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The Great Penis Flamewar (Funny stories about getting laid?)

edited August 2008 in Everything Else
Since I opened the can of worms, I might as well start.

For many weeks my partner and I had the weird coincidence that we got both phone calls when things were getting fun, it happened every time, and it was either back to back or at the same time. Now we turn off our cellphones.

Well, it's not really funny, but slightly amusing. XD


  • Ouch, that ruins the mood.
  • I remember when an ex and I broke up...

    It was a few months later, and both of us were still single. We had been talking on the phone that week, and she mentioned the possibility of "friends with benefits." We were both single, had had sex with each other, and enjoyed it, so I was open to the idea.

    About a week later, it just so happened that we were going shopping for Christmas presents. On our way to the store, my dad called, telling me to vacuum since he wasn't home. He apparently wanted it done before he got back. I apologized to Nicole (my ex), and we made a stop at my house.

    As I was vacuuming, she was amusing herself by playing with my laptop (I believe it was Star Control II). She was lying on my bed, so I stopped vacuuming, and said, super suave:

    "You know, my parents aren't home. This would be a perfect time to..."

    Warning sirens went off in my head. What the fuck did you just say!? Did you think that would work? This isn't a fucking movie, dude! I trailed off at the end of the sentence, and she looked up at me.

    She was smiling.

    The rest, as they say, is history. It amazes me to this day that I pulled that phrase off. I think it has made me a braver person, in the long run. Though our days of frolicking are over, Nicole and I are still great friends. We're both a part of my high school crew, which still makes me proud. They all (with few exceptions) went to UC Berkeley, so they're still doing "teh awesome." I'm glad to have experienced what amounts to water brotherhood, and I hope it happens again.

    Oh, and the sex was good, too.
  • This is more of an after sex story.

    I was with an ex last summer and when we first did it I found out he was uncircumcised. I never seen a guy like that before and it wasn't that good anyway.

    A day or two later I got drunk with friends and said "Hey! You ever seen an uncircumcised penis! It's a dick with a hoodie on it!" Needless to say everyone was weirded out including him.

    I really don't like guys with things like that. Kinda weirds me out.
  • edited August 2008
    Weird, I heard that the majority of men in the US are circumcised (though my source is the HHoH). It just strikes me as an odd thing to do without any reason.

    Nothing to report on my end. I'm focusing on making life not suck so badly so it's going to be a while before I get a girlfriend.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • ......
    edited August 2008
    It just strikes me as an odd thing to do without any reason.
    Agreed. Really, why would you as a man turn one of your most sensitive spots on your body into a dried up senseless ghost of what it once was? From a religious standpoint I can respect it. Even though we evolved to have the skin there in the first place, and why would you cut off something your God has made you with anyway? Is that not almost an insult?
    "Look at this God! This is what I do with the skin you gave me, I will show my rampant lust for sex with pride and there's nothing you can do to stop me!"
    I mean, seriously. At least female circumcision is not popular.
    Nothing to report on my end. I'm focusing on making life not suck so badly so it's going to be a while before I get a girlfriend.
    Same here.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Shokokatana: Well, at least you did not get caught. I have, unfortunately, caught my parental units taking the horse out of the trail, if you know what I mean. Made an interesting dinner conversation.
  • jccjcc
    edited August 2008
    I am a bear. Please do not feed me.
    It just strikes me as an odd thing to do without any reason.
    Agreed. Really, why would you as a man turn one of your most sensitive spots on your body into a dried up senseless ghost of what it once was?
    At one time it was fashionable among the medical community in the US to believe that circumcision prevented certain diseases (penile cancer, a few others) and was more hygienic than leaving things alone. I see it as being similar to how it used to be fashionable to remove any organ with no obviously essential application if it seemed like a potential source of disease, like how people used to do "preventative" tonsillectomies. It was just part of the package of being an enlightened modern man. :-P

    This is no longer the case among the large pediatric groups, but individual doctors are still known to advocate circumcision, and in general it's passed into the popular consciousness as a non-religious custom. Fathers will have their boys circumcised simply because they themselves were circumcised, and everyone they know is circumcised.
    Post edited by jcc on
  • edited August 2008
    There are most certainly some benefits to circumcision:
    1) Circumcised men are 20 times less likely to get penile cancer.
    2) The Human Papilloma Virus thrives under and on the foreskin from where it can be transmitted during intercourse. Women are 5 times less like to get HPV from a circumcised man. The same is true for chlamydia.
    3) Circumcised men are less likely to contract the HIV virus. (About three times less likely.)
    4) Lots of people prefer the appearance of their penis after circumcision
    5) Circumcision makes urinary tract infections 10 times less likely in infants.
    6) Eliminates the risk of phimosis, which occurs in 1 in 10 adults.
    7) Reduces the likelihood of inflammation or penile infection by 300%.
    8) Uncircumcised men have 1.5-2 times the likelihood of contracting prostate cancer.
    9) Most studies show that there is no significant difference in sensitivity or sexual gratification.

