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Suffice to Say

edited September 2008 in Technology
I know many of you are using Twitter, and I know many more of you are using it. Well, you may or may not have heard of is an open source micro-blogging platform. For you non-technical people, it's basically a Twitter alternative, but different. Here is an episode of the FLOSS weekly podcast that contains an interview the the creator of, so you can learn more about it.

The difference between and Twitter is the same as the difference between AIM and Jabber. With Twitter or AIM there is one server that everyone connects to. All communications go through that server. With Jabber or there are many different servers. Every group runs their own server, but you can still communicate between servers through federation.

Think about it like an office phone system. Imagine if we didn't have office phone systems. Every desk in every office would need its own phone number, and its own full connection to the phone company. That's crazy. Instead, offices have their own internal phone systems, so internal calls are handled internally. Then they just have a few lines that go to the outside world, so you can still call anybody in the world.

So even though is the biggest server, there are many others, like the TWiT Army server and the server. And even if people are on different servers, they can still follow each other. So the TwiT people are closer to each other, but they aren't walled off from the people.

Yeah, you heard right. Everybody in the pool. Well, the beta pool. The server is up and working, but it's not 100% yet. I'm still trying to get the Jabber/XMPP support to work. I'm also definitely going to change the name of it. Let's all try to come up with a better name for it. The best we could come up with was We can do better than that. So think of this server like the Death Star from Return of the Jedi. It's not complete, but it's fully operational. Just one more tool for us to build community.

Oh yeah, and because this is open source, I'm going to be modding it to all hell. An open source platform like this is going to add features very very quickly. Twitter, meanwhile, keeps having to disable features because they can't handle the load because of their busted architecture. Twitter is so done.


  • Also, another note. If anyone wants to use OpenID, I highly recommend the Verisign Personal Identity Portal. I know Verisign is evil, but they've actually made a good thing here. It's free, and it even has a handy Firefox extension. I've had nothing but good experiences with it, and it seems to be as reliable and secure as an OpenID provider can possibly be.

    Don't worry, though. OpenID is not a requirement to use It's just a supported feature. If you want, you can just make a normal username and password like any other website.
  • If I sign up in the frontrowcrew laconica server can I use the same account for the Twit Army one? Or do I have to make a new account for each one?
  • edited September 2008
    If I sign up in the frontrowcrew laconica server can I use the same account for the Twit Army one? Or do I have to make a new account for each one?
    There's no reason to have an account on both. You have an account on whichever one you like more. If you pick, you can still follow people on TWiT Army, and if you pick TWiT Army, you can follow people on frontrowcrew. That's the beauty of it. The same goes for, or any other compatible microblogging service, of which there are sure to be many.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I signed up on Front Row Crew. It feels exactly like twitter. It's pretty cool so far and was able to subscribe to Mr Laporte's blog. Only none of his posts are showing up on my end. I'm not sure what I did wrong.
  • I signed up on Front Row Crew. It feels exactly like twitter. It's pretty cool so far and was able to subscribe to Mr Laporte's blog. Only none of his posts are showing up on my end. I'm not sure what I did wrong.
    It's working, he just hasn't made any posts in hours.
  • I also signed up. I never got on the Twitter boat, but I decided I might as well try this one.
  • I've kind of got the same problem with this service as I have with Jabber/ XMPP. Though I love the idea of Jabber/ XMPP none of my friends use it, so it's ultimately useless. Luckily transfers solved that problem for me.
  • I've kind of got the same problem with this service as I have with Jabber/ XMPP. Though I love the idea of Jabber/ XMPP none of my friends use it, so it's ultimately useless. Luckily transfers solved that problem for me.
    Way back around 2002, I had the same problem. Only one person I knew used Jabber. Everyone else used AIM. But I decided to use Jabber for that one person. Over time, Jabber eventually won. Now all the FRC is Jabber/GTalked up.

    I expect the same thing to happen as will replace Twitter. At first most people won't switch because they don't see the difference. To them, it's just chatting. But eventually, because is open, people who do use it will build things on top of it. Slowly it will win. It will win more quickly if more people jump to it. Leo Laporte helped a lot by setting up a server, so I'll do the same.
  • edited September 2008
    Never matter..
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • edited September 2008
    Would it be possible to make it use your avatar from the forums?

    Are you going to put up a link somewhere?
    I know many of you are using Twitter, and I know many more of you are using it.
    Post edited by Starfox on
  • I'll give it a go, doesn't look too bad so far.
  • I also signed up. I never got on the Twitter boat, but I decided I might as well try this one.
    It's actually not blocked at work. We'll see how long that lasts.
  • How about to sound erudite, to sound even more so, to be ironic, to keep the pool analogy?
  • Symposium?


    I also like hottub.
  • How about

    brevis.frontrowcrew.comto sound erudite,

    hoi-polloi.frontrowcrew.comto sound even more so,

    tldr.frontrowcrew.comto be ironic,

    hottub.frontrowcrew.comto keep the pool analogy?
    I don't think any of these are surefire winners, but they're better than anything anyone has come up with so far.
  • edited September 2008
    Kind of ironic, but how about: (as in the Latin word "I speak, I say") (as in the Ancient Greek word for "wisdom")

    I could come up with many more Latin/ Ancient Greek "puns", since I'm just doing my homework for both courses. ^^
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • Since it's a community site, the name should speak to the entire community, just like how TWiT Army speaks to the TWiT community.
  • So we should use an English word?
  • edited September 2008

    Overall, I like all of luke's submissions.

    Edit: ^_~
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • sufficetosay could actually work. You people know that if I change the URL, you will have to re-subscribe to people who are on other laconica servers, right? It is beta, still, so be prepared for shit to break and such. I promise it will be awesome in good time.
  • I may switch from twitter when it's awesome. ^^
  • I may switch from twitter when it's awesome. ^^
    The more people who switch sooner and suffer, the sooner it becomes awesome. This is the underlying principle of open source. Even complaining helps. I don't use all the features, so the more people who complain about what parts are broken and what features need to be added, the better. Also, the more people who use something, the more the developer feels as if those people are depending on them to get it done.
    This one is awesome. Though I also like makushimirian's ideas.
    Would this even work? It looks to me like such a thing would be too long. Though awesome. :D
    This one is awesome. Though I also like makushimirian's ideas.
    I think this is the first time anyone has ever agreed with me! ^^
  • I'm feeling pretty strongly about the sufficetosay. If nobody comes up with anything better, we'll switch to that.
  • The only reason I've started using twitter is, that I can "tweet" effortlessly. All I have to do is hit Super+Space and start to type. I barely ever even visit the actual Twitter website.

    From what I can gather you can also add RSS feeds to Will this be possible in the future on the FRC server?
  • From what I can gather you can also add RSS feeds to Will this be possible in the future on the FRC server?
    Everything will be possible. Pretend it is
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