that's not good enough, you need to learn some set theory.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • The Grand Timeline Legions of Katsu.
    What do you want to bet that somewhere, in some universe there is a sweet, pacifist Katsu who would thwart your plans? As you know, in those kinds of stories the underdog usually wins.
  • The Grand Timeline Legions of Katsu.
    What do you want to bet that somewhere, in some universe there is a sweet, pacifist Katsu who would thwart your plans? As you know, in those kinds of stories the underdog usually wins.
    Are you saying that Katsu isn't sweet?! How dare you!! He is just the fluffy-wuffiest, sticky-sweetiest, cutie-pootiest guy ever! ^_^
  • The Grand Timeline Legions of Katsu.
    What do you want to bet that somewhere, in some universe there is a sweet, pacifist Katsu who would thwart your plans? As you know, in those kinds of stories the underdog usually wins.
    Are you saying that Katsu isn't sweet?! How dare you!! He is just the fluffy-wuffiest, sticky-sweetiest, cutie-pootiest guy ever! ^_^
    He does have a soft spot for cute things. Especially if they're also part machine.
  • The Grand Timeline Legions of Katsu.
    What do you want to bet that somewhere, in some universe there is a sweet, pacifist Katsu who would thwart your plans? As you know, in those kinds of stories the underdog usually wins.
    Are you saying that Katsu isn't sweet?! How dare you!! He is just the fluffy-wuffiest, sticky-sweetiest, cutie-pootiest guy ever! ^_^
    I don't even really know Katsu and that sentence made me taste vomit.
  • edited July 2008
    No, seriously Sonic, you'd get on with him well, because you both like OS tans. Katsu is the resident FRC member with mad kendo skillz and a thing for robot/computer girls. It's HIS fault I started anthropomorphizing everything from the toaster to the iphone into a cute anime girl, and his influence has gotten me addicted to shows like Lucky Star and Bamboo Blade.
    He does have a soft spot for cute things. Especially if they're also part machine.
    See, there is the dichotomy of Katsu. A cute moe girl who stands for a WMD. He's part cuddly-fluffy and part crazy-ass warrior.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited July 2008
    No, seriously Sonic, you'd get on with him well, because you both like OS tans. Katsu is the resident FRC member with mad kendo skillz and a thing for robot/computer girls. It's HIS fault I started anthropomorphizing everything from the toaster to the iphone into a cute anime girl, and his influence has gotten me addicted to shows like Lucky Star and Bamboo Blade.
    He does have a soft spot for cute things. Especially if they're also part machine.
    Guess he has a soft spot for Eve from Apple Geeks then?'
    He's part cuddly-fluffy and part crazy-ass warrior.
    My family describes me similarly. "He's got a heavy hand but wouldn't hurt a fly."
    A blatant exaggeration; that fly totally had it coming.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • A cute moe girl who stands for a WMD.
    Case in point:


    An eldritch horror is fine too.
  • edited July 2008
    Those airplane-tans are interesting, especially the mid-air swordfight.
    My personal favorite, however, is 2k-tan.
    Also, what does that folder say?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited July 2008
    Secret Folder (H)
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • And yet somehow I knew...
  • ScottSlash, eh? I think we've converted another one to The Cause. :)
  • It's HIS fault I started anthropomorphizing everything from the toaster to the iphone into a cute anime girl
    Toaster-tan... I knew a girl who would SQUEEEEE and go crazy whenever you talked about toasters. Sure, it was merely a running gag, but I don't know how safe the world will be if she ever sees that image. On that note, may we see those appliance-tans of yours Emily?

    I agree with Sonic that the sword fight image is awesome, needs prettier art though. As for OS-tans, bah I say, bah I say to all of them. The only OS-tan I've seen art from that I like was 98 iirc. And iPod.
  • Which one? 98-tan or 98SE-tan?
  • You know, I find it quite amusing that a discussion on parallel dimensions morphs this easily into a discussion on alternate-self slash fiction. I supposed it's to be expected. Go, Internet!
  • image
    Note the Wings. Old School, Baby!
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