    Now... whether or not the procedure (and its attendant risks) is worth these benefits is a matter subject to legitimate debate. But to say that there are no benefits is absolutely not true.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • edited August 2008
    Source? Just out of interest.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Really, why would you as a man turn one of your most sensitive spots on your body into a dried up senseless ghost of what it once was?
    Um, because you don't make that decision yourself...Usually it's done as a baby, decided on by your parents.
    Plus all of kilarney's reasons.

  • 4) Lots of people prefer the appearance of their penis after circumcision
    Source? Just out of interest.
    I can be a source on how ugly they are and not as pleasurable.
  • edited August 2008
    4) Lots of people prefer the appearance of their penis after circumcision
    What happens to the other people?
    @Viga: If my girlfriend asked me to get circumcised I would become highly suspicious.

    I suppose in a situation of health benefits or social acceptance, at least in this case, the latter would be a more apparent problem.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • ......
    edited August 2008
    [Fact list]
    1) Source, 2) Were the uncircumcised men in these tests tested for genetical higher chances of getting any of the diseases, 3) Did the uncircumcised men actually wash their dicks? And point 4 is bullshit, you can pull your foreskin back and VOILA! Instant-circumcised looks, bonus a thicker ring at the bottom of the head for extra stimulation of the female. And seriously, who's that narcissistic that they prefer to go through circumcision, just so they can stare at their skin-less dick without having to pull at it?
    At one time it was fashionable among the medical community in the US to believe that circumcision prevented certain diseases (penile cancer, a few others) and was more hygienic than leaving things alone.
    This says a lot about the medical community and hygiene in the US.
    9) Most studies show that there is no significant difference in sensitivity or sexual gratification.
    You cannot tell me that it does not get less sensitive. Sure, sexual gratification may still be the same for the person (but come on, how reliable are those claims? When the body surges with hormones and release is needed, then almost anything will suffice), however, ever pulled your foreskin back at the start of the day and then go about your business? It hurts like hell, you cannot tell me that it doesn't become less sensitive over prolonged times under those circumstances.
    Post edited by ... on
  • The whole circumcised or not looking nicer or not is purely cultural, of course.


    I just typed a whole lot of stuff about my personal experiences, but reading back it seemed a bit weird so I deleted it.
  • Should we start a new thread for this?
  • I just typed a whole lot of stuff about my personal experiences, but reading back it seemed a bit weird so I deleted it.
    Awwww, would be a nice read though. But it's not on topic, so it's better you left it out.
    Should we start a new thread for this?
    I first want to get a source and read said source. If I want to discuss it more after that, I'll make a thread, if you want to continue discussing it, make a thread.
  • I just typed a whole lot of stuff about my personal experiences, but reading back it seemed a bit weird so I deleted it.
    Awwww, would be a nice read though. But it's not on topic, so it's better you left it out.
    It was partially on topic as it was stories of things happening or said when getting laid. But none were that funny.

    Moving on, I've found being well groomed in the pubic hair area creates more interest with partners than being uncircumcised.
  • jccjcc
    edited August 2008
    Post edited by jcc on
  • 4) Lots of people prefer the appearance of their penis after circumcision
    What happens to the other people?
    @Viga: If my girlfriend asked me to get circumcised I would become highly suspicious.

    I suppose in a situation of health benefits or social acceptance, at least in this case, the latter would be a more apparent problem.
    I wouldn't ask someone to do it. That's painful and hard. That's like someone asking for me to get my boobs reduced.

    Anyway I really like the guy for who he was back then. It's just that making love to him was a bit of a chore. (Especially since he liked me going down on him the most. See why I think that.)
  • That's like someone asking for me to get my boobs reduced.
    No man, ever, should ask that.
  • That's painful and hard. That's like someone asking for me to get my boobs reduced.
    Last time I heard breast reduction was not hard or painful at all.
    No man, ever, should ask that.
    AHA! A double meaning in your user name, NOW I see what you did there.
  • edited August 2008
    The source was taken from several websites, including the American Association of Pediatrics.
    However, the bulk was taken from this pamphlet. In all fairness, the Gilgal Society takes a pro-circumcision stance. Nonetheless, my checking of various claims suggested that they had merit. I didn't, however, keep a list of all of the other sites I checked.

    See, however:
    Circumcision needed as remedy for some cases of phimosis.
    Increased risk of urinary tract infection for infants.
    Protection against penile cancer.
    Reduces spread of HIV.
    Reduced risk of prostate cancer.
    Women prefer American penises more than those dirty British penises.

    The information regarding sexual pleasure is not as clear.

    I'm fairly neutral when it comes to this issue. I just had to point out that there are indeed benefits to circumcision. The question, however, is whether or not these benefits are worth the risk. Like I said earlier, reasonable minds can differ as to that.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • Some funny links you have there.

    You know what is better to stop the risk of HIV? Wear a condom.

    The last link used as a sample women from the midwestern United States. It says about 85% of men in the US are circumcised, and that about 85% of women prefer it. Great. I'm glad that has a lot of relevance here in Germany.

    I'm keeping mine, thank you.
  • edited August 2008
    Danger: Literary reference ahead.

    Arthur C. Clark predicted in his book 3001 that circumcision will go the way of the dinosaur. When Frank Poole's frozen body was reclaimed from space (remember? HAL ejected him from the ship in 2001) and reanimated in the year 3001, he had a sexual encounter soon after. The woman was happy to get it on until she saw his "self-mutilation" down under.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • edited August 2008
    Can I turn the title into, "the great penis flamewar?"
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Kilarney's no.4 Fact seems like an opinion that relates to a certain demographic, not in total. And I'd just like to say how its great that these kind of conversations can happen here without the usual accusation of perversion, lies, a game of penis, or whatever.
  • You know what is better to stop the risk of HIV? Wear a condom.
    Who ever suggested otherwise?
    The last link used as a sample women from the midwestern United States.
    It's every man's dream to meet a corn-fed woman from the midwest. Even Germans should have these dreams. I realize that was a flaw of study. However, it is certainly relevant for Americans.

    Besides... who can ignore quotes like these:
    Even when women grow up with uncircumcised fathers and brothers, or have uncircumcised sexual partners, the majority of such a group still prefer circumcised sexual partners.

    Women state a preference for circumcised penises particularly for sexual activities like fellatio, but also for intercourse, manual stimulation, and visual appeal.

    They say that this is primarily due to circumcised penises being cleaner and looking sexier.

    And don't trust the Americans. Did you know that 90% of London prostitutes prefer a circumcised penis?
    Arthur C. Clark predicted in his book3001that circumcision will go the way of the dinosaur.
    I suspect that medicine will improve to the point that circumcision's benefits will be purely aesthetic/cultural. At that point, it will go the way of the dinosaur.
  • edited August 2008
    Some funny links you have there.
    You know what is better to stop the risk of HIV? Wear a condom.
    The last link used as a sample women from the midwestern United States. It says about 85% of men in the US are circumcised, and that about 85% of women prefer it. Great. I'm glad that has a lot of relevance here in Germany.
    I'm keeping mine, thank you.
    Ditto for me, thanks - Australia's rate of circumcision is low - the uncircumcised are the majority.
    The woman was happy to get it on until she saw his "self-mutilation" down under.
    As I just pointed out, we have much less of that mutilation down under.
    Can I turn the title into, "the great penis flamewar?"
    Yes, god yes.

    And don't trust the Americans. Did you know that 90% of London prostitutesprefer a circumcised penis?
    Frankly, I trust London prostitutes even less.

    And, I think, I'm stepping out of this, but for to take the piss, from now on. Frankly, I've still got my foreskin, And while I've been with both men and women, All around the world, I've never had any complaints.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • That's painful and hard. That's like someone asking for me to get my boobs reduced.
    Last time I heard breast reduction was not hard or painful at all.
    This is fact. My sister got it done all by herself with a take home kit!
  • Arthur C. Clark predicted in his book3001that circumcision will go the way of the dinosaur. When Frank Poole's frozen body was reclaimed from space (remember? HAL ejected him from the ship in2001) and reanimated in the year 3001, he had a sexual encounter soon after. The woman was happy to get it on until she saw his "self-mutilation" down under.
    My dad thought it was odd when I kinda burst out laughing at this part.
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